Reformation News & Events

***Please note: The six most recent news and announcements are listed in the sidebar below to the right (under What’s New at Reformation?) and on the home page.***

Remembering All the Saints 2024

All Saints Sunday is a time when the church celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ.  So too, it is a day […]

Celebrate Our 2024 Confirmands!

On Sunday, October 20, during a special worship at 3:00 pm, four students will affirm the promises made at their baptisms during the Rite of Confirmation.  This year’s Confirmands are: […]

October Library Book Club

All are welcome to join the Church Library fall book discussion of The Women written by celebrated author Kristin Hannah via Zoom on October 15 at 7:00 pm. Mark your calendars! Contact […]

Reinhard Scholarship 2024

On October 6, the Reinhard Scholarship for seminary students will be awarded to a current student at United Lutheran Seminary. Seminarian Nicole Young will be at Reformation and will participate […]

Blessing of the Animals 2024

You and your pet are invited to a Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, October 6, at 1:00 pm. The service will be held near the gazebo. If your […]

Electronics Recycling Oct. 5

Reformation is hosting a PAR Recycle Works electronics recycling event on October 5, 2024 from 9 AM – 12 Noon. Be sure to mark your calendars.

ELCA Votes

As people of faith, we are called to use our voices for action on behalf of our neighbors, and an opportunity is coming up soon! The General Election is coming […]

September 2024 Pastor’s Blog

 If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it. – 1 Corinthians 12:26 Our Welcome Statement at Reformation was revised […]

Capital Campaign Update – BRICKS

As we prepare for the pavilion installation this fall, there are other small projects that will come alongside that work. The brick walkway will be extended to the entrance of […]

God’s Work, Our Hands 2024

This year for God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday on September 15, we are supporting Lutheran Settlement House! When families experiencing domestic violence come into emergency placement, or families experiencing homelessness […]

Fall 2024 Connection Groups

Once again this fall you can be part of a CONNECTION GROUP – a great way to renew your connection with others at Reformation. All groups will begin meeting the […]

Sunday School Resumes

Sunday School All children from birth to grade 6 are invited to join us for Sunday School. Children’s Choir is for children age 4 to grade 5. Special Sunday celebrations […]

2024-25 Program Year Theme – Beloved Community

Scripture continuously reminds us that God is love and that our call as disciples is to share that love with the world. This year’s theme, Beloved Community, is a daily […]

Rally Day is September 8

Our regular worship schedule resumes that morning with worship at 8:30 am and 11:00 am. Backpacks will also be blessed during both worship services and our Sunday School programs begin […]

2024 Underwear Collection

Reformation is once again working with the National Giving Alliance (NGA) to collect NEW underwear and socks. NGA is a grassroots charity dedicated to providing NEW toiletries, linens, and clothing […]

The Rockdale Boys in Concert!

The Rockdale Boys will be performing an outdoor Gospel Bluegrass concert at Reformation on Sunday, August 18, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. (The concert will be moved to the […]

Celebrate the End of Summer!

Join us for an end of summer campfire celebration.  On Sunday, August 25, at 7:00 pm, we’ll gather for a campfire and s’mores at the new firepit! All are welcome. […]

Reformation Named One of the ELCA’s Most Generous Congregations!

In 2023, Reformation was one of 4,200 members in the ELCA Leadership Circle that shared nearly $30 million with ELCA ministries.  Because of Reformation’s generosity, in 2023: 345 seminary students […]

Summer Blood Drive

Reformation will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, August 10 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in Creighton Hall. For more information or to  schedule an appointment, […]

July 2024 Pastor’s Blog

Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39 This month, myself and 2 other adults will take 6 youth to the ELCA Youth Gathering. Part of this trip is showing young […]

Backpack School Supply Collection 2024

From now until August 11, it’s time for the Backpack School Supply Collection!  We hope to once again be able to supply stuffed backpacks to students in the Chester and […]

June 2024 Pastor’s Blog

Let the whole creation cry, “Glory to the Lord on high!” Heav’n and earth awake and sing, “Praise to our almighty king!” Praise God, angel hosts above, ever bright and […]

Summer Intern 2024

We are thankful to have Kendyll Ward returning for her second year as summer intern here at Reformation.

Sanctuary Work Day!

Come and help us with some summer updates in the sanctuary on Saturday, June 22, at 10:30 am. There are tasks for all abilities and skill sets! The projects should be […]

Vacation Bible School 2024

This year’s VBS will be held from July 8 – 12.  Be sure to mark your calendar!  For more details, please visit or reach out to Pastor Eileen.

Pastor Alina’s Research Presentations

On Tuesdays, June 18 and 25, Pastor Alina will be leading a two-part presentation at 7:00 pm on Zoom. (This is the same two-part presentation done during the education hour […]

Garden Tool Collection

Small garden hand tools will be collected for the month of June for Lutheran Settlement House’s urban garden, including: garden shears, trowels, shovels, forks, and gloves. Return items to the […]

Upcoming PRIDE Events

On Saturday, June 1, Media hosts the Delco Pride Parade from 10:30am to 12:00 pm and Pride on State from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm. On Saturday, June 8, the […]

Car Wash June 9, 1 PM – 3 PM

On Saturday, June 9 from 1 pm – 3 pm, our Youth Group will be offering a drive-in community car wash.  Come get your car washed for $10 (and for […]

Toll the Bell: A Cry for Peace – June 7

Reformation is partnering with Penn Live Arts at the University of Pennsylvania as one of their locations for the Toll the Bell sound installation. This initiative is to bring awareness […]

Celebrate Vicar Paula!

Join us on Sunday, June 2, for a celebration as Vicar Paula concludes her time with us as our Deacon Intern.  Both services will include a blessing and sending as […]

June 2 Worship

Council Installation June 2 – The members of the 2024-2025 Congregation Council will be installed during worship on June 2.  Officers and members include the following: Debbie Conley, President; Laura […]

May 2024 Eco Tip

Are you getting ready to travel this summer and fall?  You may want to consider Ecotourism.  According to The International Ecotourism Society, Ecotourism is now defined as “responsible travel to […]

Summer Worship Schedule 2024

Please note that our summer worship schedule begins on Sunday, May 26 and will continue through Sunday, September 1.  Summer worship times are 8:30 am and 10:00 am.

Vicar’s Blog May 2024

Romans 16:1–2. The apostle Paul writes: “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. I ask you to … give her any help she […]

Pentecost Sunday May 19

Join us to celebrate Pentecost!  On May 19 we invite you to wear red to worship and visit the interactive stations around the building to celebrate the Holy Spirit!  

Trauma Informed Care Workshop

Reformation will be hosting a workshop entitled “Empathy and Relationships Pt. 1” on Saturday, May 11 starting at 9:00 am. (Part 2 will be June 15.)  Breakfast will be provided.  […]

Ascension Day Worship

Join the congregations of SEPA Synod’s Delaware Conference for Ascension Day worship on Thursday, May 9 at St. Mark Lutheran Church, Clifton Heights, at 7:00 pm.  The Rev. Britta Carlson, […]

World Labyrinth Day Celebrations

Reformation welcomes you to participate in a practice to commemorate World Labyrinth Day and be part of walking for peace around the globe at two events: Saturday, May 4 from […]

Lutheran Night at the Phillies!

Join Lutheran congregations from across the synod for Lutheran Night at the Phillies on May 31 at 6:40 PM as they take on the St. Louis Cardinals. Tickets are $28/person and […]

Mini-Masters Golf Fundraiser

This year we are excited to announce Reformation’s second mini MASTERS! In this unique event, our youth will be creating an indoor mini-golf course at Reformation. The golf event, scheduled […]

ECO Sunday 2024

Join us on Sunday, April 21, for a special Eco Sunday celebration! Every year, on the Sunday closest to Earth Day, our Eco Ministry Team hosts a special Sunday program. […]

ELCA Softball Season 2024

We will again be playing in the local co-ed, slow-pitch Church softball league. You do not have to be a member to play (friends and neighbors ages 16+ welcome) on […]

April 2024 Book Club

Calling all book lovers!  We look forward to our next Reformation Library Book Club selection, Tom Lake by noted author Ann Patchett.  We will meet on Tuesday, April 16 at […]

Beyond the Stained Glass Ceiling

Dear Reformation, It is a joy to share with you all that I have successfully defended my doctoral thesis and am preparing to graduate with my Doctor of Ministry on […]

Paper Shredding Event

Reformation’s Eco Ministry group is sponsoring a paper shredding event on Saturday, April 6 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  This event is free and open to all.  Be sure […]

Young Adults Group

On April 5 at 8:00 pm, Reformation is hosting a Young Adults group in the ROCK Room along with young adults from St. Matt’s in Springfield.  Please reach out to […]

Rose Tree Road Cleanup

Rose Tree Road Clean Up is on Saturday, April 13, from 10 – 11 am.  Come out and enjoy an hour of getting some fresh air while cleaning up our […]

Holy Week 2024

March 24  Palm Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am worship March 28  Maundy Thursday 7:30 pm worship Please join us in the lobby at 7:00 pm on Maundy Thursday for […]

Easter Egg Hunt!

Reformation will host an Easter Egg Hunt for all ages on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024 from 9:45 – 10:45 am.  Please remember to BYOB—Bring Your Own Basket!

March 2024 Pastor’s Blog

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. – Psalm 139:14 This July, Reformation will send 6 youth and 3 adults to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New […]

Lenten Care Kits 2024

Zip lock bags, with a list of personal care items are now available to fill and return.  These care kits will be distributed to Phoenix Recovery Houses and Cradles to […]

Easter Food Bag Collection 2024

The Community Action Ministry will be collecting food for distribution at Easter.  Take a bag and shopping list as you leave worship.  Filled bags must be returned to Reformation by […]

Easter Candy Collection 2024

  From March 3 through March 17, we will collect individually wrapped candy to fill Easter eggs for our Easter egg hunt on Palm Sunday.  Please contact Pastor Eileen with […]

Lent @ Reformation

Everything you need to know about Lent at Reformation in one place!

Midweek Lent Soup Supper and Evening Worship

Each Wednesday in Lent following Ash Wednesday, we invite you to gather for a soup supper and fellowship at 6:30 pm in Creighton Hall. The soup supper will be followed […]

Feb. 2024 Pastor’s Blog

The saying is sure: whoever aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble task. – 1 Timothy 3:1 Dear Reformation, In May, our synod will be electing a new […]

February 2024 Youth News

February 4 – Breakfast Club February 25 – Youth Group 12– 1:30 pm. Signup Here. Summer Camp Registration NOW OPEN!  Sign up for a week of camp this summer at […]

Mark E. Davis Scholarship 2024-2025

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark. The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year […]

Lent Connection Groups 2024

Join a connection group and get to know some other Reformation folks during Lent!

Reformation Connect!

Interested in learning more about Reformation and exploring what membership means? Join us for a session on Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall. This time will explore […]

SOUPer Bowl Sunday 2024

The Souper Bowl of Caring is coming! This year, the Souper Bowl of Caring is Sunday, February 11. This year, once again, Reformation will be collecting most needed items to […]

Ash Wednesday at Reformation

Ash Wednesday 2024 We will mark the beginning of our Lent journey on Ash Wednesday with worship at both 12 noon and 7:30 pm. Both services will include the imposition […]

February 2024 Blood Drive

Blood Drive. Reformation will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, February 3 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Just one pint of blood can save up to […]

Jan. 2024 Pastor’s Blog

When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and […]

Library Book Club News – January 2024

Who doesn’t love a great “who dunnit?” mystery to read over the holidays?  Join us on Tuesday, January 23 at 7:00pm via Zoom for a discussion of the award-winning debut […]

Celebrate RIC Sunday 2024

Both worship services on Sunday, January 28 will participate in the annual Reconciling in Christ Sunday to celebrate our commitment to welcome and affirm the LGBTQIA+ community and all God’s […]

Breakfast Food Collection

Breakfast Items Collection. During January and February, the Breakfast Club (High School) Sunday School Class is collecting non-perishable breakfast items for Caring for Friends. What is needed: • Juice box […]

Annual Meeting on January 28, 2024

Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 28 at 12:00 noon in the sanctuary.  The meeting will be live streamed but you must attend in person to have […]

Finance Forum on January 21, 2024

Treasurer Marian Filtz will hold a Finance Forum on Sunday, January 21, where she will present a detailed financial report of 2023 and the budget for 2024. This forum will […]

Constitution Forum on January 14, 2024

Pastor Alina will be leading a Constitution Forum on Sunday, January 14. This forum will be in person and on Zoom at 9:45 am. It will be recorded and shared […]

End of the Year Schedule

Sunday, December 31 – ONE Worship service at 10 am Education Hour resumes January 7, 2024 The church office will be closed on Christmas Day, December 26 and January 1. […]

Christmas Worship Schedule 2023

Please note: Except for Christmas Day, all services will be held in person and online. December 24 Fourth Sunday of Advent Worship at 10:00 am Christmas Eve Worship at 4:00, […]

Give a “Good Gift”

As you plan for the coming season of gift-giving, consider a gift of hope and love that can help make a difference in the world with ELCA GOOD GIFTS. The […]

Hanging of the Greens

Everyone is invited to help decorate the tree and hang wreaths and pine roping on Sunday, December 17, after worship. The entire family can get involved! Join us also for […]

Pastor’s Blog Dec. 2023

All ate and were filled – Mark 6:42 Dear Reformation, One thing I love about holidays is the food! I grew up in a family with a grandmother who absolutely […]

Advent Calendars & Devotions

2023 Advent calendars and devotions are available on the counter in the lobby. Visit for additional resources.

Advent Gospel Procession by Children

There will be a special opportunity for children  to be involved in worship during the season of Advent, beginning on December 3. Children will be invited to help the preacher […]

2023 Gift Giving Opportunities

It is St. Nicholas time at Reformation!  How can you participate?  Give a direct donation to any of the agencies listed, shop for gifts and bring all UNWRAPPED gifts to […]

Holiday Food Bags 2023

The Community Action Ministry is collecting bags of food, cash donations, and $40 Giant/Shop Rite gift cards to help our neighbors in need with holiday meals.  These bags will be […]

Longing for the Light

December 3 is the First Sunday in Advent.  Worship that day will include our  “Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope” liturgy which includes a Prayer Litany and, optionally, […]

Parents’ Night Out

Reformation adult and youth volunteers will offer a game night for children ages 3 – 10 on Friday, December 1 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm so parents can go […]

Faith-Life Forums

Throughout the year, during the Education hour on Sunday morning, we will offer opportunities to learn about topics at the intersection of faith and life. Our first forum will be Sunday, […]

“Easy Read” Bibles Now Available

Reformation has recently purchased two copies of “Simply the Bible—New Testament.” These bibles are large print, “easy to read” Bibles that use the Dyslexie font for struggling readers, beginning readers […]

Nov. 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Hello, Beloveds! If you’ve been in worship lately – and especially at the late service – you may have noticed a wave of baptisms! Throughout 2023, we have had a […]

Big Band From the Valley Concert

Come out to Reformation for some pretzels, beer and great music on Sunday, November 5 at 4:00 pm.  The Big Band From the Valley originated close to fifty years ago […]

CPR/AED Training at Reformation

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is an electrical malfunction in the heart that can happen anywhere and to anyone. It is the leading cause of premature death in the United States […]

All Saints Sunday is Nov. 5

We Remember All the Saints On All Saints Sunday, November 5, we remember and give thanks to God “for all the saints, who from their labors rest.”  The following members […]

Reformation Sunday is October 29

Our congregation has the name “Reformation Lutheran Church” because it was founded on Reformation Sunday, October 29, 1950.  This year, on Reformation Sunday, October 29, we will celebrate the 73rd […]

Celebrate Our 2023 Confirmands

On Sunday, October 22, during a special worship at 3:00 pm, seven students will affirm the promises made at their baptisms during the Rite of Confirmation.  This year’s Confirmands are: […]

Celebrate St. Luke 2023

On Sunday, October 15, we will commemorate St. Luke, the Evangelist, in worship.  Tradition says that Luke was a physician by profession.  As such, commemorations honoring him often include a […]

Oct. 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Much like Dorothy’s claim in The Wizard of Oz, there is truly “no place like home!” It is so good to be back at Reformation following my sabbatical. My time […]

Oct. 2023 Book Club

Great fiction can take you to some amazing places including outer space on a mission to save the Earth!  Join us for the Fall Church Library book club discussion of Project Hail […]

Trunk or Treat Oct. 29

Celebrate Halloween with Reformation! Sunday,  October 29 during Education Hour will be a Trunk or Treat event for Reformation children. Volunteers are invited to dress up, decorate your trunk, and […]

Electronics Recycling Oct. 21

Reformation and UUCDC will be hosting a PAR Recycle Works Electronics Recycling event on Saturday, October 21, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Anything with a plug can be recycled. Some […]

Shoe Collection for Sanctuary Village

Throughout October, we will be collecting gently used shoes to raise money for Sanctuary Village, a future tiny home community working to end homelessness in Philadelphia. Bring your gently used […]

Remembering All the Saints 2023

All Saints Sunday is a time when the church celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ.  So too, it is a day […]

Blessing of the Animals 2023

You and your pet are invited to a Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, October 8 at 1:00 pm.  The service will be held around the back of the […]

Reinhard Scholarship 2023

On October 8, the Reinhard Scholarship for seminary students will be awarded to a current student at United Lutheran Seminary. Seminarian Cassandra Singh-Hueter will be at Reformation and will participate […]

Rose Tree Road Fall Cleanup 2023

Can you smell fall in the air and see the leaves start to change colors?  Well then, it’s time for a clean up of Rose Tree Road!  We will meet […]

Meet Vicar Paula!

One of four siblings, I grew up in Delaware County and trained as a Civil Engineer with a focus in sustainable community development.  I’ve worked in private industry, academia and […]

Life Center Update

The meal program serving the Life Center of Eastern Delaware County at 63rd and Market St in Upper Darby continues to operate at reduced capacity.  Reformation has provided meals five […]

Reformation Connect!

Interested in learning more about Reformation and exploring what membership means? Join us for a session on Sunday, September 24, at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall. This time will explore the […]

Pastor’s Blog – Sept. 2023

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. – John 10:10b The fall is upon us and so is the kickoff of our Life Abundant Capital Campaign […]

Upcoming Youth Events

September 10 – Breakfast Club (high school) September 17 – Youth Gathering 9:45 am in the ROCK Room – informational meeting regarding the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering. September 29-30 – […]

Fall Connection Groups

Checkout our Fall 2023 Connection Group offerings!

Blood Drive – Sept. 23

Reformation is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, September 23, 2023 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. One pint of blood saves up to three lives! Anyone over […]

Memorial To The Lost

Reformation is once again hosting the Memorial to the Lost t-shirt display to bring awareness to gun violence through Heeding God’s Call. Volunteers are needed check the display regularly and […]

One World Concert

One World Concert with Sieglinde Schneider: Sunday, September 17 @ 4 PM. A free will offering will be collected. A classical music program focused on healing and equality. Featuring works […]

God’s Work, Our Hands 2023

This year for God’s Work Our Hands Sunday, the Community Action Team invites you to get involved with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services! LIRS “is the largest faith-based nonprofit dedicated […]

Rally Day 2023

Rally Day is Sunday, September 10.  Our regular worship schedule resumes that morning with worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am.  Please plan to join us as we start another great […]

Sunday School for ALL ages!

All children from birth to grade 6 are invited to join us for Sunday School. Children’s Choir is for children age 4 to grade 5. Special Sunday celebrations are for […]

Capital Campaign Preview Event

Join us on Sunday, September 10, at 4:00pm at Reformation for a Capital Campaign Preview event! This will be an opportunity to hear about the plans for our capital campaign […]

Chancel Choir Updates

Our Chancel Choir will resume rehearsals on Thursday, August 31 at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room.  All are welcome, no auditions required.  Valerie would be especially thankful for any […]

Underwear Collection 2023

Reformation is once again working with the National Giving Alliance (NGA) to collect NEW underwear and socks. NGA is a grassroots charity dedicated to providing NEW toiletries, linens, and clothing […]

August 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31) As a person who loves all things holiday and celebration related, I’m very interested in the more […]

Holiday Offering Envelopes

Did you know that our Holiday Offering envelopes help Reformation live out our generosity every day? All gifts received through any special holiday envelope or given online and designated as […]

August Finance Smart

Did you know that there is a National Nonprofit Day? That’s right! And it happens to be this month! National Nonprofit Day was declared a national holiday on August 17, […]

Eco Tip for August

As the summer comes to a close, and we have all suffered from global warming, here are some tips for a greener life style. Fashion: Go vintage Buy less Look […]

Eagle Scout Book Drive

Tyler Troutman will be hosting a book drive at Reformation from August 20 to August 27, to benefit KenCrest, a non-profit organization in Philadelphia that serves underprivileged communities. This book […]

Recycle Old Clothes

Reformation is partnering with ACR Trading, a local company that collects old clothes and shoes and recycles them. A collection bin will be placed at the west end of the […]

Celebrate Erik and Leah!

Director of Contemporary Music, Erik Flaten and his wife, Leah Golub, are expecting a baby this fall! Join us on August 13 for a chance to celebrate them and their […]

Take Me Out to the BALL-GAME!

