Looking Ahead to LENT

Looking Ahead to LENT

February 18 at 12 pm and 7:30 pm

We will mark the beginning of our Lent journey on Ash Wednesday with worship at both 12 noon and 7:30 p.m. Both services will include the imposition of ashes and communion. We look forward to you joining us for worship on February 18.


Wednesdays during Lent
Soup Suppper at 6:30 pm
Evening Prayer at 7:30 pm

Each Wednesday in Lent following Ash Wednesday, we invite you to gather for a soup supper and discussion at 6:30 p.m. in Creighton Hall. The soup supper will be followed by Evening Prayer in the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m. The first gathering will be held on February 25. You are welcome to join us for both – or come and join us at the start of worship. Please look to the February newsletter and the Reformation Times Lite on Sundays for additional details about these midweek gatherings in Lent.



2015 Lent Small Group Book Discussion
Making Sense of the Cross
By David J. Lose

Join others from Reformation this Lent to “listen in” to a conversation author David Lose imagines having around the kitchen table about the meaning of the cross. Making Sense of the Cross encourages readers to bring their own questions and understandings of the cross for our lives and join the conversation!

You can purchase a book at Reformation or download the Kindle version.
All groups begin the week of February 15.
Group sessions will last 60-75 minutes.
Copies of the book are available at Reformation for $12.00.

Click HERE to see the many times the small groups are being held and to print your own registration sheet.