The West Point Cadet Choir will perform at Reformation on Friday, January 16th at 7:30pm. The cadets will be with us from Friday, January 16th – Sunday, January 18th. In addition to the concert, the cadets will also participate in our 8:30 am service on Sunday, January 18th. We are sharing the Cadets with Calvary Lutheran Church in West Chester. We currently need host families to house the cadets for the weekend. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you are interested and able to do this. Full details on their schedule will be distributed to the host families but in summary the host family will pick up their cadets after Friday’s concert at RLC, bring them back to RLC Saturday morning, pick them up Saturday night after they return from their concert at Calvary and bring them back to RLC Sunday morning. Any question, please contact Deb Walter at 610.356.6876.