Reformation is putting together a group to see the Wilmington Blue Rocks play Jersey Shore on Friday, August 25. Game starts at 6:35 PM and tickets are $16 each (field […]

Backpack School Supply Collection

The school supply collection has begun and will continue through August 6.  There are three ways to contribute this year: order from the online Amazon wish list, make a monetary […]

VBS 2023

This year’s Vacation Bible School will be July 10-14, from 5:30-7:30 pm.  Children Age 3 through completed Grade 5 are invited to join us. Click here for more information and […]

Library Book Club

Summer is the perfect season for reading under a tree, at the beach, or under the stars with a flashlight!  Join us for Reformation Book Club on July 11 at […]

Lunch Bunch

Our “Lunch Bunch” does more than just lunch!  They recently collected and delivered over $100 worth of toiletries to the Domestic Abuse Project in Media, PA.  This month’s lunch will […]

July 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Happy July, Beloveds! It’s been about 6 months now since we drew our “Star Words” at Epiphany to guide our faith in this new year. Little did you know, I […]

VBS Collection

For the month of June, we will be collecting full size children’s body wash and full-size children’s shampoo/conditioner. Vacation Bible School will use these to pack Bags of Hope for […]

2023-2024 Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the following students who will be presented with the Mark E. Davis Scholarship at the late service on Sunday, June 11. Rachel Bingeman – Towson University Arianna D’Italia […]

Young Adults Hike

Join us for a day of light hiking with those in their 20s and 30s! We will meet at Ridley Creek State Park (Ridley Creek Trail Entrance & Parking or […]

PRIDE Month Resources

Reformation is a Reconciling Works Church and as such we support and advocate for our LGBTQIA+ friends year round. Click the photo below for ideas of where to donate and […]

May 2023 Pastor’s Blog

God be with you till we meet again; by good counsels guide, uphold you, with a shepherd’s care enfold you; God be with you till we meet again. – God […]

Welcome 2023 Summer Interns!

Kendyll Ward (she/her) Hello Reformation! My name is Kendyll Ward and I am a current freshman at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA. I am a double major in Psychology and [...]

Summer Worship Schedule

Please note that our summer worship schedule begins on Sunday, May 28 and will continue through Sunday, September 3.  Summer worship times are 8:30 am and 10:00 am. Sunday School […]

ECO Movie Night

Come join us for Pot Luck Desserts and the movie Kiss the Ground on Friday, May 19 at 7 PM in Creighton Hall.

Ascension Day Worship

The Delaware Conference of Lutheran Churches will host their annual Ascension Day worship on Thursday, May 18, at 7:00 pm at St. Timothy’s (535 Lamp Post Lane, Aston, PA 19014). […]

Sock Collection

Reformation will once again be partnering with Alpha Delta Kappa to collect socks for the “Joy of Sox,” an organization founded 11 years ago to  collect socks for people living […]

April 2023 Youth Group

April 30 – Scavenger Hunt – 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm at Reformation Friends are always welcome! Signup here.

April 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Alleluia, Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed. Alleluia!  Dear Reformation, Spring is upon us! We begin this season of new life with the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection in Easter. As we […]

Church Softball League

We will again be playing in the local co-ed, slow-pitch Church softball league. You do not have to be a member to play (friends and neighbors ages 16+ welcome) on […]

Eco Sunday 2023

Join us on Sunday, April 23, for a special Eco Sunday celebration! Every year, on the Sunday closest to Earth Day, our Eco Ministry Team hosts a special Sunday program. […]

April 2023 Book Club

Calling all Book Lovers!  Join us for Reformation Book Club on April 25 at 7:00 pm via Zoom to discuss our next enticing selection, Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van […]

Easter + Holy Week Schedule

Please join us – ALL are welcome at Reformation! April 2  Palm Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am worship The Great and Holy Week begins with the celebration of Jesus’ […]

Spring Cleaning: March 18

Spring Cleaning!  Join us on Saturday, March 18 for some outdoor service opportunities. At 9:00 am, the Property Committee will be leading a group of volunteers to clean up the […]

Serve Our Neighbors During Lent

Easter Food Bags When the holidays approach, we think of serving our neighbors who are less fortunate.  Reformation will once again provide nonperishable grocery items and gift cards for our […]

March 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Dear Reformation, 2023 is already off to an incredible start here with so much to look forward to in the months ahead. One thing I am personally looking forward to […]

Midweek Lent Soup Supper and Evening Worship

On March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 we invite you to gather for a soup supper and fellowship at 6:30 p.m. in Creighton Hall. The soup supper will be […]

2023 Bear Creek Camp

Bear Creek Camp Sunday On Sunday, March 5, Bear Creek Camp Staff will be with us at Reformation to share upcoming summer plans and lead a special Sunday School program. […]

2023 Lent Book

Our 2023 Lent Book is Hope: A User’s Manual by MaryAnn McKibben Dana.  Copies are available at the church, as a Kindle download or from your favorite book seller.  Contact […]

Experience Lent @ Reformation

Stations in the Street Prayer Path.  Reformation’s wood chipped path will once again host Stations in the Street – an art exhibit of the stations of the cross by Scott […]

Lent 2023 at Reformation

Click here for ALL you need to know about Lent events, worship services, at-home resources and much more!

Young Adults Paint and Sip

The Young Adults group will be gathering on Saturday, March 4 at 5:00 pm for fellowship with those in their 20s and 30s.  We will meet in the ROCK Room […]

Feb. 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Where is hope alive for you this Lenten season? This is the question we are asking the congregation to ponder this Lent as a devotional practice, leaning into our 2022-2023 […]

Church Directory Updates Needed

It’s time to update our online church directory! Perhaps your contact information has changed or your kids have grown since that photo was uploaded pre-pandemic. We are hoping to get […]

Connection Group Registration is Open

Click to learn about the connection groups being offered this Lent.

Ash Wednesday 2023

Worship Services We will mark the beginning of our Lent journey on Ash Wednesday with worship at both 12 noon and 7:30 pm. Both services will include the imposition of […]

Reformation CONNECT

Anyone interested in learning more about the ministry of Reformation or becoming members of the congregation are invited to join us for Reformation Connect on Sunday, February 12, at 9:45 […]

February Youth Group

Join us on February 12, 2023 for College Care Kit Making 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm at Reformation. Lunch will be provided. Bring a friend! Signup here.  

SOUPer Bowl Sunday

The Souper Bowl of Caring is coming! This year, the Souper Bowl of Caring is Sunday, February 12. This year, once again, Reformation will be collecting most needed items to […]

Helping Hands Para Support Grants Available

Reformation has recently created the Helping Hands Para Support Fund. Grants are available to offset the cost of paraprofessionals or aids needed for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities to […]

Breakfast Items Collection

During January and February, the Breakfast Club (High School) Sunday School Class is collecting non-perishable breakfast items for Caring for Friends. What is needed: • Juice box or shelf stable […]

Red Cross Blood Drive

Donate blood.  Reformation will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, February 4 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.  For more information or to schedule an appointment, please […]

2023-2024 Davis Scholarship

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark. The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year […]

Celebrate RIC Sunday

Both worship services on Sunday, January 29 will participate in the annual Reconciling in Christ Sunday to celebrate our commitment to welcome and affirm the LGBTQIA+ community and all God’s […]

January 2023 Pastor’s Blog

“O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by; yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting […]

Annual Meeting Information

Our 2023 Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29 at 12:00 noon in the sanctuary.  The meeting will be livestreamed, but only members who are physically present may […]

Pastor Eileen’s Ordination

Pastor Eileen will be ordained into the ministry of Word and Sacrament on January 28,  at 11:00 am at Reformation. The service will be both in person and live streamed. Reception […]

January Youth Updates

January Youth Group: January 22 – Disney Virtual Escape Room and Games 7:00 PM at Reformation. Signup here. Winter Connect Weekends CONNECT is a fun-filled weekend at Bear Creek Camp […]

Library Book Club

You are invited to join our next book club meeting on January 17, 2023, at 7:00 pm. We are turning to mystery and murder with our book selection, The Lost Apothecary […]


Epiphany @ Home On January 8, Epiphany @ Home packets will be available for families to take home. The packets will include a litany and instructions for Blessing your Home […]

Join the Lunch Bunch

This month, the lunch bunch will be meeting at The Painted Teacup in Upper Darby on Thursday, January 5.  You can also join their Zoom meetings if you prefer.  For […]

Canticles of Christ’s Birth

On Sunday, January 1, we will have one worship service at 10:00 am. January 1 is the date for the festival of the Name of Jesus. During worship that day, […]

Hanging of the Greens 2022

Everyone is invited to help decorate the tree and hang wreaths and pine roping on Sunday, December 18, immediately following the 11:00 am worship. Join us also for the Unhanging […]

Give a “Good Gift”

As you plan for the coming season of gift-giving, consider a gift of hope and love that can help make a difference in the world with ELCA GOOD GIFTS. The […]

Christmas 2022 Worship Schedule

Christmas Worship Schedule Please note: Except for Christmas Day, all services will be held in person and online. View online services here. Christmas Eve All worships include Carols, Candlelight and […]

Christmas @ Home

Christmas @ Home packets are available starting December 4! You can pick up a packet on the counter in the lobby outside of the sanctuary. These simple activities can be […]

December Pastor’s Blog

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for she has looked with favor on the lowly state of her servant…God has scattered the proud […]

December Youth Group

Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join Reformation’s youth group for a Christmas party and White Elephant gift exchange!Bring a wrapped item from home or pick up a gift […]

Advent Devotions on Facebook Live

Join Vicar Eileen throughout the season of Advent for midweek devotion time on Facebook Live!  A brief time of prayer, Scripture and other devotional elements will take place every Wednesday […]

Advent at Reformation

New this year: Advent Devotions on  Facebook Live Join Vicar Eileen throughout the season of Advent for midweek devotion time on Facebook Live! A brief time of prayer, Scripture, and other […]

St. Nicholas time at Reformation! 

Shop for gifts and bring all UNWRAPPED gifts to worship by December 4 for a special blessing in worship!  

Fall Property Clean Up

This event is cancelled due to anticipated wet weather. On Saturday, December 3 from 9:00 am to 12 noon, we are looking for volunteers to help clean up leaves, fallen […]

Longing for the Light

November 27 is the First Sunday in Advent.  Worship that day will include our  “Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope” liturgy which includes a Prayer Litany and, optionally, […]

November Pastor’s Blog

I thank my God for every remembrance of you, always in every one of my prayers for all of you, praying with joy for your partnership in the gospel from the first […]

Welcome Choral Scholars!

Our Chancel Choir welcomes two choral scholars, Talitha Kyle and Julian Raeford Romanek. Tali and Julian are students at West Chester University. We are grateful for their gifts and leadership […]

Stewardship Response

On October 23 we celebrated Commitment Sunday. Thank you for your generous response to all that God has done and is doing in your life and in our life together […]

Bags & Thanks!

Thanks Living Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom this world rejoices. – Now Thank We All Our […]

November Youth Group

November 13 – Cookie Baking for Thanksgiving Food Bags 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm at Reformation Lunch will be provided Signup here.

We Remember All the Saints

On All Saints Sunday, November 6, we remember and give thanks to God “for all the saints, who from their labors rest.”  The following members of Reformation are named and […]

Reformation Sunday

Our congregation has the name “Reformation Lutheran Church” because it was founded on Reformation Sunday, October 29, 1950.  This year, on Reformation Sunday, October 30, we will celebrate the 72nd […]

Trunk or Treat!

Celebrate Halloween with Reformation! Sunday, October 30 during Education Hour will be a Trunk or Treat event for Reformation children. Volunteers are invited to dress up, decorate your trunk, and […]

Library Book Club

All our welcome to Reformation Library Book Club.  We can’t resist a good novel about a library!  We will be reading The Midnight Library by Matt Haig on October 18 at 7 pm […]

Remembering All the Saints

All Saints Sunday is a time when the church celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ.  So too, it is a day […]

October Youth Group

Celebrate spooky season with Reformation Youth Group! We’ll be going to Arasapha on October 16. Cost for all 3 attractions is $40 per person. If you are interested in helping […]

Celebrate St. Luke

On Sunday, October 16, we will commemorate St. Luke, the Evangelist, in worship.  Tradition says that Luke was a physician by profession.  As such, commemorations honoring him often include a […]

October Vicar’s Blog

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10) The fall is when we often talk about abundance. After all, we see abundance all around us […]

Celebrate Our Confirmands!

On Sunday, October 23, during a special worship at 3:00 pm, six students will affirm the promises made at their baptisms during the Rite of Confirmation.  This year’s Confirmands are: […]

Electronics Recycling

Reformation and UUCDC will be hosting a PAR Recycle Works Electronics Recycling event on Saturday, October 22, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Anything with a plug can be recycled. Some […]

Rose Tree Road Cleanup

Join us for our fall clean up on Saturday, October 15.  We will meet at Reformation at 10:00 am and work for about an hour.  Orange vests and gloves will […]

Reinhard Scholarship

On Sunday, October 9, the Reinhard Scholarship for seminary students will be awarded to three current students at United Lutheran Seminary. Seminarian Sarah Fryman, Seminarian Cari States-Codding and Seminarian Heidi […]

2022 Blessing of the Animals

You and your pet are invited to a Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, October 2 at 1:00 pm.  The service will be held around the back of the […]

Scholar in Residence

Registration is now open for this year’s Scholar in Residence. On Saturday, October 1, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, Dr. Crystal Hall will present “Rising From ‘The Fall’: Creation […]

Feed The Hungry

Reformation’s next meal assignment will be on Thursday, September 22. We will prepare and deliver enough meals for the 32 residents of the Life Center of Eastern Delaware County. We […]

Fall Connection Groups

Once again this fall you can be part of a CONNECTION GROUP – a great way to renew your connection with others at Reformation. All groups will begin meeting the […]

Reformation Connect!

Interested in learning more about Reformation and exploring what membership means? Join us for a session on Sunday, September 25, at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall. This time will explore the ministry […]

God’s Work Our Hands Sunday

Collection for Denis’ Pantry Sunday, September 18 is God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday.   This year’s collection will benefit Denis’ Pantry in Havertown.  Items that we are collecting are as follows: […]

Rally Day is Sept. 11

Rally Day is Sunday, September 11! Our regular worship schedule resumes that morning with worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am.  Please plan to join us that morning as we start […]

22-23 Program year theme

Living Hope Paul often talks about hope in his letters. For him, hope is a part of faith that is alive and active – always moving people forward in their […]

Community Action Volunteers Needed

We will be having the Heeding God’s Call T shirt display again this year from Sat., Sept. 10 until Sat., Sept. 24. We will need many hands to help set […]

September Youth Group

September 18 – Campfire and S’mores 7:00 pm at Reformation Please click here for more information and to sign up! Friends are always welcome!

August Eco Tips

With the high price of gas, here are some tips to stretch your money while helping the environment: Clean and wax your car. Use the air conditioner. Don’t use cruise […]

August Vicar’s Blog

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11 Greetings, beloveds! The start of August means summer is coming to a close very soon. Beach bags are traded for backpacks, […]

Join the CareSharers!

On the first Sunday of each month, our CareSharer volunteers take communion kits to visit our homebound members and share communion with them in their homes. If you would like […]

Underwear Collection

Underwear Collection Matthew 25:36, 40 “I was naked and you clothed me…as you did it to one of the least of those who are members of my family, you did […]

Rally Day – Christian Education

Rally day is September 11 when all our Christian Education programs will be starting again. Please plan to join us at 9:45 AM! Find more details below. Click here for […]

August Lunch Bunch

Join the Lunch Bunch!This month, the lunch bunch will be meeting at New Leaf in Broomall on Thursday, August 4. You can also join their Zoom meetings if you prefer. […]

Children’s Clothing Drive

Help Sanctuary Village. Reformation is collecting new and gently used clothing to support Sanctuary Village, a community of tiny houses to be built in North Philadelphia, to support those living […]

Call Process and Transition Forums

Call Process and Transition Forums will be held on Wednesday, July 27, and Thursday, August 11, on Zoom at 7:00 pm. An in-person forum will be held on Sunday, August […]

Blood Drive

Reformation will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, August 13 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please go to […]

Choral Scholars Wanted

We have a great opportunity for a paid music internship for the upcoming academic school year. Find out all the details here and please share this information with anyone who […]

School Supply Collection

Backpack School Supply Collection 2022 – Collection Ends August 7, 2022 3 Ways to Contribute It’s time for the Backpack School Supply Collection. We hope to again be able to […]

Welcome New Members

Reformation has had several families become new members recently.  Please help us extend a warm welcome to: Megan Chase Kian Brynn Mike Lauren Jane Sage Kevin

DelcoPA Covid Quilt Project

You are invited to participate in the DelcoPA Covid Quilt Project which will honor the lives of loved ones lost because of the Covid–19 pandemic. More than 1,800 families in […]

July Eco Update

Eight ways to help keep your electric bill low this summer: 1. Turn off A/C when you don’t need it.2. Use a programmable thermostat.3. Use Energy Star appliances.4. Check for […]

July 2022 Pastor’s Blog

Dear Reformation, One of the great things about our community of faith is our welcoming spirit! It is something that is lived out here in diverse and dynamic ways. Our […]

Vacation Bible School

REGISTRATION OPEN! Vacation Bible School VBS will be July  10–14, 6–8:30 pm. Registration is open to age 3 to completed grade 5. Register here. Volunteer at VBS! Want to help […]

Library Book Club

All are invited to join the next Church Library Book Club discussion on July 19 at 7:00pm via Zoom. We will be reading Anxious People by Fredrik Backman (author of […]

Join the Lunch Bunch!

This month, the lunch bunch will be meeting at Swarthmore Pizza on Thursday, July 7. You can also join their Zoom meetings if you prefer. For more information, please contact […]

June Pastor’s Blog

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens … – Ecclesiastes 3:1 Dear Reformation, We are about to enter another season of transition […]

June Eco Ministry

June ECO Tip One way to create an eco–garden is by going organic. You can grow fruits, vegetables, flowers, and lawn in a more organic manner by avoiding chemical pesticides […]

Welcome New Staff!

Welcome Vicar Eileen: Greetings, beloveds! My name is Eileen Ruppel–Doan and I will be beginning at Reformation as Pastoral Assistant in June. A little about me: I’m originally from the […]

Council Installation June 5

The members of the 2022–2023 Congregation Council will be installed during worship on June 5. Officers and members include the following:  John Grantland, President; Debbie Conley, Vice President; Laura Reiter, […]

Changes at Reformation

At the April meeting, the Congregation Council approved a number of projects that are bringing some big changes to Reformation! Many of these projects are being funded from our Endowment […]

Pastor Wayne’s Retirement Party

Pastor Wayne is retiring in June. Click for all the details to help us celebrate his ministry.

Ascension Day Worship

The Delaware Conference of Lutheran Churches will host their annual Ascension Day worship on Thursday, May 26, at 7:00 pm at Holy Trinity Wallingford (927 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, PA […]

2022 Softball Season!

Did you know Reformation is part of a church softball league? We play May, June and part of July. Interested in joining the fun? Click for all the details!

Labyrinth Dedication

Join us on Sunday, May 22, at 10:00 am for the dedication of our labyrinth. The labyrinth was made possible because of a generous gift from the estate of Bob and Madaline […]

May Pastor’s Blog

We have been buried with Christ by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might […]

Scavenger Hunt

All youth in grades 6-12 and their friends are invited to join us for a Scavenger Hunt! Lunch will be provided. We’ll gather in Creighton Hall at 12:00 noon on […]

May Sunday School

Sunday School Dates All children from birth to grade 6 are invited to join us for Sunday School.  Contact Pastor Alina with any questions.   Sunday School will be held […]

Lutheran World Relief Forum

Emma Wagner from Lutheran World Relief will be visiting Reformation on Sunday, May 8.  Emma will be accepting our donation, speaking during worship and presenting a forum during the Education […]

Pew Projects are Back!

During the season of Easter, at the end of the Sermon on the Steps, children will receive a Pew Project bag. The Pew Project bags will include simple craft items […]

2022 Graduates

We will recognize all Reformation members who will be graduating with the class of 2022 during worship on Sunday, May 1.  Please join us as we celebrate what God is […]

2022 Scholar in Residence

Dr. Crystal Hall Rising from “The Fall”: Creation Care in Genesis 1-4 Saturday, April 23, 2022, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Bible Presentations 2022

During worship on Sunday, April 3, Reformation Sunday School students will receive their Bibles.  These presentations happen each year for students in second grade and older students who are new […]

Holy Week 2022

Palm/Passion Sunday April 10 at 8:30 and 11:00 The Great and Holy Week begins with the celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem accompanied by the waving of palm branches […]

Easter Festival Children’s Choir

Calling all singers age 4 to grade 5! The Festival Children’s Choir will sing during the 9:30 am Easter Worship. Rehearsals will be held 9:45-10:30 am in the Choir Room […]

Easter Food Bags 2022

Reformation will once again provide nonperishable grocery items and gift cards for our neighbors in need during the Easter Season. Bags, along with a list of needed items, will be […]

Bear Creek Camp 2022

Bear Creek Camp SundayJoin us for Bear Creek Camp Sunday! On Sunday, March 13, Bear Creek Camp Staff will be with us at Reformation to share upcoming summer plans and […]

Worship Wednesdays in Lent 2022

Join us on Wednesdays, March 9, 16, 23, and 30 for Holden Evening Prayer at 7:30 pm. Scripture readings for these services will reflect our theme, Renewed in Christ.

Feeding The Homeless – March 2022

Help with Feeding the Homeless, Thursday, March 24. Sign up on the counter in the lobby to make casseroles . Casseroles must be returned to the church by 5 pm […]

Help clean up Rose Tree Road!

Unfortunately, due to weather concerns, this even has been cancelled. Eco Ministry needs your help with the annual spring clean-up of Rose Tree Road on Saturday, March 19, 2022 at […]

Lenten Care Kits

During Lent, zip lock bags with a list of personal care items will be available to fill and return.These Care Kits will be distributed to: • men and women at […]

2022 Lent Resources

Click for many details about Lent at Reformation this year as well as resources you can use every day of the Lent season.

March 2022 Pastor’s Blog

The season of Lent, which begins on March 2, Ash Wednesday, invites us to continually be renewed in Christ. We are renewed in faith as we return daily to the […]

Welcome Pastor David Anderson!

