Pentecost Sunday Geranium Planting – On Sunday June 8th wear red, gardening clothes and bring your gardening gloves. We’ll be planting the geraniums in the garden beds after 11:00 service. No need to sign up just show up to help!
Vacation Bible School is June 22nd to June 26th. Volunteers are needed for a variety of opportunities to teach and show our living faith to all children. We also need your egg cartons and long (empty) wrapping paper tubes for a craft project we’ll be doing.
The Patriotic Concert — ATTENTION ALL ICE CREAM SCOOPERS, DECORATORS, FRUIT PREPARERS AND SET UP AND CLEANUP CREWS. The Patriotic Concert is July 1st at 7pm. The setup, decorating and fruit prep will be on SUNDAY JUNE 29TH AFTER THE 10:00 SERVICE. We’ll also need Ushers, ice cream scoopers and a cleanup crew, signups will be in the Narthex soon!
Fellowship Hour — In order to continue this ministry we need congregation members to volunteer to do the Fellowship Hour each week. Some are concerned that they need to make coffee. The coffee will be ready to be plugged in. All you will need to do is bring perhaps a half gallon of juice (for the summer) and some snacks – it does not have to be elaborate. The purpose is to have the congregation mingle and get to know people from each service. Sign by the date you are willing to serve on the form in the Narthex.
Flower Delivery and Supplies – Each week flowers are delivered to members of the congregation. Delivery usually doesn’t take long and is local and always brings a smile to the face of the person receiving the flowers. If you can donate a half hour or so of your time after the late service once in a while, please contact Barb Williams to be included in future scheduling. We could also use empty half gallon juice/milk cartons for our flower deliveries – just rinse them out and we will cover them with contact paper to prepare them for delivery. There is a box in the Narthex for your donations.
All of Reformation’s Ministries would be happy to have you on their team. We have booklets available in the narthex describing what each ministry does throughout the year. If you’re unable to commit to the ministry you may volunteer to help with a specific activity to help a ministry. At Reformation we’re fortunate to have a variety of ways to get involved, and most do not take a lot of time. Please contact me if you have any questions or want to know how you can volunteer to serve others.
Thank You, Diane Black