Don’t let your pledges slip.
As we write this article in early March, the ice and snow is still all around. Yes, it has been a miserable winter. Even though the snowfall totals have been much lower than last year, it seems the storms were coordinated to hit each Sunday through January and February. As a result, our attendance has been down and our giving is behind budget.
Those who attended the Annual Congregational Meeting heard our Treasurer give us a budget challenge of $9700 to balance our 2015 budget and allow us to do all the things that Reformation is known for. Unfortunately, our income for January and February has drifted behind the pledges that were made in November, exacerbating the problem of meeting program needs.
There are several ways to stay current with your pledge. The best is to be at church and enjoy the worship services every Sunday. But when the ice and snow is preventing that, you can consider using your bank’s electronic bill-pay system to set up automatic payments or scheduled payments each Sunday. You can mail your envelope to the church. You can even use our website to catch up through PayPal. Yes, we offer many opportunities for you to catch up on your pledge, but it is up to you to do so.
When you receive this newsletter, April will usher in the glory of Easter, Nature will be bursting forth and the winter woes will be wiped from our memories. Help us stay on track to make 2015 another year of expanding programs for worship, community, and youth. Your dedication to staying current and even contributing to the $9700 shortfall is the only way to do so.
Thank you.