Pastor Anderson is joining Reformation’s staff as a part-time Visitation Pastor. (This is a contract position that has been authorized by Council, not a called position.) He will be visiting […]

Ash Wednesday is March 2

Click for all the details.

Join a Connection Group

Check out our Lent Connection Groups!

2022 Lent Book

Read along with us this Lent! Our 2022 Lent Book is Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler. Copies are available at the church, […]

Collection for The Well

Reformation will once again be providing needed items to the Well! The Well is a shelter for women experiencing homelessness in the Philadelphia area. Needed items include: blankets and pillows. […]

February Youth Group

Join us for our February Youth Group! On February 6, 12 noon – 1:30 pm, youth in grades 6-12 and friends are invited to attend. We will be creating care […]

Fill the Bowl for the Souper Bowl!

Help us defeat hunger! To celebrate Super Bowl Sunday, you are invited to bring in food items for the Media Food Bank. Our Souper Bowl of Caring will be a […]

2022 Sunday School Dates

Join us for Sunday School in the new year! All children from birth to grade 6 are invited to join us for Sunday School. Children’s Choir is for children age […]

Sock Collection

The “Joy of Sox,” an organization founded 11 yeas ago, collects socks for people living in homelessness. Socks are the least donated item, and clean, dry socks are essential for […]

Jan. 2022 Pastor’s Blog

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1:5 Living through a season marked by shorter days and longer nights, I find myself at […]

Library News

From the Library“We lose the habit of reading because we’re afraid of wasting our time. We think we need to be productive and ‘on the go’ at all times. But […]

Annual Meeting Jan. 30

Our Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 30 at 12:00 noon within the sanctuary.The meeting will be live-streamed, but only members who are physically present may speak or vote. […]

Epiphany is Jan. 2

Epiphany @ HomeOn Sunday, January 2, Epiphany @ Home packets will be available for families to take home. The packets will include a litany and instructions for Blessing your Home […]

Christmas Worship Schedule

Christmas Worship Schedule Please note: except for Christmas Day, all services will be held in person and online.   Christmas Eve All worships include Carols, Candlelight and Communion. 2 pm […]

Dec. Pastor’s Blog

[God] has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with […]

Hanging of the Greens

Everyone is invited to help decorate the tree and hang wreaths and pine roping on Sunday, December 19, immediately following the 11:00 worship. There is something for all ages and […]

Advent Activities

Check out what we are offering during Advent 2021!

Register for Bear Creek Connect Winter Camp

Connect is a fun-filled weekend at Bear Creek Camp during the winter! It’s a time to Connect with God and to Connect with your friends. We have a blast doing […]

2021 Gift Giving Opportunities

It is time to prepare again for our St. Nicholas Celebration at Reformation! Here’s how you can participate:  

Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope

November 28 is the First Sunday in Advent. Worship that day will include our “Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope” liturgy which includes a Prayer Litany and, optionally, […]

Property Work Day

Enjoy the fresh, crisp fall air and help clean up the church property on Saturday, November 20 at 9 AM. Many hands make light work. Bring rakes and gloves if […]

Nov. 2021 Pastor’s Blog

On Sunday, Nov. 7, we will bid Deacon Beth Barkhau a fond farewell and godspeed as she begins a new chapter in life, retirement. When Deacon Beth came to us […]

November Youth Group

Thanksgiving Treats on November 14 Youth in grades 6-12 and friends are invited to create special Thanksgiving Treats for our food bags that will be distributed to local organizations. We […]

Thanks Living

In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for  you in Christ Jesus.    1 Thessalonians 5:18 For Christians, “Thanksgiving” is not just a one-day holiday; it is a way […]

We Remember All the Saints

On All Saints’ Sunday, November 7, we remember and give thanks to God “for all the saints, who from their labors rest.” The following members of Reformation are named and […]

Reformation Library is OPEN!

Please come and enjoy the offerings of the Church Library which is now open for lending!  Thank you to those who donated books over the past year including Deacon Beth, […]

Farewell Deacon Beth!

Help us celebrate Deacon Beth’s ministry at Reformation on November 7.

Trunk or Treat!

With Halloween falling on a Sunday this year, we are offering a Trunk or Treat for kids between services on October 31 beginning at 9:45 AM. Costumes are encouraged, but […]

Oct. 2021 Pastor’s Blog

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change … – Psalm 46:1-2a Dear Reformation, Autumn is […]


Renewed in Christ By God’s great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.   1 Peter 1:3 In the […]

October Youth Group

Pumpkins on October 24 Youth in grades 6-12 and friends are invited to carve or paint pumpkins at Reformation on Sunday, October 24, from 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm. Lunch […]

Electronics Recycling Event

Reformation and our neighbors, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, are hosting an electronics recycling event for the community on Saturday, October 23, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. PAR […]

Christmas Cards Bring Hope Behind Bars

A holiday message of care brings hope to an incarcerated man or woman in prison. Join the efforts of The United Methodist Church Prison Ministry & Restorative Justice Team of the […]

Celebrate Our Confirmands on October 17

On Sunday, October 17, during a special worship at 3:00 pm, ten students will affirm the promises made at their baptisms during the Rite of Confirmation. The congregation is encouraged […]

Commemorate St. Luke on October 17

On Sunday, October 17, we will commemorate St. Luke the Evangelist in worship. Tradition says that Luke was a physician by profession. As such, commemorations honoring him often include a […]

Road Cleanup

Join our Eco-Ministry for the semi-annual cleanup of RoseTree Road. Meet at the church on Saturday, October 9 at 10 AM.

Celebrate Erik and Leah

Erik Flaten, our Director of Contemporary Music, and his fiancée, Leah Golub, are getting married in October! Join us as we celebrate their upcoming wedding at 12:00 noon on Sunday, […]

Blessing of the Animals on Oct. 2

You and your pet are invited to a Blessing of the Animals service on Saturday, October 2, at 10:00 am. The service will be held outside near the gazebo. If […]

Gazebo Dedication

On Sunday, September 26, at 12:00 noon, we will dedicate the gazebo that is given in memory of Deb Felton. Join us for this special dedication with music from Lansdowne […]

Join a Fall Connection Group!

Blessing of the Hands

On Sunday, September 26, we will celebrate God’s Work, Our Hands (GWOH) with a special hand blessing at both the 8:30 am and 11:00 am services. Wear any t-shirt to […]

Double the Saturday Service Opportunities, Double the Fun!

On Saturday September 25, two servant opportunities take place at Reformation: At 9:30 am we gather in the east parking lot to dismantle the Heeding God’s Call – The Memorial […]

Memorial for the Lost and A Prayer Walk for The World

Reformation will host the September 2021 Delaware County Memorial to the Lost, an advocacy and remembrance display. Created by Heeding God’s Call to Prevent Gun Violence this installation will be […]

Reformation Book Club

The Reformation Book Club will meet on Tuesday, September 21, at 7:00 pm via ZOOM. We will discuss The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd . The last gathering of […]

September Youth Group

We’re Ba-ack! Campfire and S’mores on September 19 Youth in grades 6-12 and friends are invited to a campfire with s’mores at Reformation on Sunday, September 19, from 7:00 – […]

Rally Day is Sept. 12

Our regular worship schedule resumes that morning with worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am.  Please plan to join us that morning as we start another great year of life here […]

September Deacon’s Blog

“By God’s great mercy we have been born a new to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Like many of you, my cell phone […]

2021-22 Program year theme

Renewed in Christ By God’s great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  1 Peter 1:3 These words […]

August Pastor’s Blog

The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8 The Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and […]

August 15 – Reformation Connect

Membership Information Session in August The next session of Reformation Connect, our program for persons interested in membership at Reformation, will be held on Sunday, August 15, at 12:00 noon. […]

Clothe Those in Need

The National Giving Alliance (formerly the Needlework Guild of America) is once again collecting underwear for men, women, and children of all ages. Donations may be placed in the bins […]

August 8 – Drum Circle!

Fun in the Sunday – August 8 at 6:30 pm – Drum Circle Join master drummer Joe McGuth and Erik Flaten in Reformation’s East parking lot at 6:30 pm for […]

August 1 – Punch on the Lawn

Fun in the Sunday – August 1 at 9:30 and 11:00 am – Punch on the Lawn Grab a cup of punch and enjoy some conversation with friends outside after […]

Scholarship Winners Announced

2021-2022 Mark E. Davis Scholarship Recipients The Mark E. Davis Scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year college or university awarded to a member of Reformation Lutheran Church. The […]

INDOOR Worship for BOTH services Starts in August

As you are aware, the Gathering Safely Task Force and Council have been carefully monitoring the current, updated Covid guidelines. At our most recent meeting, Council made the following decisions: […]

July 25 – Summer Treats & Games

Join us for a cool summer treat and some fun yard games out back of Reformation. Please register using the button below. July 25, 2021 at 11:30 am All are […]

Restock Reformation’s Food Pantry

During the pandemic all food items in the Reformation Food Pantry were donated for immediate use to Media Food Pantry. It is time to restock our Reformation pantry for emergent […]

July Feed The Homeless

On Sunday, July 25, Reformation will be attending and participating in a service at the Welcome Church, located in Aviator Park, across from the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The Welcome […]

Prison Ministry – Thank you!

In February and March 2021 members and friends of Reformation wrote letters to inmates at SCI-Chester prison. Anne Metz, coordinator of Letters for Chester provided the following acknowledgement. In the […]

July 2021 Pastor’s Blog

“Lord Jesus, you shall be my song as I journey; I’ll tell ev’rybody about you wherever I ago: you alone are our life and our peace and our love. Lord […]

Backpack School Supply Collection 2021

It’s time for the Backpack School Supply Collection. We hope to again be able to supply stuffed backpacks to students in the Chester and Upper Darby Communities. Last year we […]

Red Cross Blood Drive July 18

Give the Gift of Life – The pandemic has not stopped the constant need for blood. Reformation Lutheran Church is doing its part to help save a life. Give the […]

July 18 – Sunday Sundaes

Make your own sundaes and spend time with Reformation friends outdoors immediately following the conclusion of each in-person worship service (outdoor worship starts at 8:30 AM and indoor worship starts […]

In-Person Worship Starts in July!

In-person worship in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am will begin on Sunday, July 4, and be limited to the first 45 people who pre-register each week (due to distancing requirements). […]

July 11 – VBS Kickoff

July 11 at 6:30 pm – VBS Kickoff We’re on an Island Adventure for VBS! Children age 3 through completed grade 5 are eligible to attend. Click here for all […]

Deacon’s Blog – June 2021

Do not fear,  for I am with you; – Isaiah 43:5a It has been a long road. These past fifteen months of pandemic time have not been easy. But time […]

Collecting Peanut Butter and Jelly for Bread Drop

SERVING OUR NEIGHBORS Bread Drop, formerly known as The Welcome Bread, continues to deliver over 3,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches each week throughout the SEPA region. Community Action is […]

Vacation Bible School 2021

Join us for Vacation Bible School – July 11-15, 6:30 – 7:30 pm outdoors at Reformation. Children ages 3 through completed grade 5 are eligible to register. Bonus digital content […]

June 27 – Valley Forge Biking

June 27 Fun in the Sun-day – Bike with Bob, 1 pm Valley Forge, Family Friendly, Water Ice in Cooler at end Gather at the Valley Forge Betzwood Picnic Area […]

Summer at Reformation

Starting June 6, we will offer an 8:30 am outdoor service along with our 10 am live-streamed service. Most Sundays will also offer an in-person fellowship opportunity! Please click for […]

Welcome Summer Interns!

This summer we welcome back and welcome our 2021 Summer Interns! Vivian Long will be joining us for a third summer and Molly Gray will be joining us for her […]

Become a Gardening Angel

Need some exercise, vitamin D, fresh air and camaraderie? Join the Reformation Gardening Angels! You don’t need a “green thumb,” just the willingness to pull some weeds, plant some flowers, […]

June 20 – Movie Night!

June 20 at 7:00 pm – Movie Night at Reformation- You’re invited to a family-friendly night at the movies! Registration is requested. Please bring your own chair. Popcorn will be […]

June 13 – New Members Gathering

June 13 at 12:00 noon – New Member Gathering People interested in membership at Reformation are invited to enjoy some Philly favorite foods and learn more about the mission and […]

Help Feed the Homeless

Reformation feeds residents living in transitional housing at the Upper Darby Life Center five times a year. Our next meal is scheduled for Thursday evening, May 27, 2021. Volunteers are […]

June 6 Fun in the Sun-Day

June 6 at 7:00 pm – Have S’more Fun at Reformation Join us for a s’mores night at Reformation. Registration is requested. Please bring your own chair and don’t forget […]

May 22 Worship On The Way

Join us for Worship on the Way on Saturday, May 22, 10-11am at Reformation. We will have stations for prayer, communion, blessing, and offering. At the offering station, we will […]

From The Pastor – May 2021

All will be well, and all will be well, and every kind of thing will be well. –Julian of Norwich Spiritual theologian Matthew Fox offers helpful thoughts for our times […]

Welcome, Matthia McCracken!

We are pleased to welcome Matthia McCracken as our new Administrative Assistant. Matthia brings a decade of experience supporting worship communities, most recently Congregation Beth Shalom in Wilmington. Please welcome […]

New Outreach: Seamstresses Needed!

Joyce McNally is heading up a new outreach program to support Dress a Girl Around the World – a ministry that provides dresses for girls in impoverished countries. By providing […]

Sponsor a Brick!

Reformation landscape plans are moving forward and you have the chance to help ‘pave the way.’

Let’s Talk About It – Having the Hard Conversations in Life

New Faith-Life Connections Sunday, May 16, 2021, at 11am on Zoom May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a yearly time where agencies of care increase awareness of mental illness and […]

Eco Tips

Planting ECO tip: Choose native plants with brightly colored red, purple and yellow flowers if you want to attract birds and provide shelter. Providing a source of water, whether by natural springs, […]

Nature Walk at Heinz Refuge

Our in-house naturalist, Tom Reeves, will lead a nature walk/hike at the Heinz Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, May 1. Meet at the church at 9:00 am or at the Refuge […]

The Welcome Church

On Sunday, April 25, Reformation will participate in a service at the Welcome Church, located in Aviator Park, across from the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The Welcome Church serves individuals […]

April Worship on the Way

Join us for Worship on the Way on Sat., April 24, 10:00-11:00 am, at Reformation. There will be stations for prayer, communion, blessing, and offering while you remain in your […]

Serve Our Neighbors at the Well

In April we continue to collect items to support women living in transition at The Well, a 12-bed women’s shelter in Philadelphia. The Well provides safe sleeping, showering, kitchen and […]

Covid Vaccine Information

 PA COVID-19 VACCINATION ELIGIBILITY UPDATE! Firefighters, police officers, grocery store workers and food and agriculture workers: eligible TODAY Phase 1B: eligible April 5 Phase 1C: eligible April 12 All Pennsylvanians […]

Eco Sunday is April 18

Plan to join us for Eco Sunday! We will have the Director of Lutheran Advocacy in Pennsylvania, Tracey DePasquale with us. She will give a little preview during worship and […]

April Pastor’s Blog

Dear Reformation, When Paul wrote his letters to the early churches, he often noted his lament of not being able to be together with them in person. We have felt […]

Anti-Racism Education

Join us on April 14 at 7:00 pm for FACTUALITY! FACTUALITY is a facilitated dialogue, crash course, and interactive experience, that simulates structural inequality, in America. Participants assume the identities […]

Holy Week 2021 Schedule

This Lent has once again reminded us of how God continues to be our constant companion and guide through the challenges and celebrations of our life. Because God is always […]

Special Council Meeting 3/28

Dear Reformation Members and Friends, I hope this letter finds you well, enjoying some Spring weather and anticipating upcoming longer days. I am writing this letter to inform you that […]

Outdoor Easter Vigil Experience

This is the Night! An Outdoor Easter Vigil Experience Join us on Saturday, April 3, for a special outdoor Easter Vigil experience. You are welcome to arrive anytime between 7:30 […]

Music Madness: Vote Now!

Reformation is creating a different sort of March Madness this year using Music and YOU can take part in the fun! View the song links below and vote for your […]

Make a Difference with Care Kits

Throughout Lent we will collect hygiene supplies for three groups: men living in recovery at Phoenix Recovery Project, women transitioning from homelessness to independent apartments at The Well, and children […]

Help Feed the Homeless

Reformation feeds residents living in transitional housing at the Upper Darby Life Center five times a year. Our next meal is scheduled for Thursday evening, March 25, 2021. Volunteers are […]

New Prayer Book Resources

ARMED SERVICES, THE INCARCERATED Reformation has two prayer book resources available for members and friends. Hear My Voice, A Prison Prayer Book is for anyone living in prison, prison recovery […]


Birthday Bags Bring Blessings When someone lives with food insecurity, each trip to the grocery store requires making tough choices. Join our Community Action Ministry as together in love we […]

March Worship On The Way

Worship on the Way Returns Join us for Worship on the Way on Saturday, March 27, 10:00-11:00 am, at Reformation. We will have stations for prayer, communion, blessing, and offering. […]

From the Deacon and Pastors

Mother Teresa diagnosed the world’s ills in this way: we’ve just “forgotten that we belong to each other.” (Tatoos on Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion by Gregory Boyle, p. […]

Easter Food Bags

Reformation will provide Easter dinners to three local agencies:  Migrant Ministry of Chester County, Second Time Around Grandparents, and The Philadelphia Group.  Bags are available outside the front entry of […]

Serve at the Welcome Church

The Welcome Church meets twice a month outside in Aviator Park, across from the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The church serves individuals who are living with homelessness. Reformation will be […]

Lent Activities

The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17. Click the button below to see all we have going on for the season of Lent including Connection Groups, Worship […]


Cards4Chester Cards4Chester is a new community interfaith initiative that seeks to bring encouragement to 1,000 incarcerated men in the State Correctional Institution at Chester. Cards4Chester has started a letter-writing/note card […]

From the Deacon and Pastors

“Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart,” Joel 2:12a Time is marked. We mark time with watches, digital clocks, with electronic and paper calendars. […]

Support the Women’s Shelter

Help women living with housing insecurity on Sunday, February 21. Reformation will again provide healthy foods and other needed items for The Well, a secure women’s shelter located in Philadelphia. […]


Be Still – Holy Interruptions Looking at the landscapes of winter and transitions associated with the awakening of nature, this workshop invites participants to engage in mindful contemplative activities.  Participants […]

2021 Souper Bowl of Caring

It is that time of year when WE change the game, tackle hunger, and bring our soup to feed a neighbor in need. Drop off cans of soup at the […]

Annual Meeting January 31

Our Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 31, at 11:00 am on this Zoom meeting. Copies of the Annual Report and the Annual Meeting Materials are available here. Printed […]

Financial Forum January 24

Treasurer Tom Conroy will provide a detailed report on the congregation’s 2020 financial activity and the proposed 2021 budget on Sunday, January 24, at 11:00 am on a Zoom meeting. […]

Life Center Update 2021

Help Needed As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, the meal program at the Life Center of Eastern Delaware County at 63rd and Market Streets in Upper Darby continues to operate at […]

Your Offerings Help Others

Thanks to your generous contributions to Reformation’s Holiday Offering Fund, fifteen organizations which help people in our community received additional support during the holiday season. In December, the Congregation Council […]

January Book Club

Read along with the Reformation Book Club and join in the conversation! The next discussion will be on January 19, 2021, at 7:00 pm. The book will be The Jane […]

Mark E. Davis Scholarship 2021-2022

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark.  The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year […]

January Blood Drive

Give the Gift of Life Sunday, January 17 – 9 am to 2 pm in Creighton Hall The pandemic has not stopped the constant need for blood. Reformation Lutheran Church […]

Epiphany Giving Opportunities

In the Spirit of the Wise Men’s three gifts to Jesus, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, consider these giving opportunities during this Epiphany season.  Diapers, Formula, Baby Wipes for Cradles to […]

Sunday Book Study

A new Sunday morning faith-life connections book study of Braiding Sweetgrass starts January 10 on Zoom.  Braiding Sweetgrass, by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, mother, scientist, and decorated professor and member […]

Epiphany Read-Along of the Gospel According to Mark

Starting on January 1 and continuing throughout the weeks after The Epiphany (January 6), join members and friends as we daily read the gospel according to Mark. Read on your […]

From the Pastors and Deacon

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound  in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:15 […]

Christmas Worship on the Parkway

CANCELLED! The Welcome Church gathers for brief outdoor worship, supporting those experiencing homelessness or transitions, outside the Franklin Institute in Aviator Park. On Sunday afternoon, December 27, at 3 pm, […]

Silent Night Services CANCELLED

Dear Reformation, This year continues to be one of challenges, plan changes, and, unfortunately, disappointments. In light of the new restrictions from the state of Pennsylvania and the rapidly increasing […]

“Good Gifts” Change Lives

As you plan for the coming season of gift-giving, consider a gift of hope and love that can help make a difference in the world with ELCA GOOD GIFTS. The […]

Celebrate Christmas@Home

Christmas @ Home packets are available! These simple activities can be done in your home on Christmas Day and are great for all ages! Packets will be available at Silent […]

Virtual Christmas Pageant

ABC’s of Christmas Join us as we celebrate Christmas with a special message for all ages! Be part of our Christmas 2020 Virtual pageant. Children of all ages are invited […]

Christmas 2020 Worship Schedule

These worship experiences will be held on Zoom. You are welcome to join us from wherever you may be! Christmas Eve 4:00 pm – a service designed especially for families […]

Fill Christmas Food Bags

Help provide a Christmas food bag with nonperishable items, along with grocery gift cards, to Chester County Migrant Ministry, the Philadelphia Group, and Second Time Around Parents (STAP). Grocery gift […]

Practice Hope In Advent

FAITH-LIFE CONNECTIONS: Gather Sunday mornings at 11:00 am on Zoom beginning Dec. 6 for reflection, community-building, and contemplative prayer utilizing the Sunday gospel readings and reflections from Living Well Through […]

Advent Resources and Worship

During Advent worship each Sunday at 10:00 am on Zoom, the service will include the lighting of the candles on the Advent wreath. You may want to light the candles […]

Advent Thoughts From the Pastors and Deacon

Dear Reformation, We come now to the season of Advent, weary from months of changes and uncertainty. Advent is a season of waiting and watching, of expectation and preparation. Above […]

All Our Losses, All Our Grief

How do we cope with loss and grief during the holidays? One way is to be part of a safe place group where stories are told, people intentionally listen, and […]

2020 Gift Giving Opportunities

Click the button below to access all our 2020 Gift Giving Opportunities at Reformation!

