Help With Our Sunday School Aid-For-Friends Cook-In
On Sunday, May 20, the Sunday School will again prepare meals for the homebound that Aid-For-Friends supports. This year, we are making meatloaf meals. If you can help by providing a meatloaf or two, or any of the other items listed below, it would be appreciated. You will find a form in your bulletin you can use to indicate which items you are able to bring. We need the following items cooked meatloaf, canned green beans, brown gravy, tomato sauce, butter, bread, and instant mashed potatoes. All but the meatloaves can be placed in the box in the gathering space by May 20 at 9:45 and the fully-cooked meatloaves (can be cold but not frozen) should be brought in on Sunday, May 20 by 9:45 am.