Sept. Deacon’s Blog

Sept. Deacon’s Blog

Gallup, Inc. is an American analytics and advisory company based in Washington, D.C. Each of you may have, at some time in your life, taken a Gallup poll or utilized Gallup research. A Gallup poll is an assessment of public opinion by the questioning of a statistically representative sample.

As your Director of Faith Engagement, I find Gallop research regarding spiritual engagement helpful.

Gallup defines spiritual engagement as the degree of belonging each member has in their local faith community and has found that when purposefully addressed, spiritual engagement translates into positive outcomes both inside and outside the local faith community. When members feel engaged, they regard their faith community like family and demonstrate a high level of ownership for their mission and ministry. According to research, engaged members are:

  • more than 10 times as likely to invite someone to participate in their congregation
  • nearly three times as likely to say they are extremely satisfied with their lives
  • likely to spend more than 2 hours per week serving and helping others in their communities
  • likely to give 3 times more to their faith communities annually

Faith engagement, spiritual engagement, takes on many and varied shapes and forms. Your callings, your prompting by, with, in and through the Holy Spirit build up this world. Your faith-filled actions, your desire to serve, your living out your faith in daily life, makes a difference.

As your called minister of word and service, your deacon, I am here to assist and accompany you. It is humbling to hear your stories as to how you are sensing God’s Holy Spirit calling you to serve, to share your God given gifts and talents, so as to engage in both the church and the world. 

This month, I ask again two simple questions and offer an invitation.  How might I be of help this day? Where might God be calling you to serve in the church or in the world? Let me know if you would like to pray, talk about, or work on a vision or action plan. Let me know if you would like to address a servant idea or be engaged with an agency of care.

May we each help one another embrace who we are as beloved children and assist one another to answer God’s call.

With peace and kindness,

Deacon Beth

“I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”  Ephesians 4:1-3