Advent & Hygge

This Advent is unlike any we have experienced before. We know this year has been filled with the unexpected, difficult, painful challenges that we could not have ever imagined. And […]

Worship on the Way

On Saturdays, September 26, October 24, and November 21, from 10:00 to 11:00 am, we will be offering a new worship experience at Reformation called Worship on the Way, a […]

Eco Movie Night

Plastic Wars Discussion Fall Movie Night is back! Please join us on Friday evening, November 20, at 7 pm for a discussion of the documentary Plastic Wars. With the plastic […]

Meet Online for Book Club

Read along with the Reformation Book Club and join in the conversation! The upcoming titles and dates are: September 15: Small Great Things by Jodi Piccoult October 20 – Nickel […]

Spiritual Contemplative Retreat

Be Still – Holy Interruptions Utilizing our Reformation Fall theme, Together in Love, this workshop invites participants to engage in mindful contemplative activities.  Participants will gather via Zoom at 9:30 […]

Holiday Food Bags

Help provide a Thanksgiving food bags with nonperishable items, along with grocery gift cards to Chester County Migrant Ministries, the Philadelphia Group, and Second Time Around parents (STAP).  Contact Linda […]


Celebrating Ordinations With gratitude for those who have gone before and hope for the future, the ELCA gives thanks to God for the ministry of women. In 2019 and 2020 […]

New Sunday Book Study Starts

FAITH-LIFE CONNECTION A new Sunday morning book study of Near the Exit: Travels with the Not-So-Grim Reaper starts on All Saints Day, November 1, at 11:00 am on Zoom, and […]

All Saints Sunday – Nov. 1

For all the saints who from their labors rest, we give you thanks, O God. Dear Reformation, On November 1 churches throughout the world will celebrate All Saints Day. All […]

Fight Hunger – Welcome Bread

In these pressing and uncompromising times of COVID-19, as food insecurity exponentially grows, the SEPA Synod’s The Welcome Church has launched a new feeding program entitled Welcome Bread. Welcome Bread […]

Reformation Sunday is Oct. 25

Our congregation has the name “Reformation Lutheran Church” because it was founded on Reformation Sunday, October 29, 1950. This year, on Reformation Sunday, October 25, we will celebrate the 70th […]

Confirmation Sunday

Celebrate Our Confirmands! On Sunday, October 18, during our online worship, eight students will affirm the promises made at their baptisms during the Rite of Confirmation. This year’s Confirmands are: […]

Help Women In Need

You can help women living with housing insecurity on Sunday, October 25. Reformation will again provide healthy food items and personal hygiene products for The Well, a secure women’s shelter […]

In God’s Image

On Saturday, October 10, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod will be virtually hosting the annual In God’s Image: Shaping your Ministry to be Inclusive and Safe for LGBTQIA+ persons event. All […]

DIY Hike & Bible Study

Most every October our Eco Minitry hosts a hike and bible study. This year because of Covid-19, we are inviting you to do the hike and bible study anytime your […]

Blessing of the Animals

You and your pet are invited to a virtual Blessing of the Animals service on Sat., Oct. 3, at 10:00 am. All of God’s creatures are welcome! Click here to […]

Feed The Homeless

Thursday, September 24 For 25 years members of Reformation have served evening meals to residents and neighbors of the Life Center of Eastern Delaware County, located at 63rd and Market […]

Serve Our Neighbors

Reformation’s Community Action Ministry coordinates opportunities for you to serve our neighbors in need. As we move towards fall life together, help with one or all of these feeding ministries. […]

Fall Connection Groups

Even as we are apart we can still stay together. This fall we are offering several virtual connection groups that you are welcome to take part in. Friends and family […]

How To Be An Anti-Racist

Faith Builders: Faith-Life Connection Beginning on Sun., Sept. 20, at 11:00 am, and continuing for six sessions, Melissa Lavery will lead an online discussion class via Zoom on the book […]

Rally Day is September 13

Rally Day is September 13 and we have lots of fun things in store – virtually, of course! We invite YOU to join us – as we continue our journey […]

Prayer Walk for the World

In these times as our world hurts, we invite our neighbors and friends to join Reformation in our first Prayer Walk for the World. It will be held Sun., Sept. […]

Online Worship with Communion

Holy Communion will be part of our online worship experience on September 13 and the second Sunday of the month through the fall (October 11 and November 8). For many […]

Reformation Scribes Needed

Reformation Scribes: The Gospel of Mark Project is a handwritten NRSV copy of Mark’s Gospel for worship use. Created by Reformation members and friends, all ages included, during the months of […]

Movies & Meaning Continues

You’re invited to participate in our Movies and Meaning group. Directions for both films: Watch these films on the streaming service you prefer. You are encouraged to watch it within […]

Online Member Directory

It has been several years since we switched over to InstantChurchDirectory and it is time to check our member entries and make sure they are up to date. You may […]

Mark E. Davis Scholarship Recipients

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year college or university awarded to a member of Reformation Lutheran Church. The ELCA Foundation administers the scholarship fund […]

Art in August

Join Deacon Beth for Art in August! Everyone is invited to participate in these interactive sessions on Mondays, August 3, 10, and 17, at 7:00 pm. Gather your favorite markers, […]

Entrepreneur Works: Addressing Systemic Racism Through Opportunity

Guest Speaker:  Rev. Antoinette (Toni) Truehart of Entrepreneur Works in Chester Thursday July 16 at 7pm in the Congregation Beth Israel of Media Zoom Room Join us for this program and […]

Donate Back-to-School Supplies

The Faith Communities of Delaware County are collecting school supplies for local children in need of a little help to start the school year for 2020-2021. Since we don’t yet […]

Take the Eco Challenge

Over the past months, the pandemic has changed everyday life in a myriad of ways both expected and unexpected. Routines were upended, uncertainty and worry abounded, and our usual fast […]

Help Fill the Freezer

Reformation’s Community Action Ministry Team invites you to help us Fill the Freezer for Caring for Friends! On Tuesday, July 7, and Thursday, July 23, you will be able to […]

Emanuel Nine Prayer Service June 17 at Noon

An ELCA Prayer Service for Commemoration of the Emanuel Nine will be available for online viewing at 12 noon Eastern Time on Wednesday, June 17, the fifth anniversary of the […]

Prayer Service for Racial Justice

Please join us on Friday, June 5, at 7:00 pm, for a Prayer Service for Racial Justice. During this time we will lament the sin of racism in our country, […]

Racial Justice

The sin of racism in our world, especially in our country, is one that must be named as part of the brokenness of our humanity. As people of God we […]

Trivia Night

Join us for our next Trivia Night! On Friday, June 26, at 7:00 pm, we will host our next Reformation Trivia Night! This event is for all ages! Come join […]

Movies & Meaning

You’re invited to participate in our Movies and Meaning group. Below are the movie title for you to watch on your own. Then, on Wednesday, June 17, and Wednesday, July […]

Second Sunday Social

After worship on the second Sunday of the month in June, July, and August, we’ll be hosting a “Second Sunday Social” – with an opportunity for conversation and fellowship in […]

Vacation Bible School

Although we cannot gather physically for VBS this year, we WILL be having Virtual Vacation Bible School! There is no fee, but registration is required. Please see information below for […]

Virtual Book Club

Read along with the Reformation Book Club and join in the conversation! The upcoming titles and dates are: May 26: Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger.  June 23: Beantown Girls by Jane Healey July […]

Candle Lighting

Throughout the world, lighting candles is a sacred ritual. We light a candle for many purposes: to illuminate darkness, dedicate prayers, solidify intentions, offer blessings, evoke Spirit, and/or to nourish […]

Trivia Night!

Join us for a virtual Trivia Night! The Reformation Trivia Night will be held on Friday, May 15, at 7:00 pm. Registration is required – please click the button below […]

COVID-19 Loss & Grief

All Our Losses, All Our Grief A new virtual class on loss, grief, and ritual begins on May 6 for three consecutive Wednesday evenings, 7 – 8:30 pm. Facilitated by Deacon […]

Serve Our Neighbors

We are happy to announce the new and updated robust list of Reformation’s community partners. This list can be found anytime by clicking ‘Community Partners’ under the ‘Connect’ portion of […]

Coffee & Conversation

On Mondays 7 PM – 8 PM & Fridays 9 AM – 10 AM, we’ll be having virtual ‘office hours’ via Zoom for people to log on and chat, have […]

Prayers at 3 PM

We invite you to #pausetopray with our Reformation Church Family every day at 3 PM, no matter where you may be. Please see our social media accounts for various prayers […]

Virtual Easter Egg Hunt

All day on Easter and through Monday, April 13, look for eggs we’ve hidden around our website. Here is a list of the eggs you are looking for in case […]

Palm Sunday BINGO

Attention Sunday School students – YOU are invited to a virtual game of BINGO on April 5, Palm Sunday. We will begin around 11 AM – after the worship service […]

Virtual Worship

For the duration of our social distancing, on Sundays, you will be able to participate in a virtual worship service through Zoom at 10:00 am. A link will be emailed […]

Holy Week @ Home

Here are some worksheets and activities you can do as a family wherever you are from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. Introduction to Holy Week @ Home Palm Sunday Monday […]

Holy Week 2020

Palm/Passion SundayApril 5 at 10:00 am  The Great and Holy Week begins with the celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem accompanied by the waving of palm branches and shouts […]

Wednesday Prayer Services

During Lent, we will continue to hold virtual Wednesday evening prayer services via Zoom beginning at 7:30 PM. More information can be found by scrolling down on Please remember […]

Online Sunday School

For the duration of our social distancing mandate, Sunday School materials will be compiled weekly and sent out to parents via email each Sunday morning. You can also access the […]

Church Building Closed

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, all church ministries and programs, including worship, are suspended and all building use by outside groups is suspended through March 31 and possibly longer as […]

Help Feed the Homeless

Reformation provides meals to the homeless at the Life Center five dates per year: the fourth Thursday of each January, March, May, July and September. We usually provide at least […]

Donate Shoes

Stay and Play, the after-school program at Reformation, is supporting a shoe drive being conducted by Gratitude for Grandparents (G4G), an organization for grandparents raising their grandchildren. G4G will receive […]

The Power of Forgiveness

To forgive someone can be simple. But this simple act can have powerful consequences and may lead to a personal and spiritual transformation. Kathie Leighton leads participants in a three-week […]

Make a Difference with Care Kits

Throughout Lent, we will collect supplies for men living in recovery at Phoenix Recovery Project. The mission of the Phoenix Recovery Project is to provide a safe, structured, and sober […]

March Youth Group

Save The Dates This event has been canceled. March 15 – Soup Making – Our Youth Group will be preparing soup for our Lent Soup Supper! Lunch will be served. […]

2020 Scholar in Residence

Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Crystal HallWalking with the Risen Christ: Opening Scripture and Breaking BreadSaturday, April 25, 2020, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm In her presentation Dr. Hall will explore Luke’s Road […]

Jazz Night!

Due to COVID-19 concerns, this event is postponed. Join us on Sunday, March 15, at 4 pm for Jazz Night! This fun-for-all-ages and free event will kick off 2020’s Media […]

March Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast Group is inviting all Reformation men to our next Breakfast on Saturday, March 14. Come out and join us for hot coffee and warm food and always […]

Support CC Migrant Ministry

Chester County Migrant Ministry (CCMM) is a non-profit Christian ministry serving the immigrant community in Chester County and the surrounding area. Reformation partners with CCMM in their efforts to offer […]

Serve at The Well

Reformation will prepare meals for the Well Sunday March 8. Please sign up in the lobby to bring a casserole, bread, or side dish that would feed about 12 people. […]

Faith-Life Connections Class – Help, Thank, Wow

February 23, March 1 & 8 at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall. Join Laura Reiter as she facilitates table talk based on Anne Lamott’s book Help, Thank, Wow. This quick […]

Adult Bible Study Returns

Adult Bible Study will resume on Sunday, March 1, at 9:45 am in the choir room with a look at our beautiful liturgy. We will consider the reasons for the […]

Be Still – Holy Interruptions

As we enter the season of Lent, remembering on Ash Wednesday that we are dust and to dust we shall return, join Deacon Beth on Saturday, February 29, at the […]

Ash Wednesday 2020

Please join us – ALL are welcome! Ash Wednesday Worship – Wednesday, February 26, at 12:00 noon and 7:30 pm. Both worships include Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes. […]

Serve at the Welcome Church

On Sunday, February 23, we will provide hot beverages after the service at the Welcome Church. We will meet at Reformation at 2 pm and carpool to the Welcome Church, […]

February Pastor’s Blog

On Groundhogs and Candles Since at least the year 300, the Christian Church has celebrated February 2 as The Feast (or Festival) of the Presentation of Our Lord. February 2 […]

Faith-Life Connections Class – Loving Vincent

Join us in Creighton Hall at 9:45 am February 2, 9 & 16 for Loving Vincent. Led by Laura Reiter, participants will view and discuss the award-winning, animated biographical move […]

Camp Sunday

On Sunday, February 16, we celebrate the ministry of Bear Creek Camp. We will welcome a member of the camp staff to Reformation that day. A special program will be […]

February Lunch Bunch

Join the Lunch Bunch at Barnaby’s Restaurant, 5501 Pennell Road, Aston. We will celebrate Valentine’s Day at noon on Wednesday, February 12. Sign up in the lobby. See Karen Chorney […]

February Youth Group

All youth in grades 6-12 (and friends!) are invited to our February Youth Group gathering on Sunday, February 9, from 12 noon – 2 pm in the Community Room. Lunch […]

Reformation Connect

Deepen your connection – please speak to one of the pastors or deacon if you are interested in becoming more involved in the life and ministry of Reformation (and exploring […]

February Men’s Breakfast

Men: Hear Ken’s Army Stories The Men’s Breakfast group is inviting all Reformation Men to our next Breakfast on Saturday, February 8. Our guest speaker is Ken Delmar, who has […]

SOUPer Bowl Sunday

On Sunday, February 2, you are invited to help us celebrate SOUPer Bowl Sunday! We will collect cans of soup for the Media Food Bank. Bring a can (or two!) […]

Annual Meeting January 26

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26, 12:15-1:15 pm, in the Sanctuary. Refreshments will be available immediately following the 11:00 am service and the meeting will […]

Prayerful Viewing of Art

Sunday, January 26 – Experience a Prayerful Viewing of Art, a self-guided contemplative hour of slow art viewing and open creative studio time facilitated by Deacon Beth 9:30-11:00 am in […]

January Lunch Bunch

Join fellow Reformation members at the NEW Margaret Kuo’s at The Promenade at Granite Run on Friday, January 24, at 12:00. Sign-up in the lobby. All are welcome. Contact Edna […]

Help Feed the Homeless

Reformation provides meals to the homeless at the Life Center five dates per year: the fourth Thursday of each January, March, May, July and September. We usually provide at least […]

Seek Comfort for Grief & Loss

This session has been cancelled due to lack of interest. All Our Losses, All Our Grief, a three-week course focusing on loss, grief and ritual, takes place at Reformation on […]

January Pastor’s Blog

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! – 2 Corinthians 5:17 As many of you know, […]

January Book Club

All are invited to attend the Library Book Club on January 21 at 7pm in the Alyce Thompson Room. We will be discussing Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, a debut […]

Mark E. Davis Scholarship

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark. The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year […]

Tuscarora Youth Retreat

The Tuscarora Lutheran Youth Retreat, for all youth in grades 6-12, will be held March 27-29. Registration materials and payment will be due by Sunday, January 19. More information has […]

Give the Gift of Life

Register now for the American Red Cross Blood Drive that will take place Sunday, January 19, 9 am – 2 pm right here at Reformation. To schedule your appointment, sign-up […]

MLK Memorial Service

Join the SEPA Synod African Descent Lutheran Association Philadelphia Chapter as they host their annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Service on Sunday, January 19, at 3:30 pm at Grace […]

January Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast group is inviting all Reformation Men to our next breakfast on Saturday, January 11. Come out and join us for hot coffee and warm food and always […]


Sermon on the Steps in Epiphany Beginning on Sunday, January 5, and continuing throughout the season of Epiphany, the Sermon on the Steps will be on the move! Held at […]

What Makes TED Talks Tick?

TED Talks posted their first six videos in 2006 and by 2012 they had reached a billion views. They continue to be viewed at a rate of 17 new views […]

Celebrate Our Faith Engagement!

Let the “Call” process begin! How exciting is it to hear that news? Congregation Council was hopeful that there would be a positive response to the appeal for the Deacon […]

Mortgage Paid Off

Congregation Council, on November 12, 2019, passed a Resolution to pay off our mortgage with the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA. The payment in the sum of $53,722.00 will […]

2019 Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Worship – All are welcome! All worships include Carols, Candlelight and Communion. 2 pm – a service featuring traditional carols sung in a traditional style. 4 pm – […]

10 Eco-Friendly Wrap Ideas

1)    Old newspaper 2)    Sheet music you don’t use anymore 3)    Cardboard rolls from toilet paper for little stocking stuffers 4)    Pages of old books folded into gift bags 5)    […]

Hanging of the Greens

Everyone is invited to help decorate the tree and hang wreaths and pine roping Sunday, December 22, immediately following the 11:00 worship. Join us also for the Unhanging of the […]

Fill Christmas Food Bags

Look for bags with lists of specified canned and packaged foods in the lobby today. We ask that the full bags be returned by Sunday December 15. You can use […]

Give a “Good Gift”

As you plan for the coming season of gift-giving, consider a gift of hope and love that can help make a difference in the world with ELCA GOOD GIFTS. The […]

Bring Joy to our Homebound

Join members in spreading Christmas cheer to our homebound on Sunday, December 15. Come to Creighton Hall after the 11:00 worship for a light lunch and then we will carpool […]

December Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation Men to our next breakfast on Saturday, December 14. Coffee and fellowship begin at 8:30 am, breakfast is served by 9:00, and our […]

Enjoy a Historical Lunch Bunch

If you were traveling between Philadelphia and Baltimore in the late 1770’s and needed a place to get a meal or to spend the night, you might have stopped at […]

December Deacon’s Blog

“For we have observed God’s star at its rising and have come to pay God homage.” – Matthew 2:2b In our evolving computer culture, digital communication often combines letters and […]

Join the Fun at Arasapha

Families are invited to join us on Sunday, December 8, for the Arasapha Holiday Hayride. We will gather at Arasapha at 6:00 pm. A sign-up email will be sent out. […]

St. Nicholas Gift Giving

Once again, Reformation will provide Christmas gifts for people in need through community agencies. Stop at the St. Nicholas gift tables in the hallway outside the church office. This year […]

Join the Holiday Choir

Would you like to sing with the Chancel Choir for Advent and Christmas? We would be thrilled to have you! Rehearsals will be at 10:00 am on Saturday, December 7, […]

Worship Updates

Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope December 1 is the First Sunday in Advent. Worship that day will include our “Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope” […]

Healing for the Holidays

Faith-Life Connections Class –  A new four-week study for Advent begins on Sunday, December 1, in Creighton Hall at 9:45 am. The holiday season brings great joy. If we are […]

Serve Our Neighbors

When we think of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we generally think of family, food, and the sharing of gifts. This holiday season, you can help our less fortunate neighbors have holidays […]

Thanksgiving Service

A Thanksgiving Service of Prayer will be held Sunday, November 24, at 3:00 pm, at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, 727 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore. This service is sponsored by the Interfaith Council […]

Help Cradle To Crayons

Cradles to Crayons provides children from birth through age 12, living in homeless or low-income situations, with the essential items they need to thrive – at home, at school and […]

Prayer Book for Prisoners

Hear My Voice: A Prison Prayer Book is a beautiful print resource developed in response to the call from the ELCA Social Statement, “The Church and Criminal Justice: Hearing the […]

Generous Donors Remember Reformation in Their Wills

“Planned Gifts” are a way for people to support the mission of the church beyond their earthly life. There are a variety of ways in which people can make a […]

Nov. Pastor’s Blog

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, What do you deserve? To what are you entitled? The term “entitlement” refers to a belief that one is deserving of some particular reward […]

Enjoy a Free Concert

Please join us for our next free community concert at Reformation, Soprano Leah Golub in recital on Saturday, November 16, at 4:00 pm. She will sing classics by Schumann, Liszt, […]

Lunch Bunch in November

The Lunch Bunch is a group which meets at a different restaurant each month to share lunch and conversation. We try to pick new and interesting places where we order […]

Be a CareSharer/Friendly Visitor

The CareSharers and Friendly Visitors Ministry is dedicated to sharing communion and visits with our homebound members. On the first Sunday of each month, the communion elements are consecrated as […]

Youth Group Cookie Bake

All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in a Thanksgiving Cookie Bake on Sunday, November 10. We will gather at 12 noon for a pizza lunch followed by […]

Conowingo Dam Eagle Watch

Join Tom Reeves on a trip to Conowingo Dam on Saturday, November 9. We will meet at Reformation Church at 8:15 am and drive up together. Last year the group […]

November Men’s Breakfast

Help With Church ChoresThe November Men’s Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, November 9, and the men’s group is asking Reformation Men to help Dave Black around the Church for a […]

We Remember All the Saints

On All Saints’ Sunday, November 3, we remember and give thanks to God “for all the saints, who from their labors rest.” The following members of Reformation are named and […]

Holy Interruptions

Holy Interruptions will be held Saturday, November 2, 10:00 am to 1 pm. We will meet at 10 am at the North Entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (near […]

Faith-Life Connections Class

Dear Church, a new book study, begins Sunday October 27, to discuss Lenny Duncan’s Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US. […]

Eco Movie Night

The Eco Ministry Team invites you to a fall Movie Night for a screening of From Paris to Pittsburgh. The movie will be shown at Congregation Beth Israel (542 S […]

Blood Drive

Donate Blood, Save a Life – The next blood drive is Sunday October 27, from 9 am to 2 pm. You can make a difference! Whether it is for hurricane […]

Feeding Thousands – Yes Thousands!

