August Vicar’s Blog

“Give us this day our daily bread.”
Matthew 6:11

Greetings, beloveds!

The start of August means summer is coming to a close very soon. Beach bags are traded for backpacks, trips have been taken, and the fun of camps and VBS are now memories.

On that note, we want to thank all who helped to plan, carry out, and support our “Food Truck Party” Vacation Bible School here at Reformation last month! We welcomed 45 children for a week of food-themed Bible lessons, music, crafts, service, and more. Throughout the week, the kids learned a familiar mealtime prayer:

God is great,
God is good.
Let us thank God for our food.
By God’s hands we all are fed.
Give us, Lord, our daily bread!

The theme of the week and this prayer remind us of God’s abundant provision and care for us.

Scripture shows us that children and youth are not simply the future of the Church, but that they are the Church here and now. We give thanks for the faith of children and the ministry of our Vacation Bible School this year!

In Peace,
Vicar Eileen (she/her)