Reformation is embarking on a journey to strengthen our congregational vitality. This page is dedicated to keeping you updated as we move along this transformative journey. Check back often to stay updated.
What are “Vital Congregations”?
Communities of Jesus where there are life-changing relationships with God, one another and the world.
Vital Congregations . . .
* Embody God’s presences
* Invite and welcome ALL
* Worship in spirit and truth
* Share faith and tell stories
* Promote healing
* Show mercy, do justice and serve ALL
* Practice radical generosity in all things
* Grow and connect leaders
* Rooted in the community/neighborhood which they serve
* Create change
* Grounded in hope
The first step in this process is for our congregation to take the confidential and anonymous Vitality Survey. It will only take you about 10 minutes but the information you provide is priceless as we begin this journey together.
Thanks for your help!