The response to pack healthy, dry protein meals (rice, beans, soy, and seasonings) on Saturday, October 19, at 10 am at St. Luke Lutheran Church, in Devon, PA, is exceptional! […]

Hike and Bible Study

The Eco-Ministry Team is hosting a Bible Study and Hike with Pastor Alina on Saturday, October 19. This is an opportunity to explore God’s word and creation together! We will […]

October Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch – On Wednesday, October 16, at noon, join Lunch Bunch at Il Granaio Italian Restaurant, 711 Concord Road, Glen Mills. Sign up in the lobby. All are welcome […]

Loss and Grief

All Our Losses, All Our Grief, a three week course focusing on stories of loss, grief, and ritual, takes place at Reformation on Tuesday evenings, October 15, 22, 29, 7-8:30 […]

October Book Club

Library Book Club: Tuesday, October 15, 7:00 pm, in the Alyce Thompson Room. A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline, Inspired by Andrew Wyeth’s painting Christina’s World and […]

Free Concert

Our inaugural concert of the 2019-2020 Season will be the return of the Mirror Visions Ensemble on Sunday, October 13, at 4pm at Reformation. The New Yorker says of the […]

Leah Schade’s New Book

Preaching in the Purple Zone: Ministry in the Red-Blue Divide, Dr. Leah Schade’s latest book, will soon be available at Reformation’s church library! Leah Schade began her ministry right here […]

October Pastor’s Blog

“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord’!” – Psalm 122:1 For nearly 30 years, Reformation has been serving the Elwyn […]

In God’s Image

Learn to Welcome and Include the LGBTQIA+ CommunityJoin us on Saturday, October 12 for a morning of learning, brunching, and growth as the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod sponsors this workshop to […]

Celebrate St. Luke

On Sunday, October 13, we will commemorate St. Luke the evangelist in worship. Tradition says that Luke was a physician by profession. As such, commemorations honoring him often include a […]

October Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation men to their Saturday, October 12, Horseshoe Tournament. Coffee and Fellowship begin at 8:30 am, breakfast is served at 9:00 and they pitch horse […]

October Youth Group

Arasapha Haunted Hayride – All youth in grades 6-12, and their friends and families, are invited to join us on Sunday, October 6. Please sign up using the Sign Up […]

Blessing of the Animals

You and your pet are invited to a Blessing of the Animals service on Saturday, October 5, at 11:30 am. The service will be held around the back of the […]

Sept. Deacon’s Blog

Gallup, Inc. is an American analytics and advisory company based in Washington, D.C. Each of you may have, at some time in your life, taken a Gallup poll or utilized […]

Eco Ministry Updates

Eco Thanks You The Eco Ministry would like to thank everyone who purchased a shopping bag with the Reformation logo. We collected $215 during our spring/summer sale and the money […]

Come Home for Homecoming

Join us on Sunday, September 29, as we welcome home all members of Reformation – past and present! During worship we will recognize our “Heritage Members” – those who have […]

Sept. Feeding the Homeless

Our next opportunity to serve at the Life Center in Upper Darby is Thursday, September 26. Please sign up on the sheets on the counter in the lobby to help […]

Children’s Choir

in the Children’s Choir! What: Children’s Choir Who: Kids age 4 to grade 5 When: Tuesdays, 6:30 pm, starting Sept. 24th The Children’s Choir sings once a month during the […]

God’s Work, Our Hands

The seventh annual God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday will take place September 22 from 10 am to 3 pm. Non-perishable food items will be collected that day at church and […]

Help Clean Up Rose Tree Road

Can you smell fall in the air and see the leaves starting to change colors? Well then, it is time for the fall clean-up of Rose Tree Road! We will […]

QPR Training

QPR training takes places at Reformation on Saturday, September 21, from 9 am to noon. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn […]

New Healing Service

Starting September 15, we will offer a new service with prayers for healing and anointing. There will be a very brief healing service (about 10 minutes) after the conclusion of […]

Youth Group News

The first youth group event for this school year will be a campfire & s’mores on September 8 6:30pm – 8pm. Friends are always welcome – please signup here. All […]

Sept. Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast group’s fall kickoff breakfast on Saturday, September 14, will spotlight Ron Bingeman, who has an extensive baseball card and related artifacts collection and exciting recollections of getting […]

Sept. Lunch Bunch

The Lunch Bunch will meet at noon on Wednesday, September 11, at Charlotte’s Restaurant, 3207 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square. Anyone interested in attending should sign up in the lobby. […]

In God’s Name

Faith-Life Connection “In God’s Name” is a video-based, adult study beginning on September 8 at 9:45 am that explores the complex questions of our times through the intimate thoughts and […]

Rally Day is Sept. 8

You Belong at Rally Day on September 8! Our regular schedule resumes with worship at 8:30 and 11:00, with Sunday School and Adult Faith Builders at 9:45. Students from infant […]

Donate Underwear

Reformation Lutheran is once again teaming with the Needlework Guild of America (NGA) to collect NEW underwear and socks. NGA is a grassroots charity dedicated to providing NEW toiletries, linens, […]

Help Restock our Food Pantries

The Media Food Pantry and our own Reformation Pantry are being restocked. Donations of personal hygiene items, disposable rain ponchos, can openers, packets of tuna, chicken, or other protein items […]

Serve at The Welcome Church

Sunday, August 25, Reformation is providing cool summer beverages and hospitality on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway at The Welcome Church before and after the 3 pm worship. Volunteers carpool and […]

August Feeding The Homeless

Volunteers are needed to help on our special Feeding the Homeless date, Wednesday, August 21. Check the sign-up sheet in the lobby and consider making a salad or possibly a […]


Reformation swag is now available to purchase! You can show off your Reformation spirit with a new t-shirt, hooded sweatshirt, coffee mug, and more! Check out our new Teespring store […]

Join the Chancel Choir or Souls!

Would you like to sing with the Chancel Choir? The Chancel Choir will begin rehearsal Wednesday, August 28, at 7:30 pm in the Choir Room and we will resume singing […]

Grandparent Support Group

Gratitude 4 Grandparents is a newly-formed group that meets at RLC twice a month. They are grandparents, family members and friends who have stepped in to raise someone else’s child […]

Mark E. Davis Scholarship Recipients

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year college or university awarded to a member of Reformation Lutheran Church. The ELCA Foundation administers the scholarship fund […]

August Pastor’s Blog

We love because God first loved us. Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or […]

School Supplies Collection

Back to School Suggested Supply List The Faith Communities of Delaware County are collecting school supplies for local school children in need of a little help to start the school […]

August Art In The Heart of Worship

Bring Buttons & Bottlecaps We will be using recycled materials for our Art in the Heart of Worship Project on Sunday, August 18. Please save any plastic bottle caps and […]

Interfaith Gateway Partner

Through Interfaith Philadelphia, Reformation is excited to be part of the 2019 Gateway to Religious Communities Series and we are thrilled to welcome visitors of all backgrounds on July 28 […]

July Pastor’s Blog

Now let us be united, and let our song be heard. Now let us be a vessel for God’s redeeming Word. We all are one in mission; we all are […]

Serve Our Neighbors at The Welcome Church

On Sundays, July 28 and August 25, Reformation is providing cool summer beverages and hospitality on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway at The Welcome Church before and after the 3 pm […]

July Help Feed the Homeless

Our next opportunity to participate in this rewarding mission is Thursday, July 25. Volunteers will deliver and serve 150 meals of fried chicken, fruit, potato salad, coleslaw, bread and bakery […]

Youth Thank Sponsors

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our youth mission trip to Washington DC! There will be a special ice cream social for sponsors on Sunday, July 21, following […]

July Library Blog

What Are You Reading This Summer? Summer reading lists abound, but they tend to be impersonal. The Library Committee would love to hear what’s on your personal list — one […]

Decorate Our Tree of Life

Art in the Heart of Worship is when we engage in art, learning and advocacy for the sake of the world! On Sunday, July 14, we will add paper flowers, […]

June Blood Mobile

Donate Blood, Save Lives The Red Cross will hold a blood drive right here at Reformation Sunday, June 30, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. To schedule your appointment, sign […]

June Deacon’s Blog

In the spring, I was fortunate to travel to a place I have longed to go, Portugal. It is a small country, about the size of Indiana, located geographically at […]

Pronoun Stickers Available

We now have pronoun stickers for those who wish to add them to their Reformation name badge. These stickers provide an opportunity for those who wish to share their personal […]

Camp Care Packages

Care packages for Bear Creek Camp staff – During the month of June, you are invited to bring donations of individual snacks and treats, silly socks, decks of cards, and […]

2019 Vacation Bible School

Join us for our FREE Vacation Bible School – July 7-11 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Children ages 3 – completed grade 5 are invited to ROAR with us. […]

Our 2019 Summer Intern

Vivian Long is a freshman majoring in Neuroscience at Susquehanna University with minors in Political Science and Creative Writing. She hopes to one day write a book and go on […]

Drama Camp at Reformation!

Drama Kids International is offering a week of camp for kids 6-12 years old right here at Reformation. Children will participate in acting and confidence-building activities like improvisations, games, plays […]

Aid For Friends Opportunity

Saturday, June 1, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, all who enjoy cooking, baking, mixing, and making are encouraged to join us at the Aid for Friends (AFF) Kitchen in […]

Ascension Day Worship

Delaware Conference of Lutheran Churches will host their annual Ascension Day worship on Thursday, May 30, at 7:00 pm at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Folcroft (1500 Glen Ave, Folcroft, PA […]

June Lunch Bunch

This event has been cancelled. We will reconvene Lunch Bunch in September. Share lunch and good times with the Lunch Bunch, Wednesday, June 12, at 12:30 at Antica Italian Restaurant, […]

Comfort for Grief & Loss

POSTPONED – Please contact Deacon Beth for details. All Our Losses, All Our Grief, a three-week course focusing on loss, grief and ritual, takes place at Reformation on Mondays, June […]

Help Feed the Homeless

Our next opportunity to participate in this rewarding mission is Thursday, May 23. There are several ways you can help: 1. Make a meat casserole – The recipe and aluminum […]

May 2019 Pastor’s Blog

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Springtime brings forth the shoots of green growth which signal the renewal of God’s creation. The beautiful blooms of spring all around us are […]

Calling All Graduates!

We will recognize all Reformation members who will be graduating with the Class of 2019 during worship on Sunday, June 2. Please join us as we celebrate what God is […]

May 2019 Library Blog

Thanks for Keeping Our Library Relevant and Growing Thank you to Pastors Arden and Margaret Krych and Linda Lorino for their donations. You can help keep our collection refreshed and […]

Civil Conversations

FAITH LIFE CONNECTIONSInspired by Krista Tippett’s On Being podcast and the Civil Conversations project, members and friends of Reformation are invited to participate in three weeks of shared listening and […]

Eco Movie Night & Potluck

Eco Movie Night & Potluck –Friday, May 17, at 6:30 pm. Our feature attraction will be the award-winning documentary Who Owns Water? Filmed in 2014, the film tells the story […]

Help for Food Addiction

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous meets every Monday at 1:30 pm in the Reformation Choir Room. FA is a program based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.  There are […]

May Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation Men to join us for breakfast on Saturday, May 11. Our guest speaker this Saturday is the Distinguished Professor Emeritus Dr. Walt Woerheide. […]

May Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, May 8, 12:30 pm, at A Taste of Britain, 503 Lancaster Ave., Wayne (in Eagle Village Shops). We need an accurate count in order […]

Eco Sunday 2019

Eco Sunday is April 28! During the education hour there will be activities for all ages to learn about water as we celebrate God’s creation. Plan to join us – […]

Krista Tippett Honored

Interfaith Philadelphia’s 2019 Dare to Understand Award honors Krista Tippett Sunday, April 28, 4:00-6:30 pm at Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral.  Interfaith Philadelphia’s A Year of Civil Conversations will culminate with a live […]

Hike at Heinz Refuge

Join us on Saturday, April 27, at 9:00 at the church to carpool to the refuge. This is a great opportunity to observe birds, flowers, trees and ducks at the […]

Holy Week Schedule 2019

Palm Sunday (4/14) – Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am Maundy Thursday (4/18 ) – Worship at 7:30 pm Good Friday (4/19) – Worship at 12 noon and 7:30 pm […]

April Pastor’s Blog

On Friday, March 15, ten Reformation members gathered at the KenCrest Community Champions luncheon. This annual luncheon is a celebration of members of the wider community that champion the work […]

April Men’s Breakfast

Learn Local History The Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation Men to join us for Breakfast on Saturday, April 13. Our guest speaker this Saturday is the well known Local […]

ELCA Softball 2019

Five area Lutheran churches will again be joining forces to form an ‘ELCA’ slow-pitch softball team this spring and participate in a local church league. Any able male or female […]

April Book Club

The next Library Book Club meeting is Tuesday, April 16, at 7 pm and will feature the book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night, by Mark Haddon. […]

April Lunch Bunch

Munch With Lunch Bunch The Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, April 10, 12:30 pm, at the Porch at the Lamb Tavern, 865 W. Springfield Rd., Springfield.

Spring Music Together Classes

Music Together®, an early childhood music program for children 5 and under with their caregiver, is back for the Spring Session. Classes will start April 12 and run for 10 […]

Lent Care Kits

We are collecting supplies for Care Kits to be given to those who are homeless or in need. You can pick up a “Care Kit” bag in the lobby. Care […]

Easter Food Collection

The Community Action Ministry is again collecting food for distribution at Easter. We ask that the bags be returned by April 7. If you did not get a bag, we […]

Wednesdays During Lent

Join Us for Midweek Soup Suppers and Worship Each Wednesday in Lent, starting March 13, we invite you to gather for a soup supper and discussion at 6:30 pm in […]

Liz Hazlett In Concert

Media Performing Arts Series Presents: Liz Hazlett – In Recital Join Us for a Free ConcertOur own Children’s Choir leader, Liz Hazlett, will sing a variety of musical numbers in […]

Bible Presentations

During worship on Sunday, March 31, Reformation Sunday School students will receive their Bibles. These presentations happen each year for students in second grade and older students who are new […]

Rose Tree Road Cleanup

Help Clean Up Rose Tree Road Saturday, March 23, with Eco Ministry. We will meet at the church at 10:00 am and spend about one hour working to clear the […]

Learn About Thrivent Grants

Deacon Beth will be in the Reformation lobby Sundays March 17 and 24, before and after worship, to show you how to access your grants. Join her at the computer […]

March 2019 Deacon’s Blog

I was glad when they said, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem. –  Psalm 122:1-2 Len Wilson, storyteller […]

March Lunch Bunch

Munch With the Lunch Bunch The Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, March 13, at 12:30 pm at the Erin Pub, 36 W. Winona Ave, Norwood, PA Sign up on […]

March Men’s Breakfast

Sea of Dreams with Men’s Breakfast Group The Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation Men to join us for breakfast on Saturday, March 9, in Creighton Hall. As participants of […]

Ash Wednesday 2019

We will mark the beginning of our Lent journey on Ash Wednesday with worship at both noon and 7:30 pm. Both will include the imposition of ashes and communion. We […]

2019 Scholar In Residence

Dr. Kristin Johnston Largen21st Century Insights for God-Talk, Scripture Interpretation, and Following Jesus Saturday, March 9, 2019 9:00 am – 12:30 pm In her presentation Dr. Largen will look at […]

Be Still – Holy Interruptions

Be Still – Holy Interruptions, Saturday, March 2, 9:00-noon at Reformation. Deacon Beth invites you to intentional quiet space. Come and slow down. Take an intentional pause to learn to […]

Support the Fight Like Hail Giving Project

We are collecting snacks and other food and beverage items to be given to children through the Ronald McDonald Houses of Philadelphia and the oncology floor of CHOP to honor […]

Comfort for Grief & Loss

All Our Losses, All Our Grief, a three-week course focusing on loss, grief and ritual, takes place at Reformation on Tuesdays, February 19, 26, and March 5 7-8:30 pm. Join […]

Feb. Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, February 9, and the Men’s group is inviting all Reformation men to join us for Coffee, Fellowship and Breakfast. We have not scheduled […]

Feb 2019 Library Blog

Warm Reads for Cold Days, Snow Days With the polar vortex upon us, how about spending some indoor time letting a book “warm” you or a family member? Drop by […]

Feb 2019 Pastor’s Blog

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This year the Season of Epiphany lasts throughout January and February until the day before Ash Wednesday on March 6. One of the major […]

Faith Life Connections – Embracing A Life of Meaning

A new 5-session class begins Sunday, February 3, at 9:45 in Creighton Hall. Themes for the five weeks include: Belief Matters, The Bible Matters, Community Matters, Place Matters, and We […]

SOUPer Bowl Sunday

On Sunday, February 3, you are invited to help us celebrate SOUPer Bowl Sunday! We will collect cans of soup for the Media Food Bank. Bring a can (or two!) […]

Mark E. Davis Scholarship 2019-2020

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark.  The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year […]

Feb. Lunch Bunch

The Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, February 6, 12:30 pm, at Da Shin Bistro, 190 S. New Middletown Rd, Media. Sign up on the clipboard in the lobby if […]

Annual Meeting Jan. 27

NEW FORMAT The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 27, 12:15-1:15 pm, in the Sanctuary. Refreshments will be available immediately following the 11:00 am service and the […]

Youth Group Important Dates

Mark your calendars for our upcoming Youth Group events in 2019! February 10   Valentine College Care Package Making March 10        Scavenger Hunt and Dessert April 5-7         Harvey Cedars @ Tuscarora […]

Give the Gift of Life

Register now for the American Red Cross Blood Drive that will take place Sunday, January 20, from 9-2 right here at Reformation. To schedule your appointment sign up online at […]

First Communion

It is our practice at Reformation that children receive their first communion at the desire of their parents. First communion instruction is a take-home lesson set that can be completed […]

January Feeding The Homeless

Help Feed the Homeless Reformation provides meals to the homeless at the Life Center five dates per year: the fourth Thursday of each January, March, May, July and September. We […]

Jan. Men’s Breakfast

All Aboard – Men’s Breakfast The Men’s Breakfast for Saturday, January 12, is changing location from the Reformation kitchen to Dave Chorney’s home. Dave has invited Reformation Men to have […]

Jan 2019 Library Blog

Books Offer Valuable Companions as We Walk by Faith. All of life’s journeys share some things in common, and our personal faith journeys are no different. We seek a clear […]

Jan 2019 Pastor’s Blog

Called by Christ, we INVITE all people, SERVE our neighbors, and BUILD a living faith. On Reformation Sunday, during worship, we had the opportunity to add our signatures to the […]

Music Together at Reformation

Tempo! Music Therapy Services, an internationally recognized early childhood music program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, and the adults who love them, is back for the Winter Session, offering a […]

MLK Day Events

Commemorating Dr. King “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’“ – Martin Luther King, Jr. On January 20 our Sunday School students will engage […]

January Lunch Bunch

The Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, January 9, at 12:30 pm at Fellini Cafe (106 W. State Street, Media). All are welcome. Sign up on the clipboard in the […]

Quarterly Book Club

Mark your calendar now for our 2019 book club discussions on Tuesdays January 15, April 16, July 16, and October 15 at 7:00 pm. The book that will be discussed […]

Nature Hike at Heinz Refuge

Cancelled due to Government Shut-Down. We will try to reschedule ASAP. The Eco Committee’s nature hike to the Heinz Refuge will be Saturday, January 12. We will meet at the […]

January Faith Builder

Before The Amen – A new four-week course based on New York Times bestselling author Max Lucados’s book, Before the Amen, begins January 6 at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall. […]

December 30 Worship

December 30, 2018 – One worship only at 10:00 am Join us to thank and honor Pat Woerheide on her retirement as our Parish Nurse 9 am-10 am – Greet […]

Dec 2018 Library Blog

Make Christmas Feel Real — Read about it Did you know that our brains suspend disbelief to let us feel that what we read is real? We can feel the […]

Hanging of the Greens

Everyone is invited to help us decorate the tree and hang wreaths and pine roping Sunday, December 23, immediately following the 11:00 worship. Decorations will be taken down on January […]

Dec 2018 Nurse’s Blog

HIV Awareness World AIDS Day on December 1 has started a global initiative to raise awareness, fight prejudice, and improve education about HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. You probably […]

Bring Joy to our Homebound

Join members in spreading Christmas cheer to our homebound on Sunday, December 16. Come to Creighton Hall after the 11:00 worship for a light lunch and then we will carpool […]

Chester Children’s Chorus Concerts

The Chester Children’s Chorus will hold their holiday concerts on Friday, December 12 and Saturday, December 15 at 7:30 pm at Swarthmore College. Admission is free, space is limited. More […]

Christmas Eve & Day Schedule 2018

Christmas Eve Worship All worships include Carols, Candlelight and Communion. 2 pm – a service featuring traditional carols sung in a traditional style 4 pm – a special service designed […]

Give a “Good Gift”

As you plan for the coming season of gift-giving, consider a gift of hope and love that can help make a difference in the world with ELCA GOOD GIFTS. The […]

St. Nicholas Celebration is Dec. 9

St. Nicholas Celebration – Bishop Nicholas will visit us and dedicate the gifts we bring to support local community organizations during both worships on Sunday, December 9. See the display […]

Lutheran Settlement House Activity

 Make a blanket – Sunday, December 9, as part of our St. Nicholas Celebration, Erica Zaveloff and Vashti Bledsoe from LSH will be with us. During the education hour, at […]

December Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch – Wednesday, December 12, at 12:30 pm at DiFabio’s on Route 252 in Media, right around the corner from Reformation. There is space for 16. Please sign up […]

Dec 2018 Deacon’s Blog

“Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low, the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain.”  Isaiah 40:4 Advent, what […]

Dec. 2018 Men’s Breakfast

Guest Speaker at Men’s B-fast The Men’s Breakfast group has invited guest speaker David Komarnicki, author of the book Five Stars in the Window, to our Saturday, December 8, Men’s […]

Concert to Benefit Kencrest

Hosted by Christ’s Lutheran Church, Oreland (700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Oreland, PA 19075) the Bloom Consort will perform Renaissance Christmas Carols and Sacred Music in a concert open to the community, […]

Longing for the Light

December 2 is the First Sunday in Advent. Worship that day will include our “Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope” liturgy which includes a Prayer Litany and, optionally, […]

December Faithbuilder

The Advent Conspiracy – Each week during Advent the Faith-Life Connections Faithbuilder will discuss the four tenets of the Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, Love All.  Advent […]

Join the Holiday Choir

If you would like to sing during Advent or on Christmas Eve, the Chancel Choir would love to have you join us! Rehearsals will be held Wednesdays, November 28 and […]

Nov 2018 Library Blog

We Have a Winner in the Bulletin Board Contest! Natalie D’Italia won an Amazon gift card for correctly identifying the connections between pairs of books displayed on the library bulletin […]

Family Hayride at Arasapha

Families are invited to join us on Sunday, December 2, for the Arasapha Holiday Hayride. We will gather at the church at 6:00 pm and at Arasapha at 6:30. Sign […]

Advent Calendars available now!

