Renewed in Christ

By God’s great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.   1 Peter 1:3

In the midst of all the challenges of life, we live with hope because of the promises God has given us in Jesus Christ. The verse from 1 Peter 1:3 (with which we always begin the liturgy for Holy Baptism) reminds us that, regardless of our circumstances, we can be continually renewed in our hope because of the resurrection of Jesus and the gift of new life that gives us.

During the coming weeks in worship we will hear from several members their reflections on the signs of life and hope in their lives and here at Reformation.

As you hear their stories, consider the bountiful blessings of God and the opportunity God gives us to share them with others.

Your inspiring faithfulness and generosity continues to make it possible for us to fulfill our mission to Invite, Serve and Build.

In a few weeks, you will receive your 2022 Annual Fund pledge card. It can be completed and returned in the mail or online (more details will follow). We will celebrate Commitment Sunday on October 24.