Poinsettia Orders Due December 14

Poinsettia Orders Due December 14

Poinsettia plants may be ordered by filling out this form and placing it on the offering plate or in the church office.  The plants will cost $6 per plant. Checks should be made out to Reformation Lutheran Church and given when you place your order.

The names of those persons ordering plants will be printed in the Christmas Eve worship folders. Plants may be taken home after the 10:00 p.m. service on Christmas Eve, or on Christmas morning following the 10 AM worship service or on Sunday, December 28 .  (The church office will be closed on Dec.25th and 26th).


Please PRINT clearly

€I/we would like to reserve_______ RED poinsettias @ $6.

I/we would like to reserve _______WHITE poinsettias @ $6.  

In memory of ______________________________

In honor of ________________________________  or  

_______“In memory of loved ones”        OR     ______ To the glory of God

I/we would like to donate my/our plant(s) to others.    Yes           No

Instead of purchasing plants, I/we would like to donate toward the trees, wreaths, etc.  $________

Your name as you wish it to appear in the bulletin
