Feb 2018 Pastor’s Blog

Feb 2018 Pastor’s Blog

“To those who have hunger, give bread; to those who have bread, give a hunger for justice. Amen.”  – Latin American Table Blessing

Over 28 years ago, the SOUPer Bowl of Caring began with this prayer: “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.”

The movement that started has since raised over $135 million for local food assistance organizations across the country.

The SOUPer Bowl of caring is just one way in which we are able to serve our neighbors right in our own community. According to statistics 1 in 6 people in America face hunger. The people in our area served by the Media Food Bank know the realities of food insecurities. Donations to food banks help to alleviate the hunger that so many face.

You are invited to bring a can of soup (or two!) with you to worship on Sunday, February 4. The cans collected will be taken to the Media Food Bank for distribution. The coordinators at the food bank tell us that cans of soup are a most popular item as they are easy to make and a good meal for all ages.

Last year we collected 265 cans of soup. We invite you to play a part in helping to feed those in need as we hope to meet or beat that number. Together we tackle hunger!

Pastor Alina Gayeuski