 Free Advent Calendars from ELCA World Hunger are available on the counter in the gathering space. Please take one to mark the days of Advent in this season of preparation. […]


John Pickett — an internationally acclaimed concert pianist — presents a program of beloved piano repertoire and selected original works at the Media Performing Arts Series at Reformation Lutheran Church […]

Faithbuilders: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Starting Sunday, November 11, at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall, the Faith and Life Connections class begins a new four-week session featuring the life and ministry of Rev. Dr. Fred […]

Nov 2018 Pastor’s Blog

100 years ago – on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (Nov. 11, 1918) – the Armistice was signed ending the hostilities of World War […]

Nov 2018 Nurse’s Blog

November is Diabetes Awareness Month When you have diabetes, your body has difficulty using glucose for energy. When you eat, your body turns most of the food you eat into […]

Youth Group Cookie Bake

All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in a Thanksgiving Cookie Bake on Sunday, November 11. We will gather at 12 noon for a pizza lunch followed by […]

Living Generously

When we think of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we think of family, food, and exchanging gifts. This holiday season, you can help our less fortunate neighbors enjoy the holidays with those […]

Nov. 2018: Men at Work

The Men’s Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, November 10, and the men’s group is asking Reformation Men to help out around the Church for a morning of service to clean […]

Nov 2018 Finance Blog: Stewardship

We Walk By Faith & Not By Sight In recent weeks we have been blessed to hear members of our congregation share their “walk by faith” stories. Our “faith walk” […]

Thanksgiving Food Drive

As Thanksgiving approaches, we again prepare to provide holiday meals to 50 families. Here is how you can help: Take a bag and shopping list on October 28. Return the […]

For All The Saints

On All Saints’ Sunday, November 4, we remember and give thanks to God “for all the saints, who from their labors rest.” The following members of Reformation are named and […]

Be Still – Holy Interruptions

Through poetry, art, music, guided meditation, reflection questions and invitations into silence, Deacon Beth invites you into intentional quiet space to help you learn to notice and embrace unexpected, holy […]

Fall Eco Movie Night

Please join us on Friday, November 2, for our annual Fall Eco Movie Night and Potluck Supper. Supper starts at 6:30 and the movie at 7. Our featured attractions are […]

ARTolerance Visits Media

Help spread the word and invite your neighbors and friends. ARTolerance will be in Media on Sunday October 28, at 3 pm, with an international ensemble of multi artistic disciplines […]

Learn CPR at Reformation!

The CPR/AED class has been rescheduled for Saturday, October 27 at 9:00 am in Creighton Hall. If you are interested in learning or would like a refresher class, this is […]

Eagle Watch

Come see the Eagles at Conowingo Dam Saturday, October 27, with our resident naturalist, Tom Reeves. Meet at the church parking lot at 8:15 am to join the carpool. Wear […]

Loss and Grief

Beginning Monday, October 22, at 7 pm, Deacon Beth and Nurse Pat will lead the three-week class, “All Our Losses, All Our Grief” in the Alyce Thompson Room. Loss happens. […]

Oct 2018 Eco Tip

Ten surprising things that can be recycled will be reviewed one per month. This month: Aluminum Foil. Aluminum foil can be recycled easily. Unfortunately we throw away enough aluminum foil […]

Make a Difference – Donate

Please consider helping your community by donating blood at one of our upcoming mobile blood donation events right here at Reformation. It only takes about an hour of time and […]

Walk with Me, Peace Is Every Step

Starting Sunday, October 21, at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall, the Faith and Life Connections class begins a new three-session, video-based study. This class features the collective works of Zen […]

Confirmation is October 21

Celebrate Our Confirmands On Sunday, October 21, during the 11:00 worship, seven students will affirm the promises made at their baptisms during the Rite of Confirmation. This year’s Confirmands are: […]

Fall Road Clean-Up

Join our Eco-Ministry for our fall clean-up of Rose Tree Road. We will gather at the church at 10:00 am on Saturday, October 20. Sign up in the lobby. Help […]

Oct. 2018 Nurse’s Blog

Where are those Bandages? Did you know that there are six first aid stations in the church? If a mishap that requires first aid occurs in the church, would you […]

Oct. 2018 Library Blog

October 16 Book Club — News of the World by Paulette Jiles All the books we read in the Reformation Book Club are terrific, but the selection we will discuss […]

Oct. 2018 Pastor’s Blog

But ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; […]

ALL are Welcome!

Reformation has a new welcome statement! In September, the Congregation Council passed a resolution adopting a new Welcome Statement for Reformation! This welcome statement is one way we are living […]

Calling All Brewmeisters

The Men’s Breakfast group meets this Saturday, October 13, for their annual Oktoberfest “bring your favorite brew”. The Reformation Brewmeisters Association is inviting all men for an early morning happy […]

Jazz Night

FREE Concert Sunday, October 14: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Contact: Erik Flaten at

Hayride to the Witch’s House

Families are invited to a Halloween Hayride at Linvilla to the Witches House for some Halloween treats on Sunday, October 14, at 5:30 pm. This is not a Haunted Hayride […]

St. Luke Celebration

On Sunday, October 14, we will commemorate St. Luke the evangelist in worship. Tradition says that Luke was a physician by profession. As such, commemorations honoring him often include a […]

Youth Group Trip to Arasapha

All youth in grades 6-12, and their friends and families, are invited to attend Arasapha Haunted Hayride and Bates Motel on Sunday, October 7. We will be meeting at the […]

Blessing of the Animals

You and your pet are invited to a Blessing of the Animals service on Saturday, October 6, at 11:30 am. The service will be held around the back of the […]

Voices of Lutheranism: Chorales to Alabados

Situated within the wider narrative of Christian worship, the story of Lutheran music begins with Martin Luther’s own gifts as a lutenist and composer. Unlike Calvin and Zwingli, who appreciated […]

Homecoming Sunday

Join us on Sunday, September 30, as we welcome home all members of Reformation – past and present! During worship we will recognize our “Heritage Members” – those who have […]

Music Together at Reformation

Music Together® is an internationally recognized early childhood music program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and the adults who love them. A Music Together® Family Class will be offered at […]

Sept. 2018 Library Blog

Do You Know Your Books? Test Your Book Knowledge for a chance to Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. The Library Committee is sponsoring a special contest during the month […]

September Feeding the Homeless

Feeding the Homeless – Our next opportunity to serve at the Life Center in Upper Darby is Thursday, September 27. Please sign up on the sheets on the counter in […]

Tanzania Meet and Greet

Reformation welcomes Bishop Stephen Munga of the North East Diocese, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, Tuesday evening, September 25. ‘Bega Kwa Bega,’ standing shoulder to shoulder, is the Swahili phrase […]

Choir Opportunities!

Make a Joyful Noise Reformation has three choirs which offer an opportunity for any member to lift their voice to praise God. None of them require try-outs, just a desire […]

Sept. 2018 Nurse’s Blog

Get serious about Lyme disease! Did you know Lyme disease is increasing right in our area? This disease is transmitted by the black legged tick, commonly known as the deer […]

Sept. 2018 Deacon’s Blog

Pilgrim – Be, Receive, Give Thanks Growing up in Northern Wisconsin, Labor Day weekend marked a time of transition. Summer cabins were swept and sealed until the next season, canvas was […]

God’s Work, Our Hands

The sixth annual God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday will take place Sunday, September 23 from 11 am to 3 pm. Non-perishable food items will be collected that day at church […]

Installation of Bishop Davenport

All are invited to celebrate the installation of the Rev. Patricia A. Davenport as Bishop of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod on Saturday, September 22, at 2 pm at New Covenant […]

New Nursery School Directors

The Reformation School Board is pleased to announce that Amy Bevan and Erin Steffan have been appointed co-directors of Reformation Nursery School. Amy and Erin have extensive backgrounds and training […]

Hike and Bible Study

The Eco-Ministry Team is hosting a Bible Study and Hike with Pastor Alina on September 15. This is an opportunity to explore God’s word and creation together! We will gather […]

Women’s Connection

All women are warmly invited to join us on Sundays starting on September 9. During our time together we share devotions and/or readings and discuss how our faith sustains and […]

Fall Faith Builder

What It Means To Be Christian Embracing An Adult Faith – 9:45 am in Creighton Hall. Starting Sunday, September 16, this new five-session video-based study features Marcus Borg, best-selling author and […]

September Men’s Breakfast

Pitch Horseshoes The Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation men to our Saturday, September 8, Horseshoe Tournament. Come on out and pitch horseshoes with Wild Bill Grauer, Cowboy Bubba Black […]

Rally Day is September 9

Rally Day is Sunday, September 9! Our regular worship schedule resumes that morning with worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am and Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:45. Please […]

Underwear Collection

Matthew 25:36, 40 “I was naked and you clothed me…as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.” August is upon us, […]

August Welcome Church & Hunger Advocacy

Join us to worship at The Welcome Church & Hunger Advocacy – Sunday August 26, at 3 pm. A carpool will leave the Reformation parking lot at 2 pm. Together […]

Aug 2018 Library Blog

Library News August: High Season for Corn, Tomatoes and Relaxation What other month celebrates taking it easy like August? National Lazy Day is August 10, followed quickly by National Relaxation […]

Aug 2018 Pastor’s Blog

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Summer months are often marked by a slower, more relaxed pace of life. But at Reformation ministry was full speed ahead in the month […]

Aug 2018 Nurse’s Blog

New Shingles Immunization Herpes Zoster, also known as Shingles, is a painful, itchy rash that lasts for two to four weeks. It develops along a nerve pathway and happens as […]

September OWLS

News from the OWLs The OWLs have been meeting for many years with the help of many different people who volunteered to do the various tasks necessary for each meeting. […]

Women and Justice

A discussion on the proposed ELCA Social Statement on Women and Justice will be held on Thursday, August 23. There are two sessions to choose from – 10:30 am and […]

El Camino de Santiago Presentation

El Camino de Santiago, “The Way of St. James” is a Christian pilgrimage in Spain which is over 1,000 years old. Many pilgrims have walked the 500 miles to the […]

Art in the Heart of Worship – August

Faith engagement takes many forms. Inspired by Stik the Street Artist in June and the works of Vincent van Gogh in July, we continue with our final Art in the […]

The Stranger in our Midst

MCC Immigration Community Day Saturday, August 4, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Centro de Alabanza Church (440 Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, PA) Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)’s mission is […]

Delco Lutheran Back-To-School Collection!

Delaware County Lutherans will collect school supplies for local school children in need of a little help to start the school year for 2018-2019. The collection ends August 5. A […]

Animal Toys and Towels Collection

Please bring in gently used or new towels and new toys for animals to donate. Rachel Bingeman is collecting these items for her NJHS community service project. The last day […]

Help with Feeding the Homeless

Help with Feeding the Homeless, Thursday, July 26. 6 or 8 volunteers will deliver and serve 150 meals of fried chicken, fruit, potato salad, cole slaw, bread and bakery sweets. […]

Opioid Addiction And Abuse: Hope In The Midst Of Crisis

All are invited to a discussion on the opioid epidemic plaguing so many in our country, state, communities, and families. District Attorney Katayoun Copeland will be presenting on the crisis […]

Get Fit And Give Back

You are invited to an event that is raising awareness and collecting donations for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention. A free Zumba class will be offered at 7:30 pm […]

S.E.PA. Synod Assembly Elects New Bishop

Report of our voting members: The 31st annual assembly of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod was held May 4-5, 2018. Kris and Dick Hughey were the voting members from Reformation and […]

Lutherans in Social Service

Care for the poor and those in dire need has been a Lutheran concern from the beginning of the Reformation. In 1522, only five years after the posting of the […]

Celebrate Bishop Burkat’s Ministry

There are two opportunities to honor and celebrate Bishop Claire Schenot Bishop as she retires this summer. The first is a Day of Fun honoring Bishop Claire Burkat, Sat., July […]

June 2018 OWLS

OWLs News The meeting on May 14 was the last for the OWLs senior group until at least September. Those who came to hear The Sunshine Singers in May were […]

Summer ECO Tips

Simple changes to save energy in the summer months: Try to do all your energy-heavy chores during off-peak hours. If you do laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cooking, etc. at night, you […]

2018 Patriotic Concert

Patriotic Concert Monday, July 2, at 7 pm At Reformation Lutheran Church, Media Featuring Joe Smith, Star Clarinetist of The Philly POPS and The Classics of Dixieland Band PLUS The […]

2018-2019 Mark E. Davis Scholarship Recipients

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year college or university awarded to a member of Reformation Lutheran Church. The ELCA Foundation administers the scholarship fund […]

June 2018 Music Blog

Music at Reformation Hello everyone, I am actively recruiting three new Choral Scholar positions – soprano, alto and tenor. If you know of any students in university or college music […]

Travel With Jesus This Summer!

Pick up your Traveling Jesus from the counter in the lobby. Each sheet has instructions for you to take Jesus with you as you travel around the world or across […]

Art In The Heart Of Worship – June 17

Art in the Heart of Worship – On June 17, upon arriving and departing worship, all in attendance are invited to participate in an inter-generational art activity. Stop by the […]

Summer Schedule Begins June 17

Our summer schedule starts next Sunday, June 17 – Worships at 8:30 and 10:00 am, no Sunday school classes. Reformation will recognize all graduating members during worship June 17. Graduating […]

Welcome our Summer Intern!

Leigh Richard will be joining Reformation as our Summer Intern! Leigh is a rising senior at Gettysburg College majoring in Philosophy with minors in English and Education. She is a […]

June 2018 Finance Ministry Blog

We Reached Our Goal: 50 for 500! The Finance Ministry is very pleased and excited to announce that members of our congregation have risen to the challenge and we have […]

June 2018 Library Blog

Library News Book Club meets July 17 Looking for an insightful, stimulating, and sociable discussion of an interesting book? Then give the Reformation Book Club a try. Our next discussion […]

June 2018 Nurse’s Blog

Anyone Can Treat an Opioid Overdose We are experiencing an opioid abuse epidemic now. Overdoses occur for many reasons: 1) illicit opioid drug abuse, 2) accidental prescription overdose, 3) mixing […]

June 2018 Deacon’s Blog

“May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened.” – Ephesians 1:18 W. David O. Taylor wrote in Christianity Today, What if we saw the arts in worship as part of […]

Bike or Walk for a GREAT Cause!

Support the Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia – June 10 by joining the 6th Annual Ride for Understanding, with a choice of a 10 or 30 miles bike trail ride, […]

Sunday School Update

Sunday School – The last Sunday School classes will be held on Sunday, June 10. We have some special things planned for the whole family! If you have not yet […]

Young(er) Adults Cookout

The young(er) adults cookout is rescheduled for Saturday, June 9, at noon at the Troutman’s home. Contact Jen at if you did not get the evite. We look forward […]

Council Members Installed

Members of the 2018-19 Council were installed at worship on Sunday, May 27, at both worships. We welcome newly elected Council members Layla Phillips, Marilyn Gilroy, and Mike Polito. We […]

Visit Our Homebound

At Reformation, we have two groups of volunteers who visit our members who are unable to attend worships. Friendly Visitors become a friend to a homebound member and visit or […]

May 2018 – Help Feed the Homeless

Our next opportunity to participate in this rewarding mission is Thursday, May 24. There are several ways you can help: Make a meat casserole – The recipe and aluminum pans […]

Celebrate Diane’s 25 Years

On May 20 at the 11:00 worship we will recognize Diane Bullen’s 25 years of service to Reformation School’s Stay and Play program. Following worship there will be a reception in […]

Aid-For-Friends Cook-In

Help With Our Sunday School Aid-For-Friends Cook-In On Sunday, May 20, the Sunday School will again prepare meals for the homebound that Aid-For-Friends supports. This year, we are making meatloaf […]

May 2018: Nurse’s Blog

The 411 on the Opioid Crisis Every day the media makes us aware of the growing opioid abuse epidemic in the US, but do you really know how this is […]

May 2018: Pastor’s Blog

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” – Ephesians 2:8 Every three years, the youth […]

May 2018 Library News

Books for those who have been Mothered…and for Mothers, too Lots of things happen in May, from graduations to the first visit to the Shore. And there’s Mother’s Day of […]

May 2018 Men’s Breakfast

Show Off Your Wheels All men are invited to the annual Antique and Classic Car Show Saturday, May 12, to enjoy breakfast and join us outside to see some of […]

May 2018 OWLS

News from the OWLs May 14 is the last meeting of the OWLs until September and this meeting will have a different format. We’ll meet in the Sanctuary instead of […]

Eco Movie Night

What DO Plants Talk About? The Eco Ministry is hosting our Eco movie night and potluck supper Friday, May 11. We will watch The movie, What Plants Talk About, is […]

Ascension Day Worship

The Delaware Conference of Lutheran Churches will host their annual Ascension Day worship Thursday, May 10, at 7:00 pm at Temple Lutheran Church, Havertown. All are invited to this festival […]

Art in the Heart of Worship

Faith engagement takes many forms. A new short-term taskforce is forming to discuss ways we can engage all who enter our doors on summer Sundays in an art activity. These […]

Vitality Project Survey

We are embarking on a journey to strengthen our congregational vitality. Vital congregations are communities of faith where there are life-changing relationships with God, one another, and the world. Our […]

Lutheran Day at the Capital

Monday, May 21, 8:45 am – 4:30 pm. Bring your faith to the table, and join Lutherans from around the state for worship, learning, advocacy and action. Lutheran Day at the […]

All Our Losses, All Our Grief

Coming again in May, this interactive three-week course focusing on loss, grief, and ritual takes place at Reformation on Mondays, May 7, 14 and 21, 7-8:30 pm in the Alyce […]

Celebrate our Choral Scholars

It’s hard to imagine, but May 6 is the last Sunday that three of our Choral Scholars will be with us. Zoe Jones and Sara Munson are both graduating from […]

Share a Meal with One in Need

Join fellow members and friends on Sunday, April 29, at 1:00 pm in Creighton Hall to prepare a light meal for those who worship at The Welcome Church. Once prepared […]

Lutherans Around The World

Wittenberg was a small provincial town on the edge of the empire when professor and pastor Martin Luther lit an evangelical spark that illuminated God’s grace and prompted reform in […]

April Lunch Bunch

Tea with the Lunch Bunch – Thursday, April 26, at 11:45 am, meet us at “A Taste of Britain.” The cost is $25.00 per person (please bring cash) which gets […]

April 2018: Nurse’s Blog

Are you alcohol aware? The National Institute on Health has designated April as Alcohol Awareness Month. Drinking alcohol can be a health risk for anyone. Let’s review what alcohol is […]

April 2018: Pastor’s Blog

Concerning the Election of a Synod Bishop Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, When our Southeastern Pa. Synod meets in assembly May 4-5 we will elect a new synod bishop. […]

April 2018: Library News

Celebrate the Earth, Cultivate the Soul As warming weather in April entices us outdoors to connect with our neighbors. as we celebrate Earth Day, and as the gardeners among us prepare […]

The Legacy of the Reformation

The Legacy of the Reformation will be presented on April 25, 7 pm, at the Free Library of Philadelphia. Dr. Christopher Close and Dr. Christopher Atkins will discuss the Reformation’s […]

Support our “Chefs”

Reformation has been selected as one of four churches to compete in this year’s Top Shelter Chef Contest! The event is held by the CAADC to raise funds to support […]

Eco-Ministry Earth Day Program

This year, our Eco Sunday event will feature a guest speaker. Dr. Chara Armon is an Assistant Professor and Lawrence C. Gallen Fellow in the Humanities at Villanova University. She […]

Pitch Horseshoes

The Men’s Breakfast Group invites Reformation Men to come out on Saturday, April 14, for the annual Horseshoe Tournament at the OK Corral behind the Church. After a hearty breakfast, […]

Golf for a Cause – miniMasters

This summer ten Reformation youth and two adult leaders will attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, TX. This triennial event draws Lutheran youth from across the country with an […]

Softball Players Needed!

