Emanuel Nine Prayer Service June 17 at Noon

Emanuel Nine Prayer Service June 17 at Noon

An ELCA Prayer Service for Commemoration of the Emanuel Nine will be available for online viewing at 12 noon Eastern Time on Wednesday, June 17, the fifth anniversary of the evening nine people were shot and killed during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. The service will include leaders from around the ELCA and ecumenical partners, including episcopal leadership from the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will preach the sermon. We join in a time of repentance, mourning and prayer as we remember these nine martyrs and renounce the sins of racism and white supremacy. The service can be viewed here. This site also has resources to mark this day in your congregation.

In commemoration, ADLA National President Rev. Lamont Anthony Wells hosted two conversations remembering the life and legacy of the Emanuel 9. Watch his conversations with Ms. Rose Simmons, actor/author/filmmaker and daughter of the Rev. Daniel Lee Simmons Sr., one of the Emanuel 9, and with Rev. Dr. Miriam J. Barnett, medical director of the International Health Commission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
