Dining Around is an opportunity to meet new friends, renew old friendships, enjoy good Christian fellowship, and enjoy wonderful food.
The groups consist of 8-10 members who meet several times a year, either on a Friday or Saturday night. The host family provides the main dish and the members bring an appetizer, side dishes, and dessert.
There will be a Kick-Off Wine and Cheese Event on: Friday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the Narthex (lobby). You are welcome to bring a snack, or wine, if you like.
Sign-up by using this form or the sign-up sheet in the Narthex (lobby) to show your interest in being part of Dining Around. This form can be returned in the offering plate, or by giving it to an usher, or returning it to the church office.
Phone Number:
Preferred Evening: Fri Sat Either
Able to host? Fri Sat Both
Any questions, please contact Uli Neubert at ulineub@comcast.net or 610-202-0638.