Reformation Lutheran is once again teaming with the Needlework Guild of America (NGA) to collect NEW underwear and socks. NGA is a grassroots charity dedicated to providing NEW toiletries, linens, and clothing (that’s TLC) for new tomorrows. The collection will start on August 18 and end September 15. NGA is now giving to 12 agencies; 2 are early learning centers which need children’s items, but all ages, sizes, and genders are needed. The agencies are: CADES, Camp Dreamcatcher, City Team, Delco Pregnancy Center, Domestic Violence of Chester Co, Fair Acres, Inglis House, Salvation Army, Seaside Home, Simpson House, Tick Tock Early Learning Center, and West Chester Area Day Care Center.
(For further information, or to help with the sorting on Thursday, October 10, please contact Sally Burkam).