Eco Ministry Updates

Eco Ministry Updates

Eco Thanks You

The Eco Ministry would like to thank everyone who purchased a shopping bag with the Reformation logo. We collected $215 during our spring/summer sale and the money has been used to purchase seven ceramic water filters. When safe drinking water is not available – especially following natural disasters or emergencies – a simple, ceramic water filter is a lifesaver. Capable of purifying water without electricity or chemicals, it is a powerful tool to quench thirst and prevent water-borne diseases like cholera and typhoid. Stay tuned for a future bag sale as we continue to help others who are in need of safe drinking water.

Eco Back-to- School Ideas!

Reduce Waste

  • Choose refillable pencils and pens 
  • Use paper with high post-consumer recycled content 
  • Purchase binders made out of recycled materials


  • Discard used pages from old notebooks and reuse 
  • Reuse and repair backpacks instead of purchasing new