Play Ball! Five area Lutheran churches will again join forces to form an ‘ELCA’ slow-pitch softball team this spring and participate in a local church league. Anyone (male or female) […]

OWLS Learn About Owls

You don’t need to make a reservation to attend a meeting of the OWLs senior group of Reformation. Just show up!  Sometimes,  a few minutes before the meeting is due […]

Book Club in April

Library Book Club meets Tuesday, April 17 at 7:00 pm – We will discuss the book, America’s First Daughter, by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie, which tells the fascinating, untold […]

Vibrant Faith Summit

Reformation will be the host site for the Vibrant Faith Summit held April 12-14. Vibrant Faith is an organization working with congregations to foster a greater understanding of faith formation, […]

2018 Scholar In Residence

Scholar in Residence: The Rev. Dr. Donald McCoid Lutheran-Catholic Relations: Progress and Prospects after 500 Years Saturday, April 7, 2018, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The Reverend Dr. Donald J. McCoid is […]

Holy Week Schedule

Palm/Passion Sunday March 25 at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 NOTE NEW SCHEDULE The Great and Holy Week begins with the celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem accompanied by the […]

Winter Weather Update!

Due to winter weather, ALL church activities are cancelled for Wednesday, March 21. Please stay safe! The chancel choir will rehearse on Saturday, March 24, at 10:30 am.

Lutherans Come to North America

Most of us know that Lutheranism had its start in Germany with Martin Luther. But when and how did it come over to North America? The story begins with the […]

Eco Palms Help Our Planet

This year our Palm Sunday (March 25) palms will be provided through a partnership with Lutheran World Relief. These Eco Palms are gathered and sold in a socially and environmentally […]

March Eco Tip

Eco Tip According to the Environmental Protection Agency, air inside the average home is two to five times more polluted than the air outside, during the winter months largely due […]

Feeding The Homeless

For the past few years, Reformation has joined in supporting the Community Outreach Project (COP) which serves evening meals at the Life Center of Eastern Delaware County. The Life Center […]

Easter Food Collection

The Community Action Ministry is collecting food for distribution at Easter. If you did not get a bag, look for the list of specified canned and packaged foods in the […]

Lent Supper & Service Cancelled for March 7

In light of the forecast for severe weather, the Soup Supper and Evening Prayer for Wednesday, March 7, have been CANCELLED.

Enjoy Tea with Lunch Bunch

CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER! Tea, anyone? It’s “A Taste of Britain” time! Thursday, March 22, at 11:30 am, meet us at “A Taste of Britain” located in the Eagle Village […]

Home-Owners Co-Op Now Forming

Do you have a bunch of projects around the house that just never seem to get done? Would you like some help? A new homeowner’s co-op group is forming at church that […]

March 2018: Library News

Get Even More Grounded Our Lenten theme is based on the book Grounded, by Diana Butler Bass. It’s human nature to desire to be grounded — in faith, family, home, community […]

March 2018: Nurse’s Blog

Care for Your Eyes More than 20 million Americans suffer from severe vision loss. The American Academy of Opthamology has dedicated March to educating us about things you can do […]

March 2018: From The Deacon

“They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither.” Psalm 1:3 Japanese styled gardens with their gentle […]

OWLs Welcome Plush Mills

The February meeting of the OWLs brought out an enthusiastic group of art lovers to hear Pat Hacik and Marilyn Gilroy as they presented Art Goes to School. We are […]

March Men’s Breakfast

The next Men’s breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, March 10, and we invite all Reformation men to join us for Coffee, Fellowship and Breakfast. Come on down to the kitchen […]

Bear Creek Camp Sunday

On Sunday, March 18, we will celebrate the ministry of Bear Creek Camp. We will welcome a member of the camp staff to Reformation that day. A special program will […]

Spring Road Clean Up

Spring Road Clean-Up – Saturday, March 17, beginning at 10:00 am. Meet at the church to get our supplies and then clean up Rose Tree Road. Contact Deb Felton ( […]

Spring Sparkhouse Book Fair

Check out our Sparkhouse Book Fair! Downstairs in the Sunday School hallway on Sundays, March 4 and 11, you will find a book fair display. Samples are available for you […]

Lent Mission Project – Care Kits for Homeless Neighbors

Empty gallon-size storage bags containing a list of basic items and instructions will be handed out at the end of worship today and next Sunday. Please return the bag to […]

The Reformation Spreads in Europe

Martin Luther is, deservedly, receiving most of the attention as we mark the beginning of the Reformation in Saxony. But with remarkable speed, those teachings spread to other countries in […]

Meet Our Counters

Every week our dedicated group of Counters, along with our Financial Secretary, Gary Kamin, meet to tally up RELC’s income for the past week. This group consists of John Berberich, […]

Feb 2018 Pastor’s Blog

“To those who have hunger, give bread; to those who have bread, give a hunger for justice. Amen.”  – Latin American Table Blessing Over 28 years ago, the SOUPer Bowl […]

Feb 2018 Library News

Happy Valentine’s Day! Most of us view Valentine’s Day as being about romantic love. At the same time, it’s an opportunity to celebrate the many forms of love in our […]

Walk the Labyrinth

For one week, February 28 through March 7, walk an indoor Trinity Labyrinth at Reformation. Located in the ROCK Room, this self-guided contemplative walk is for all ages. Walk the […]

Midweek Lent Soup Supper & Worship

Each Wednesday in Lent following Ash Wednesday, we invite you to gather for a soup supper and discussion at 6:30 pm in Creighton Hall. The soup supper will be followed […]

2018 First Communion Classes

First Communion Classes will be held on three consecutive Saturday mornings, 9:00–10:30 am. The dates of the classes are March 10, 17, and 24. The final class time will include […]

QPR: Suicide Prevention Training

Saturday, February 17 10:00 am – 12 noon QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. […]

Young(er) Adults’ February Fondue Night

—CANCELLED DUE TO IMPENDING SNOW—- The Bocian Family will again host an adults-only Fondue Night on Saturday, February 17, 7:00 to 9:00 pm at their home. They will provide the […]

February Youth Group

All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to our February Youth Group! We will gather on Sunday, February 11, 12:00-2:00 pm. Lunch will be served. We will make treats and […]

CPR Refresher

CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is another way you can help our community! Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church has two AED machines (automated electronic defibrillators). They are also available in community centers, work […]

February Men’s Breakfast

The next Men’s breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, February 10. All Reformation men are invited to join us for Coffee, Fellowship and Breakfast. Come on down to the kitchen at 8:30 […]

February OWLS

The January meeting of the OWLs did not happen! Snow, ice, and cold jeopardized safe travel to and from our cozy nest in Creighton Hall so we canceled the meeting. […]

February Faith Builders

Faith Builders – February 4 and February 11 – join those who love a good laugh and older, classic black and white tv shows at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall. […]

Discerning Leadership for our Synod’s Future

The Discernment Team for the 2018 Bishop’s election invites you to a time of Bible study, prayer, and conversation about the leadership our synod needs in the future. This session […]

February Lunch Bunch – Chili and Chocolate

CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER!!!! February 7 at 11:30 am at Reformation. Break up the chill of winter by gathering with the Lunch Bunch as they sample a variety of homemade […]

Lent Discussion Groups

Small groups will be reading and discussing the book Grounded: Finding God in the World – A Spiritual Revolution by Diana Butler Bass. Books will be available in the gathering […]

Celebrate the SOUPer Bowl!

We are collecting cans of hearty soup for the Media Food Bank for the annual Souper Bowl of Caring. Please bring a can (or two!) of soup with you to […]

Walk the Camino

Sept. 13-22, 2018, a group from Reformation along with family members and friends will be embarking on a pilgrim walk on the Camino de Santiago. Although many “pilgrims” walk this […]

2018 Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 28, beginning with lunch at 12:05 pm in Creighton Hall. The meeting will begin about 12:30. Childcare is available. Please bring […]


Be Hands of Hope Here are some ways you can “serve all people” in the coming weeks and months. Contact Deacon Beth for more information.  “Let your light shine!” Prepare […]

Women and the Reformation

“I am prepared to lose everything, even life or limb. May God stand by me.” So wrote Argula von Grumbach (1492–1563/68?) from Bavaria, who found Martin Luther’s message of Christian […]

Jan 2018 Library News

Happy New Year!  A new year brings hopes, expectations and resolutions. For some, it is a chance to put a difficult year behind. For others, it is a time of […]

Feeding the Homeless in January

Help with Feeding the Homeless, Thursday, January 25. Please sign-up on the sheets on the counter in the narthex to help in one of these ways: Make a meat casserole […]

January Lunch Bunch

*** CANCELLED DUE TO BAD WEATHER*** Wednesday, January 17, at 11:30. Enjoy good food and fellowship with Lunch Bunch as we celebrate the new year. Sign up in the gathering […]

Jan 2018 Nurse’s Note

Medication: miracle or nightmare? Across our nation drug abuse is on the rise. What is the first step in preventing this health crisis? Education with assertive open dialogue is helpful […]

ECO Tips for Winter Weather

Close the recycling loop. Many articles of clothing, such as jackets, scarves, gloves, and boots, are now made from recycled materials. Most fleece products are made from recycled plastic soda […]

2018 Mark E. Davis Scholarship

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis following the death of their son, Mark. The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year […]

January 2018 Book Club

Reformation Library Book Club Tuesday, January 16th, 7 pm, Alyce Thompson Room A Gentleman in Moscow, by Amor Towles,  tells the story of Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, a Russian aristocrat […]

Jan 2018 Pastor’s Blog

I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.  – Philippians 1:6 At […]

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Timeless truths from Martin Luther King, Jr. On repentance: “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but […]

January Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast – January 13. The Men’s group invites all Reformation men to join us for Coffee, Fellowship and Breakfast. We have not scheduled a guest speaker for this month […]

January OWLs News

The OWLs ended the calendar year in a festive way!  We celebrated the 100th birthday of our oldest member, Madaline Heim, with a card signed by all, plus a special […]

All Our Losses, All Our Grief

A three week course focusing on loss, grief, and ritual takes place at Reformation on Mondays, January 15, 22, and 29, from 11 am – 12:15 pm in the Alyce […]

Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

You’re invited to join the Eco Ministry for a trip to the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, January 13, 2018. The refuge, established in 1972, is America’s first […]

January Faith Builders

In addition to the Bible Study taught by Nancy Clark on January 7, 14, and 28 and the Women’s Connection on those same dates, the following opportunities will be offered: […]

CONNECT Winter Camp

CONNECT is a fun-filled weekend at Bear Creek Camp! Winter camp is a great opportunity to enjoy all the fun of camp in just one weekend! Each camp runs from […]

Let Your Light Shine!

On Sunday, January 7, the church celebrates the Baptism of Our Lord. On that day we will affirm our baptism during worship.  It will also be a time to affirm […]

Volunteers Bless the Office

As the Christmas season fast approaches, our office volunteers are getting quite a workout with extra bulletins, newsletters and mailings. Although their hard work is enjoyed by all, their efforts […]

Christmas Eve and Day Schedule

December 24 10:00 am – 4th Sunday of Advent Worship (Note: ONE morning service) Christmas Eve Worship All worships include Carols, Candlelight and Communion. 4:00 pm – a special service […]

December 17, 2017 Events

Hanging of the Greens Everyone is invited to help us decorate the tree and  hang wreaths and pine roping Sunday, December 17, immediately following the 11:00 worship. Let’s Go Caroling! […]

Give a Good Gift This Christmas

As you plan for the coming season of gift-giving, consider a gift of hope and love that can help make a difference in the world with ELCA GOOD GIFTS. The […]

Listen To The Children

Chester Children’s Chorus (CCC) Concert will be held on Friday, December 15, and Saturday, December 16, at the Lang Concert Hall at Swarthmore College. The concerts begin at 7:30. Doors […]

Munch with Lunch Bunch

On Thursday, December 14, at 10:30 am Lunch Bunch will meet at the Brandywine River Museum for a tour which highlights the Christmas paintings of the Wyeth family. In addition […]

Dec 2017 Deacon’s Blog

By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of […]

Dec 2017 Nurse’s Note

’Tis the Season to be Wary Thanks to increased time indoors and short winter days, our immune system seems to leave us more susceptible to infection. The flu season is […]

Dec 2017 Library News

Take a Break with a Book We are in the midst of the holiday season, and sometimes it feels good to take a breather. A book can offer just the […]

Holiday Hayride at Arasapha

Families are invited to join us on Sunday, December 10, for the Arasapha Holiday Hayride. We will gather at the church at 6:00 pm. A sign up email will be […]

Concert Benefits Kencrest

Hosted by Christ’s Lutheran Church, Oreland (700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Oreland, PA, 19075) the Bloom Consort will perform Renaissance Christmas Carols and Sacred Music in a concert open to the community […]

St. Nicholas Celebration

Bishop Nicholas will visit us and dedicate the gifts we bring to support local community organizations during both worships on Sunday, December 10. Be sure to see the display in […]

Cookies Bring Good Cheer!

December is the time for the Jean Roberts Memorial Cookie Collection. Please bake or purchase Christmas cookies for gifting to the homebound and for holiday food bags. You may bring […]

Fight Like Hail

Newtown Square resident, Hailey Parker, was only 10 years old when she was diagnosed with a form of brain cancer called GBM and only 11 when she lost her battle […]

Healing and Hope

December 3 is the First Sunday of Advent. Worship that day will include our “Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope” liturgy which includes a Prayer Litany and, optionally, […]

December OWLs

OWLs Another rainy Monday brought another great turnout for the November OWLs meeting! Folks heard about how war also affects non-combatants in the moving poem shared by Tom Gibson commemorating […]

December Men’s Breakfast

Tools, Scars and Stories The next Men’s Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, December 9, and we invite Reformation Men to our second annual “Tool Time” event at Reformation Lutheran Church. […]

Harvey Cedars

The Harvey Cedars retreat, for all youth in grades 6-12, will be held March 2-4. Registration materials and payment will be due by Sunday, January 14. More information will be […]

Advent Festival

On Sunday, November 26, everyone is invited to an Advent Festival at 9:45 am in Creighton Hall. At the festival we will have ways to celebrate Advent in your home, […]

Gratitude for Gardens

As the days get shorter and the weather turns colder, we give thanks to our Gardening Angels, who have worked hard to plant and maintain our gardens since early Spring. […]

Nov 2017 Pastor’s Blog

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” – Psalm 107:1 My family has a Thanksgiving tradition – and perhaps your family has a similar […]

Nov 2017 Nurse’s Note

Holiday Health Tips Its November! This time of year is exciting and fun but it can also bring a lot of STRESS! Holiday stress can drain your body’s natural resiliency […]

Nov 2017 Library News

What to Read Now Given our national conversations on immigration, race and religion, here are a few selections from our library that might help you or your children gain additional […]

Fall Book Fair

On Sundays November 12 and 19, a Sparkhouse Book Fair display will be up in the Sunday School hallway downstairs. On Sunday, November 26, the Book Fair display will be […]

Calling All Eagle Fans

A group from Reformation will take a one hour drive to Conowingo Dam to see the bald eagles with Tom Reeves on Saturday, November 18. We will  leave the church […]

Media Performing Arts Series Presents: Love Notes

We invite you to our recital, Love Notes, featuring Soprano Leah Golub, which will be given on Saturday, November 18 at 3:00 pm. The selections are a diverse range of […]

Living Generously

SERVING OUR NEIGHBOR When we think of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we generally think of family, food, and the sharing of gifts.  This holiday season, you can help our less fortunate […]

Munch with the Lunch Bunch

We will meet for a delicious lunch and fun conversation on November 15, at Firepoint Grill Restaurant located at 3739 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square. The food is made 100% […]

Celebrate with Gratitude

Celebrate the Thanksgiving season by attending the 4Ever Grateful Concert on Sun., Nov. 12, 3:00-5:00 pm, at Congregation Ohev Shalom, 2 Chester Road Wallingford. This concert celebrates the talents of […]

Youth Group – Cookie Bake

Youth Group – Cookie Bake All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in a Thanksgiving Cookie Bake on Sunday, November 12. We will gather at 12 noon for […]

Annual Fund Campaign

Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, Rejoice!  Phil. 4:4 Over the past few weeks you have heard individual members of our congregation share their personal faith experiences […]

November OWLs

October saw a record turnout for the OWLs, in spite of drenching rain in the morning.  Karen Chorney’s talk on the importance of honey bees in our lives, and on […]

Men’s Breakfast Helping Hands

The Men’s Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, November 11, and the men’s group is asking Reformation Men to help out around the Church for a morning of service at the […]

For All The Saints

On All Saints’ Sunday, November 5, we remember and give thanks to God “for all the saints, who from their labors rest.” The following members of Reformation are named and […]

Faith Builders

Faith Builders Lifelong learning opportunities for adults on Sunday mornings at 9:45 are an important way in which we fulfill our mission “to build a living faith.” Going forward, these […]

Hurricane Relief for Puerto Rico

Churches throughout Southeastern PA Synod are working with Iglesia Luterana Nueva Creación (New Creation Lutheran Church) and the Norris Square Community Alliance, a community organization with a long standing reputation […]

Synod Events

Check out all that is going on in our Synod to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation!

Reformation Art Tour

Join others from Reformation Church on a special tour of the Philadelphia Museum of Art on Sat., Nov. 11, 1:30-4:00 pm. Continuity and Reform: Insights from Art on the 500th […]

Hear Leading Interfaith Understanding Speaker

Eboo Patel founded Interfaith Youth Core in Chicago on the idea that religion should be a bridge of cooperation rather than a barrier of division. He has worked for more […]

REFORMATION SUNDAY: October 29, 2017

∙ 8:30 & 11:00 – Festive Reformation Worship ∙ 10:00 am – “I’d Plant a Tree”  * Reformation Tree Planting ∙ Luther’s Small Catechism for all at worship ∙ Luther […]

500th Anniversary of the Reformation Speaker

Partners in Ministry Reformation Lutheran Church & Swarthmore Presbyterian Church welcome: Dr. Diana Butler Bass 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Speaker Saturday, October 28, 7:30 p.m. at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church […]

Eco Movie Night

Join the Eco Ministry Team for a movie night and snacks on Friday, October 27, at 7:00 pm. The movie, Seeds of Change, will focus on seed banks. All are […]

Autumn Blood Drive

October 25, 2017, 2-7 pm in Creighton Hall Share with a friend and help save a life. Sign up at Enter sponsor code: Reformation Benefits of Donating It is […]

Luther’s Small Catechism

Of all the things Martin Luther wrote, he is probably best known for two things: the hymn “A mighty fortress is our God” and the Small Catechism. Interestingly, Luther himself […]

All Saints Sunday Prep

Remember a loved one – Ribbons of Remembrance All Saints Sunday is a time when the church celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body […]

October Lunch Bunch on the Move

Wednesday, October 18, Lunch Bunch will take a trip to the American Treasure Museum in Oaks, PA. This museum, which was established in 2010, is housed in what was once […]

St. Luke Celebration

St. Luke Celebration On Sunday, October 15, we will commemorate St. Luke the evangelist in worship. Tradition says that Luke was a physician by profession. As such, commemorations honoring him […]

Oct 2017 Finance Blog

Giving Online is Easy as 1-2-3 Almost every bank today offers its customers the ability to view their current account balances, account statements, transfer funds and pay bills online over […]

Oct 2017 Nurse’s Blog

College is an exciting and challenging time of life. So many changes, leaving home, living independently, getting less sleep, making seemingly earth shattering choices and taking tough classes! You or […]

Oct 2017 Library News

Keep Our Library Growing! If you have books or DVDs that you think others would find valuable, please donate them to our library. Thank you this month to Sue Bianco […]

Oct 2017 From The Pastor

500 Years! There are not many times in life that we get the opportunity to commemorate the 500th Anniversary of anything. Yet here we are, on the threshold of the […]

Linvilla Halloween Hayride

Families are invited to a Halloween Hayride at Linvilla to the Witch’s House for some Halloween treats on Sunday, October 15, at 5:30 pm. This is not a Haunted Hayride […]

Fall Road Clean-Up

Join us for our fall clean up of Rose Tree Road. We will gather at the church at 10:00 am on Saturday, October 14. Help us to continue our stewardship […]

Confirmation Sunday 2017

On Sunday, October 22, during the 11:00 worship, nine students will affirm the promises made at their baptisms during the Rite of Confirmation. This year’s Confirmands are: Ritchie Cotter, Megan […]

All Our Loses, All Our Grief

A new “Build a Living Faith” course is being offered three Monday nights at 7 pm: October 9, 16 and 23. Loss produces grief in our lives. Grief, our emotional […]

It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere!

The Men’s Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, October 14, and the men’s group is hosting our annual Oktoberfest “bring your favorite brew”. The Reformation Brewmeisters Association is inviting all men […]

Oktoberfest With OWLs

September’s OWLs meeting was Beach Magic, a chance to eat picnic-style food together, to catch up with old friends, meet some new ones, and enjoy an entertaining program of magic! […]

Carve Your Pumpkin with Luther’s Seal

Since Reformation Day and Halloween share the same date on our calendar, we invite you to celebrate this year with a special commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. […]


“I’d Plant A Tree” Martin Luther once said, “Even if I knew the world was going to end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today.” In celebration of this […]

Book Discussion Groups for Reformation 500 Speaker

As we commemorate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation which began in October 1517, members of Reformation Lutheran Church are encouraged to read Christianity After Religion: The End of Church […]


Bring Your Pets and Donate You and your pet are invited to a Blessing of the Animals service on Saturday, October 7, at 11:30 am. The service will be held […]

Lutheranism 101

Do you have a two-minute “elevator speech” you can give to someone who asks you “what is a Lutheran?” You will after you attend this review of/introduction  to some of […]

Arasapha Haunted Hayride

All youth in grades 6-12, and their friends and families, are invited to attend Arasapha Haunted Hayride and Bates Motel on Sunday, October 8. For youth, the cost is $35 […]

Reformation 500 All Year!

