CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is another way you can help our community! Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church has two AED machines (automated electronic defibrillators). They are also available in community centers, work environments and airports. Police carry an AED in squad cars. We have members who are trained responders in CPR with AED, but we also need informed members of the congregation who can help responders in an emergency. If you are a trained and certified responder, let me know the date of your certification. As a trained responder, you need to keep your skills sharp. Research has proven that periodic review improves skills and helps responders act when needed. On Sunday, February 11, come to Creighton Hall after the second service and review CPR with an AED. In six months we will have another CPR certification class. ALL ARE WELCOME, THERE IS NO COST TO YOU, Come and REVIEW CPR with us. A sign-up list is in the Lobby (gathering space). This is a review opportunity you should not miss.