First Time Visitor

First Time Visitor


Are there Fellowship Opportunities?

How Do I Learn More about Reformation?

Is Reformation Handicap Accessible?

Is There an Offering?

Is There Parking?

What are the Friendship Pads and Welcome Center?

What is the Sunday Schedule and What Can I Expect?  

What Should I Expect When I Arrive?

Is Reformation Handicap Accessible?

The building is accessible for everyone. There are designated handicap parking spaces. A walkway ramp to the main entrance helps those in wheelchairs enter the building. In the sanctuary there are reserved spaces for wheelchairs as well as reserved companion seats. We also have ADA compliant bathrooms, an assistive hearing system with adjustable volume, and large print bulletins. The building includes an elevator and is air conditioned throughout. Read more about Accessibility at Reformation here.

If you wish to discuss specific needs, please contact the Church Office.

What is the Sunday Schedule and What Can I Expect?  

8:30 – Worship

Worship follows the ancient Christian pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending in modern language and style which is designed for the participation of all. This service includes organ and piano music and the Chancel Choir provides special music (except during the summer). There is also a “Sermon on the Steps” (a Children’s Message) at each service.

9:45 – Education

Classes are offered for all ages. Sunday School classes are for children from birth through grade 6. Confirmation classes are offered for 7th and 8th graders. High School students meet in the Breakfast Club each week. Classes for adults include a weekly Bible Study, Women’s Connection, special topic Forums, and other classes that run for a few weeks at a time. The monthly newsletter and website includes information on the classes being offered each week. Classes are held the Sunday after Labor Day through mid-June.

11:00 – Worship

**During the summer months this service moves to 10:00.

Worship follows the ancient Christian pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending in modern language and style which is designed for the participation of all. This service includes music led by piano and band. The singing group, Souls, provides special music (except during the summer). There is also a “Sermon on the Steps” (a Children’s Message) at each service.

Communion is a part of almost all worship services held at Reformation. All are welcome at the Lord’s Table! We believe and teach that Christ is present in the mystery of the sacrament of Holy Communion and that by communing with him we receive the forgiveness of sins. Communion is distributed by intinction, which means that those at worship are invited to come forward, receive the communion wafer and then dip it into the chalice with grape juice or wine. Gluten free wafers are available as well.

Is There Parking?

There are parking spaces available on all sides of the building. There are spots reserved for visitors and handicap spaces.

What Should I Expect When I Arrive?

You can expect to be greeted at the door and provided with a bulletin to help you follow the service. Most of the service is printed in the bulletin. A few hymns will be in the hymnals located under the seats in front of you.

You can expect to see people of all ages and many families with young children. Children are very welcome in worship. Our smallest worshipers are invited to sit toward the front where it is easiest for them to see and hear worship. There are special children’s bulletins for both readers and pre-readers. In addition to coming forward for the Sermon on the Steps, children can also visit the Pray-Ground in the back of the sanctuary where books and soft toys available. Bags filled with coloring books can also be taken back to your seat. Special bags with Autism Friendly Toys are also available. There is also a professionally staffed nursery close to the sanctuary. Ushers will happily help direct you there.

Is There an Offering?

Worship simply is offering – in worship we offer God the thanks and praise. Part of our offering of thanks and praise is a financial “offering” in response to and recognition that all of life and all we have is a gift of God. These gifts support the mission and ministries of the congregation. There are often special offerings for special projects or programs. For instance, on the first Sunday of each month a globe is passed to collect money to combat world hunger. You will see members using special envelopes for their offering. There are extra envelopes available from the ushers. You can also contribute through our secure online giving.

What are the Friendship Pads and Welcome Center?

All worshipers are invited to take a moment to sign the friendship pads (which are located on the aisle seat and passed across each row and then back to the center). This helps worshipers know the names of those seated near them and it helps with our record-keeping.

After worship we invite you to stop by the Welcome Center which is located in the lobby (or Gathering Space). Special gifts await those who visit the Welcome Center where a member will greet you and help you find additional information about the ministries at Reformation.

How Do I Learn More about Reformation?

Several times during the year “Discover Reformation” sessions are offered. These sessions provide a chance to get acquainted with the other people at Reformation and learn about the life and mission of the congregation.

Please feel free to check the News and Events section and Calendar of Events for opportunities to serve or to join small groups that might be of interest.

Are there Fellowship Opportunities?

Following worship, you are invited to enjoy fellowship time and refreshments which takes place in the gathering space/lobby to the side of the sanctuary.

Additional opportunities for fellowship, learning, and serving with others at Reformation happen all the time.

Click an image below to learn about some of our latest fellowship opportunities.

Trunk or Treat! 2024
October Library Book Club
Fall 2024 Connection Groups