January Feeding The Homeless

January Feeding The Homeless

Help Feed the Homeless

Reformation provides meals to the homeless at the Life Center five dates per year: the fourth Thursday of each January, March, May, July and September. We usually provide at least 150 meals each time we go. It is a very much needed service and one that helps us in our mission to “serve our neighbors”. All are welcome to enjoy dinner and fellowship together afterward at a local restaurant.

Our next opportunity for you to participate in this rewarding mission is Thursday, January 24. There are several ways you can help:

  1. Make a meat casserole – The recipe and aluminum pans can be found on the counter in the lobby.
  2. Help pack meals on January 24, 5:15-5:45 pm in Creighton Hall.
  3. Join the car pool on January 24 at 5:45 pm to the Life Center to help serve meals.
  4. Make a donation to support this work using the special envelopes in the lobby.

Sign up in the lobby. Contact Brett Norton btnorton1@gmail.com for more information.