Oct. 2018 Library Blog

Oct. 2018 Library Blog

October 16 Book Club — News of the World by Paulette Jiles

All the books we read in the Reformation Book Club are terrific, but the selection we will discuss Tuesday, October 16, is especially rich in love, adventure, and suspense while exploring the joys of freedom, the struggle of reconciling different cultures, and the power of the news. If that sounds timely, it is. But political it is not. Set just after the Civil War, it is a story of a young girl taken by Kiowa being returned to her family and the elderly newsreader who takes on that task. The writing is beautiful and all these themes emerge in just 213 pages. Join us at 7 pm, even if you haven’t read the book.

Thanks for the Donations!

We lately received quite a few donations where the source is anonymous or unclear. We like to acknowledge our donors individually, but this time we have to just say a general thank you.


You can search for a great book in our church library here!