Countdown to 500!

Countdown to 500!

Countdown to 500!

As a way of building excitement for and celebrating the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation this October, we’ll be conducting a 95-day* countdown to the big anniversary on October 31, 2017 (this year, Reformation Sunday actually falls on October 29). In honor of this major milestone anniversary our goal is to increase membership in THE 1517 SOCIETY** to at least 50 members (we currently have 43 members) this year. So, during the countdown, the Financial Management Ministry will highlight some simple ways you too can become a member of THE 1517 SOCIETY. Keep an eye out for more details in your mailbox and in Reformation Times and get ready for the countdown to kick-off in late July.

*Why not 100 days you might ask? Well, because Martin Luther’s mailing of his 95 theses to Albert of Brandenburg, the Archbishop of Mainz, on October 31, 1517 is widely considered as the start of the Protestant Reformation.

**THE 1517 SOCIETY consists of members and friends of Reformation Lutheran Church that have included our church in their Wills or provided for some other kind of planned gift or bequest to the church either during their lifetime or at their death.