In addition to the exciting activities on Reformation Sunday, October 29, we are commemorating this important anniversary in many other ways throughout the year. Here is a sampling: ∙ Monthly […]

Countdown to Reformation!

The countdown continues to the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation which we will celebrate on Reformation Sunday, October 29. Help us celebrate by joining The 1517 Society – members and […]

Standing Together

Standing Together ‘Bega Kwa Bega’ standing ‘shoulder to shoulder’ is the Swahili phrase used to both describe and celebrate our Reformation companion relationship with the Pangani Parish of the Evangelical […]

Martin Luther’s German Bible

What version of the Bible do you hear and read? Just in English, we have many to choose from. They range from translations that aim to be as accu­rate as […]

Hike and Bible Study: September 30

The Eco-Ministry Team is hosting a Bible Study and Hike with Pastor Alina on Saturday, September 30. This is an opportunity to explore God’s word and creation together! We will […]

September Feeding the Homeless

Help with Feeding the Homeless, Thursday, September 28. Please sign-up on the sheets on the counter in the narthex to help in one of these ways: Make a meat casserole […]


SERMON ON THE STEPS What Is This? Martin Luther built his catechism on the question asked by his son, Hans – “What is this?’ His teaching of the Lutheran witness […]

2017-2018 Concert Series

Leibig Legacy Lives On I am thrilled to announce the launch of a new concert series here at Reformation! With the generous support of the Leibig Committee, we are hosting […]

Give Now for Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

Hurricane Harvey Relief – Thank you for your generous gifts of more than $11,000 which will be matched by our Holiday Offering Fund and that total matched by Teikoku USA! […]

Sept 2017 Nurse’s Blog

Prevent Suicide! Statistics reported at a suicide forum relate that 43,000-44,000 people die in the US by suicide each year. That is 117 people each day! More die from suicide […]

Sept 2017 Deacon’s Blog

You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on […]

Library News Sept 2017

Library News Keep the Donations Coming. It’s exciting to have a dynamic library like ours, enriched by generous donations. Thank you, Christine Corson, Sally Phillips and Laura Reiter for recent contributions. […]

Coffee and Conversation

You are invited to drop by Burlap and Bean any Thursday for coffee, casual conversation, fellowship, or prayer. Pastor Wayne, Pastor Alina, or Deacon Beth will be at Burlap and […]

Homecoming Sunday is September 24

Join us on Sunday, September 24, as we welcome home all members of Reformation – past and present! During worship we will recognize our “Heritage Members” – those who have […]

The Return of the OWLs

Over the summer break, the OWLs  (Reformation’s senior group) planning committee has been hard at work finding some great programs for the fall!  We’ve scheduled a variety of interesting, informative, […]

Online Church Directory

The new Reformation Church Directory is “live” online! You can sync our church directory directly to your device with a FREE app. It’s Easy! 1. Go to your device’s App […]

Pitch Horseshoes

Pitch Horseshoes The Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation men to our Sat., Sept. 9, Horseshoe Tournament.  Come on out and pitch horseshoes with Wild Bill Grauer, Cowboy Bubba Black […]

Children’s Choir

Check Out the Children’s Choir Join us for the Children’s Choir Open House on Tuesday, September 19, 6:30 pm. Children, age 4 through 5th grade are encouraged to join us […]

God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday is September 17

God’s Work, Our Hands The fifth annual God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday will be September 17. This is a great event for all ages to participate. Non-perishable food items will […]

Rally Day is September 10

Join Us for Rally Day Rally Day is Sunday, September 10! Our regular worship schedule resumes that morning with worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am. Sunday School classes for all […]

Chancel Choir News

Come and sing with the Chancel Choir this year!  New members are always welcomed. Our rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, August 30 at 7:30 pm in the choir room. September […]

Underwear Collection

I was naked and you clothed me…as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me. Matthew 25:36, 40 August is upon us […]

Martin Luther: Monk to Reformer

We live in an era when fame is highly desired. Whether it’s getting hits on social media, getting invited to desirable gatherings, or making it big in Hollywood or Nashville, […]

August 2017 Eco Blog

ECO-FRIENDLY BACK-TO-SCHOOL IDEAS Eco-Tip Reduce Waste Choose refillable pencils and pens Use paper with high post-consumer recycled content Purchase binders made out of recycled materials Reuse Discard used pages from […]

August 2017 Library News

It’s the Dog Days of Summer…A Great Time for Reading Every wondered why we talk about the “dog days” during the sultry part of the summer? It didn’t used to […]

August 2017 Nurse’s Blog

Prevent Lyme Disease Increased Lyme disease infections caused by ticks have been reported to me. Lyme disease is spread by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Common symptoms include fever, […]

August 2017 Pastor’s Blog

August 2017 Pastor’s Blog I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. – Psalm 139:14 During our week of […]

Eye Glasses Collection

Eye Glasses Collection Bring your used eye glasses to the collection bin at the top of the stairwell. The Lion’s Club uses them to give to people who cannot afford […]

Writing Instruments Recycling Program

Writing Instruments Recycling Program sponsored by our EcoMinistry Terracycle Your Pens, Markers and Caps Bring your pens, pen caps, mechanical pencils, markers and marker caps, permanent markers and permanent marker […]

Mark E. Davis Scholarships Awarded

Mark E. Davis Scholarships Awarded The Mark E. Davis Scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year college or university awarded to a member of Reformation Lutheran Church. The Rev. […]

Munch with Lunch Bunch!

Munch with Lunch Bunch! Join an informal gathering for lunch and fellowship on Thursday, August 17, at Iron Hill Brewery at 11:30 am. RSVP by noon, Tuesday, August 15, to […]

Young(er) Adults’ Brunch

Young(er) Adults’ Brunch Thanks to all who came out to our annual cookout – we had a lovely afternoon with lots of yummy food! Our next event is being hosted […]

Review and Practice CPR Aug. 6

Review and Practice CPR Aug. 6 Anyone interested in CPR with an AED demonstration (cardiopulmonary resuscitation with an automated electronic defibrillator) or previously certified in CPR is invited to attend […]

Tour Reformation Lands and Beyond

Visit the places where Martin Luther walked, sang, ate and worshiped as well as other cultural centers (Prague, Vienna, and Bratislava) November 2-14 with Pastor Woody Maxon of Christ Lutheran […]

Thrivent Back To School Collection!

Thrivent Back To School Collection! The Delaware County Chapter of Thrivent will collect school supplies for local school children in need of a little help to start the school year […]

July 2017 Library News

July 2017 Library News Worship Traditions as Diverse as Humanity Check out the Library bulletin board for books about the diverse ways people have chosen to define the values of […]

July 2017 Nurse’s Blog

You Could Save A Life! Each Sunday we say that called by Christ we will serve our neighbors. We not only pledge this but our church provides ways that we […]

July 2017 Pastor’s Blog

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Personal stresses and societal forces pose challenges to use as we live our everyday lives as Christians. There are strong forces in society which […]


2018 ELCA YOUTH GATHERING Get In On This Experience-of-a-Lifetime The next ELCA Youth Gathering will be held June 27 – July 1, 2018, in Houston, TX. All youth who will […]

Countdown to 500!

Countdown to 500! As a way of building excitement for and celebrating the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation this October, we’ll be conducting a 95-day* countdown […]

Library Book Club – July 25

Next Library Book Club Meeting Is July 25. The Reformation Library Book Club meets quarterly to discuss a range of classic and current fiction and non-fiction. Meetings start at 7:00 […]

Serve the Welcome Church

Serve the Welcome Church The Welcome Church is an ELCA congregation proclaiming the hope and love of a gracious God to all people and especially to people experiencing homelessness. All […]

“Table Talk” Stimulates Faith

“PUB THEOLOGY” RETURNS WITH NEW NAME AND LOCATION “Table Talk” Stimulates Faith Martin Luther was well-known for taking conversations of faith outside the church and into homes and taverns around […]

Munch with Lunch Bunch!

Join an informal gathering for lunch and fellowship on Wednesday, July 19 at the Court Diner and Restaurant at 11:30 am. RSVP by noon, Mon., July 17, to Pat Woerheide […]

July 5 Blood Drive!

Give Blood. Save Lives. Creighton Hall, Wed., July 5, 2 – 7 pm Sign up at Enter sponsor code: Reformation Benefits of Donating • It feels great to donate! […]

Pangani Partnership Grows

Pangani is both a region and city in northeastern Tanzania, Africa. Here at Reformation, we celebrate a global mission partnership with the Pangani Parish, part of the North-Eastern Diocese of […]

Synod Assembly Reflections – 2017

The annual Synod Assembly provides an opportunity for representatives from all the churches in the Southeastern Pa. Synod of the ELCA to meet to conduct business and hear important messages […]

Prayer Partners Station Moving

And this is the boldness we have in God, that if we ask anything according to his will God hears us. – 1 John 5:14 During worship on the third […]

June 2017 Pastor’s Blog

Thank you to our Guest Blogger this month – Deacon Beth! ———————————————————————————– Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained […]

June 2017 Nurse’s Blog – Get Better Sleep

Spring has sprung and summer approaches. Warmer temperatures and more daylight hours make active times enjoyable, but what does the increasing daylight do to your sleep? Many members have asked […]

Volunteers Needed!

Do you attend the second service?  If so, please consider staying a few extra minutes to help – once a month or less.  A schedule is worked out ahead of […]

VBS 2017 – Maker Fun Factory!

Each summer Reformation offers a week long bible school for kids age 3 (and potty trained) to completed grade 5.  There is no fee, but registration is required. Please see […]

Patriotic Concert Singers Needed

Patriotic Concert Singers Needed for annual Patriotic Concert which will be held on Tuesday, June 27, at 7:00 pm, featuring Joe Smith, Star Clarinetist of The Philly POPS and The […]

Travel With Luther!

REFORMATION 500 – Travel With Luther! To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this summer Martin Luther will be joining you on your summer travels! Similar to our Reformation […]

Connect Faith and Finances

Rick Henricks and Mike Ghelardi, our local representatives of Thrivent Financial, a fraternal benefit society with Lutheran roots which is committed to connecting faith and finances for good, will be […]


Get In on This Experience-of-a-Lifetime! The next ELCA Youth Gathering will be held June 27 – July 1, 2018 in Houston, TX. All youth who will be in grades 8-12 […]

Young(er) Adults Cookout!

Young(er) Adults Cookout! – The Young(er) Adults group is BACK and we are planning a spring cookout on Saturday, June 3, at 12:30pm hosted by the Troutman family. The Troutmans […]

Bear Creek Camp!

Campers To Receive Blessing Are you heading to Bear Creek Camp this summer? On June 18, during our worships, we will be blessing all campers preparing for a week at […]

Worship on Ascension Day

The Delaware Conference of Lutheran Churches will host the annual Ascension Day worship on Thursday, May 25, at 7:00 pm at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Wallingford. All are invited […]

May 2017 Nurse’s Blog

Get Help For Allergies Spring is the time seasonal allergies affect many people. The symptoms are like a cold, which is caused by viruses, but seasonal allergies (hay fever) never […]

May 2017 Pastor’s Blog

Jacob went on his way and the angels of God met him; and when Jacob saw them he said, “This is God’s camp!” So he called that place Mahaniam. – […]

Feeding the Homeless

Help with Feeding the Homeless, Thursday, May 25. Please sign-up on the sheets on the counter in the narthex to help in one of these ways: Make a meat casserole […]

Take (Musical) Note

Thank you so much for your support of the Chancel Choir! I am happy to announce that two of our Choral Scholars, Zoe Jones and Sara Munson will be returning […]

New Church Directory!

UPDATE: New Church Directory Photos – Those who would like to upload their own photo from their PC, device or phone can do so by clicking here. Please be sure […]

Quilting Ministry Meeting

Quilting Ministry Do you enjoy stitching?  Working with a team of people?  Creating with fabric?  If you said yes to any of these three, join a dedicated group of like […]

May Men’s Breakfast

The Mens Breakfast Group is hosting their annual Antique and Classic Car Show Saturday, May 13.  Fellowship and coffee begin at 8:30 am, breakfast at 9:00 and admiration of cars […]

May OWLS Meeting

OWLS – The next meeting is Monday, May 8, at 12:30 pm.  Walt Woerheide will share his knowledge of designations of financial planners.  Walt will also perform stand-up comedy.  Join […]

Aid For Friends Cook-In

The Sunday School students will be preparing meals for Aid-For-Friends on May 7th. We need your support to help make this possible. We are making meatloaf meals and are in […]

Volunteer Celebration – April 30

In worship on April 30th we will thank God for the gift of the countless volunteer hours given by members of Reformation to Invite, Serve, and Build a living faith. […]


The Eco Ministry is hosting our annual Spring Road Cleanup on Saturday, April 29, beginning at 10:00 AM. We will meet at the church to get our supplies and then […]

Library Blog – April 2017

BIBLIOTHERAPY: FINDING HELP IN BOOKS Using reading materials as a resource for dealing with life’s challenges – “bibliotherapy”– is the theme of our recent Library Bulletin Board, titled “New Year […]

Pastor’s Blog – April 2017

Jesus answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your […]

Racial Justice Movie Night

Movie Night – View and discuss the Oscar-nominated documentary film 13th at Reformation on Saturday, April 29, at 6:00 pm. The film explores issues of race, mass incarceration, and modern […]

April OWLS meeting

OWLS (Outstanding, Wiser, Lutherans) meets the second Monday of every month and includes a light lunch, which is paid for with a freewill offering.  Our next meeting is Monday, April […]

Church Softball League

Four area Lutheran churches will again be joining forces to form an ‘ELCA’ slow pitch softball team this spring and participate in a local church league. Any able male or […]


Each year Reformation celebrates Earth Day by holding a special Eco Sunday event between the two services. This year Eco Sunday will be April 23. The theme will emphasize BEES […]

Bear Creek Camp Work Day

Members and friends of Reformation are invited to a work day at Bear Creek Camp on April 22. We will be working on their new cabin project and possibly some […]

Book Club Schedule

WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT? COME TO A LIBRARY BOOK CLUB MEETING The Reformation Library Book Club meets quarterly to discuss a range of classic and current fiction and nonfiction. […]

March 2017 Nurse’s Blog

Think of how many times in the past month you have heard someone say that they have a cold, a virus or a flu? You might not realize that colds, […]

Easter Food Collection

If you took a bag for the Easter Food Collection, you can still return it in time for the distribution.  Please remember to return it by – April 9. Food […]

April Men’s Breakfast

UPDATE: Due to a scheduling conflict, the men will meet at the Court Diner in Media at 8:30 am instead of the plan listed below. ——————————————————————— The Men’s Breakfast Group […]

April 2 Events

BIBLE PRESENTATIONS – April 2 During worship on Sunday, April 2, Reformation Sunday School students will be receiving their Bibles. These presentations happen each year for students in second grade. […]

Meet The Author

Heidi Neumark will be here at Reformation! Pastor Heidi Neumark, author of Hidden Inheritance (our Lenten Study Book), will be with us on Monday, March 27, at 7:00 pm, to […]

Holy Week Schedule

All ARE WELCOME!  First time visitor? Palm/Passion Sunday (April 9) The Great and Holy Week begins with the celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem accompanied by the waving of […]

Calling All Quilters!

Is quilting a creative outlet for you? Are the needle arts a place of refuge and prayer? There are many ways you can share your gifts and talents both here […]

March Owls Meeting

Reformation has so many talented, energetic, and dedicated folks! At the February meeting of the OWLs, our newly installed Director of Faith Engagement, Deacon Beth Barkhau, not only came to […]

2017 Lent Mission Project

2017 Lent Mission Project – Care Kits for Homeless Neighbors. Once again, Reformation Lutheran Church will join with Lutherans across Southeastern PA to collect items for self care and then […]

Feeding the Homeless

Help with Feeding the Homeless, Thursday, March 23. Please sign-up on the sheets on the counter in the narthex to help in one of these ways: Make a meat casserole […]


On Sunday, March 19, the director of Bear Creek Camp, Dan Scharnhorst, will be with us for a special Bear Creek Camp Sunday! During the Sunday School hour, parents are […]


Sundays, March 12, 19 & 26 We’re hosting a book fair! Stop by the Sunday School hallway downstairs on Sundays, March 12, 19, and 26 to get faith-filled books and […]

Girl Scout Sunday

GIRL SCOUT SUNDAY – MARCH 12 All girls (and adult leaders) who are involved in Girl Scouts are invited to attend worship in uniform on Girl Scout Sunday, March 6. […]

March Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast group is inviting Reformation Men to join us for breakfast at Media’s Court Diner on Saturday, March 11.  The alternative location this month is due to the Scholar […]

Help Needed!

The Cookie Ministry needs your help – The cookie ministry delivers home-baked cookies to first-time visitors to let them know we appreciate their visiting.  We need volunteers to either bake […]


First Communion Classes will be held on three consecutive Saturday mornings from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. The dates of the classes are March 25, April 1 and April 8. The […]

Lent Study Groups

This year’s groups will be reading and discussing the book: Hidden Inheritance: Family Secrets, Memory and Faith by Heidi Neumark, a Lutheran pastor serving in New York City. Information about […]

Phone Shepherds Needed!

We Need Phone Shepherds! – If you have ever wondered how you could help the congregation with just 30 minutes of your time from the comfort of your own home […]

Adult Forum – Feb. 19

“Everybody Has a Story” – Sunday, February 19 – Adult Forum – 9:45-10:45 in the Choir Room.  Reformation Church’s own Dr. Margaret “Margie” Gibson, who has now written six books, […]

OWLs meets February 13

The OWLs program for Monday, February 13 at 12:30 features Margie Gibson who will give a  powerpoint presentation on her new book   Deacon Beth will also be in attendance […]

Installation of Deacon Beth Barkhau – Sunday, February 12

Come celebrate the installation of Deacon Beth Barkhau as our Director of Faith Engagement on Sunday, February 12th.  The guest preacher will be Pastor Arden Krych at both worships.  Plan […]

Men’s Breakfast is Feb. 11

The Men’s Breakfast group is inviting all Reformation men to our next breakfast on Saturday, February 11.  Our guest speaker for this month is Ron Fender, who, by profession, is […]

Boy Scout Sunday

Boy Scout Sunday – February 5. All boys (and adult leaders) who are involved in Boy Scouts are invited to attend worship in uniform on Boy Scout Sunday, February 5. Worship […]

SOUPer Bowl Sunday!

SOUPer Bowl – On Sunday, February 5, you are invited to help us celebrate SOUPer Bowl Sunday!  We will be collecting cans of soup for the Media Food Bank. Bring […]

Eco Movie Night and Potluck

Friday, February 3, at 6:30 pm – Please join us for a fascinating look at Bees and their importance in the ecosystem.  Supper will begin at 6:30 PM and the […]

Mark E. Davis Scholarship 2017-2018

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark. The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year […]


The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29, beginning with a luncheon immediately following the 11:00 worship. Copies of the written annual reports will be available at […]


An Adult Forum will be led by Treasurer Tom Conroy at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, January 22, in Creighton Hall. This will be an opportunity to hear an in-depth report […]

Harvey Cedars & YouthWorks Mission Trip

HARVEY CEDARS The Harvey Cedars retreat, for all youth in grades 6-12, will be held March 3-5. Registration materials and payment will be due by Sunday, January 15. Information has […]

Men’s Breakfast – Sat., Jan. 14

The Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation men to our next breakfast on Saturday, January 14. Our guest speaker this month will be renowned world traveler, Mr. Dan Smith (and […]

ROCK On – Jan. 8

Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to our January Youth Group gathering! Emily Black will be hosting our first ROCK On session on Sunday, January 8, at 4:00 pm. This […]


SUNDAY, JANUARY 8 12:00 pm in Creighton Hall This review is for all CPR certified members or those interested in CPR. Training will be conducted by Pat Woerheide, RN after […]

Christmas Eve, Day and New Year’s Day Services

CHRISTMAS EVE AND DAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP All services include Carols, Candlelight, & Communion 4:00 p.m. – a special service designed especially for children who will participate in […]


St. Nicholas Celebration Sunday, December 4 Will be held during both morning worships. Bishop Nicholas will visit us and dedicate the gifts we bring to support local community organizations. Chester […]


As you plan for the coming season of gift-giving, consider a gift of hope and love that can help make a difference in the world with ELCA GOOD GIFTS. The […]

Gift Giving Opportunities

Please take a gift tag from the tables in the hallway outside the Church Office and tape the tag to the unwrapped gift. Bring the gifts to worship on Sunday, […]


Barbara Stechert, Manager of Donor Relations and Ministry Partnerships for Lutheran Charities and a Certified Church Consultant, will engage the adult forum participants in a Jeffersonian style conversation. Thomas Jefferson […]

Advent Starts Nov. 27

LONGING FOR THE LIGHT OF HEALING AND HOPE November 27 is the First Sunday in Advent. Worship that day will include our “Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope” […]


When we think of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we generally think of family, food, and the sharing of gifts. This holiday season, you can help our less fortunate neighbors have holidays […]


9:45-10:45 AM CREIGHTON HALL (LOWER LEVEL) Join the fun for all ages! At the Festival you can make an Advent wreath to take home, make crafts, and sign Christmas cards […]


Come tailgate with the eagles at Conowingo Dam on Saturday, November 19. We will gather at the church at 9:00 a.m. and drive together. We expect to return around 1:00 […]


YOUTH GROUP – COOKIE BAKE All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in a Thanksgiving Cookie Bake on Sunday, November 13. We will gather at 12 noon for […]


God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9 In response to God’s faithfulness and grace we Invite, […]


On Sunday, November 13, during the Sunday School hour, the 2015 ASP Mission Team will share a presentation of their experiences this past summer serving in Bland County, VA. All […]