January Event: SkyZone
Sunday, January 10
All youth in grades 6-12, and their friends, are invited to SkyZone on Sunday, January 10. More information will be emailed out to parents. Youth can sign up in the ROCK Room or by contacting Pastor Alina.
The Summer 2016 ASP trip will be held July 23-30. We will be serving in a community in Virginia. Anyone age 13 or older is eligible to be a part of our team. The cost of participation is $100 per participant. Registration forms and payments are due by February 1, 2016. Note: 7 youth registrations are required for the trip to be held. Please see Pastor Alina with any questions or for registration materials.
A forum for all youth in grades 7-12 will be held on Sunday, January 10, during the Sunday School hour.
The Harvey Cedars retreat, for all youth in grades 6-12, will be held March 4-6, 2016. The cost is $125 per participant. Checks should be made out to Reformation. Scholarship money is available. Registration materials and payment will be due by Sunday, January 17. More information will be communicated with parents via e-mail. Please speak with Pastor Alina if you have any questions.
2016 Youth Group SCHEDULE
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Youth Group events in 2016!
February 20 Glow Bowling
March 4-6 Harvey Cedars
April 10 Hike in Ridley Creek