What a treat members of the OWLs experienced in November when Toini Scherer not only taught about root vegetables, but also used root vegetables to cook a delicious lunch! An excellent turn-out for an excellent program!
The December 14th meeting will begin with the return of the Three Wise Women! They will provide the devotion, followed by lunch. Leave the sandwiches home, but bring a main dish, or side dish, or salad, or dessert. We’re having a potluck lunch!
The program is a Christmas Carol game, with Gladys Martin at the piano for singing along. As is the custom, small unwrapped gifts from the dollar store (or drawer at home) may be brought to the meeting. After the meeting, those who wish will travel to Fair Acres to see Jeanette Brown and deliver the gifts, which are used as Bingo prizes during the holiday season. Come join us at 12:30Ppm to 2:30 pm for faith, fun, and fellowship!