April 2018: Library News

April 2018: Library News

Celebrate the Earth, Cultivate the Soul

As warming weather in April entices us outdoors to connect with our neighbors. as we celebrate Earth Day, and as the gardeners among us prepare to plant, our appreciation of earth, sky and water reasserts itself.

Here are some books in our library that speak to the sense of renewal and uplift in this season:

Roots and Sky: A Journey Home Through Four Seasons, by Christie Purefoy. This novel explores longing for home, reconnecting with nature, and appreciating the blessing of deep relationships with family and friends.

Soul Gardening: Cultivating the Good Life, by Terry Hershey. Hershey uses the metaphor of the garden to help us slow down, appreciate our world and come to a deeper relationship with God.

Simple Compassion: Devotions to Make a Difference in Your Neighborhood and Your World, by Keri Wyatt Kent. 52 devotions to lead to action to impact your community and beyond.

Wonderful Earth! By Nick Butterworth. An interactive book for children exploring the wonder of God’s creation and how to care for it.

The Earth and I by Frank Asch. For younger children, this story celebrates friendship that one child has with the Earth. They play together, listen to each other, and nourish each other.

Thank You to Edna Bogert for her recent donations.