“Be with us through this season, Lord, and all our earthly days, that when the final Easter dawns, we join in heaven’s praise.” – O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days, ELW Hymn No. 319
This year it seems like our Christmas celebrations just ended in time for our observation of Lent to begin! Regardless of how soon it will start, Lent always offers a special opportunity for us to reflect on our journey to the cross and to look with joy and anticipation as we gather at the empty tomb on Easter morning.
We will begin our Lenten journey this year on February 10 as we gather for our Ash Wednesday worships. On the Wednesdays following throughout Lent, we will gather for soup suppers and evening prayer. Then, in Holy Week, we will hear again the passion of Christ as we walk through the three days that lead us to our triumphant Easter celebration.
Also, we will once again be offering small group study opportunities. This year’s study will
look at the scripture through art as we hear the stories that lead us through the season of Lent – to the cross and then to the empty tomb. We hope that you will sign up and join one of these study groups.
Lent is a wonderful time for us to be reminded of God’s love through our fellowship, worship, and through the many opportunities we have to hear and reflect on God’s abundant grace and mercy throughout the days ahead.
Blessings as we begin our Lenten journey together!
Pastor Alina Gayeuski