In November 1995, Reformation was one of four churches that traveled to Africa to initiate a new ELCA idea of forming partnerships with other Lutheran churches in Tanzania. Phylilis Frieberg and Doc Schock were assigned Pangani. They were excited by the idea and with their positive experiences, formed the Global Mission Committee to help support a partnership with Pangani Parish.
The idea was not to just donate money into their treasury but to work with them in a practical way to help their church to grow. With this in mind, Reformation developed a Secondary Education program and it has been very successful. To maintain communication with the partnership, the committee tries to hold a joint Pennsylvania/ Pangani Sunday each year.
During the intervening years, members of Reformation made visits to Pagani in 2002, 2007, and 2011. Now during the 20th anniversary year, the committee would very much like to celebrate the occasion with another visit. Those who have made the trip in the past have been very excited about their experiences. A nucleus group is beginning to form and the committee is looking for at least four participants to make the trip practical. John Chester has shown a very positive interest in going.
If you are interested and would like more information, please contact John Chester or Doc Schock. With enough interest we will hold an informational meeting in the near future.