Vicar’s Blog May 2024

Vicar’s Blog May 2024

Romans 16:1–2. The apostle Paul writes:

“I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. I ask you to … give her any help she may need from you, ….”

 Phoebe is the first person to be named a Deacon in the Bible.  Deacon comes from the Greek word Diakonos which translates to– one who engages in humble service.

In recognizing Phoebe’s role in the church and asking the people to help her, Paul was asking for a radical welcome. RELC has graciously welcomed this aspiring Deacon, as if Paul had written this appeal to you.   You invited me in, allowed me to participate and assist you with worship, join you in prayer, in church committees, women’s gatherings, at staff and council meetings, and in outreach to many of your ministry partners.  I’ve come to love this active, friendly, wise and spiritual congregation.

Pastor Alina and Eileen’s leadership has been a glory to be a part of. The wisdom, love and energy they pour into their call as Pastors is exemplary.  They are true role models and I’ve appreciated their cheerful and patient guidance.  I’ve also appreciated the Internship Committee members, Pat, Talitha, Joyce, Caroline, and Linda for their time and friendship, and for steering me in right directions.

Finally, I’m grateful for the top notch leadership and support of the Reformation Staff whose expertise in administration, finance and music has been most impressive.

Deacons are commissioned to be the bridge between the church and the world but it takes a village – congregants, pastors and staff, to spread God’s goodness out across our communities.

Best of luck in all your endeavors.
May the Holy Spirit bless and keep you.

Vicar Paula