Stewardship Campaign: Beloved Community

Stewardship Campaign: Beloved Community

At Reformation we are building the Beloved Community through our worship and outreach, our learning and fellowship, and all the ways that we share God’s love with each other!

This year our stewardship campaign is celebrating the generosity of our congregation through our support of Vicar Paula’s internship, our partnership with Grace Lutheran Church, our Youth Gathering participants, and our Capital Campaign.

As you hear these stories over the next few weeks, reflect on the ways you are seeing the Beloved Community here at Reformation. Here are what some of our Council leaders said:

  • God says love your neighbors and we are very good at following directions! – Marian Filtz
  • Reformation is a church whose actions are a “Communion of Saints.” Each time you walk through the door you feel so welcome … That is something we embrace and never take it for granted. – John Grantland
  • I experience and see our Beloved Community here at Reformation…the unwavering support and love was especially evident during our Capital Campaign. It has shown me that our Reformation community values the work that we do so much, that we want it to reach our community and the world at large. I could never have imagined the generosity of our community during this important milestone in our church lives. I am SO PROUD to be a member of Reformation!!!! – Debbie Conley
  • The word beloved is wonderful to say – it refers to a love that lies at the core of us. When you are beloved, you are treasured and accepted for who you are. Let Reformation be your beloved community in ways big and small.  There is room for all God’s children to find belovedness here. – Laura Reiter

Learn more about our stewardship campaign and these generosity highlights here. Join us for Commitment Sunday, October 27, where we will collect 2025 pledges and celebrate the year of ministry ahead!