Meet Our Counters

Meet Our Counters

Every week our dedicated group of Counters, along with our Financial Secretary, Gary Kamin, meet to tally up RELC’s income for the past week. This group consists of John Berberich, Les Bryant, Deb Felton, Dave Helms and John Pritchard. The safe is opened and the group sorts receipts (offering envelopes, loose checks, etc.) into various income categories and determine which money is to be credited to a particular member’s record of giving or noted as income from another source. Other sources of income include the Reformation Nursery School & Stay and Play, Elwyn, rental income and other miscellaneous sources. The counters do the tallying and report their totals to both the Financial Secretary and a spreadsheet data entry person. After a thorough cross checking to make sure the actual receipts match what has been recorded in giving, the money goes to the bank for deposit. Our hardworking group especially appreciate when members use their personalized offering envelopes or write their envelope number on their checks.