Holy Week 2020

Holy Week 2020

Palm/Passion Sunday
April 5 at 10:00 am 

The Great and Holy Week begins with the celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem accompanied by the waving of palm branches and shouts of Hosanna! Virtual worship begins with the Liturgy of Palms. The tone of the service shifts to the contemplation of the Passion of Christ as recorded in the gospel of Matthew. The passion narrative will be read by a variety of voices. Click here to join the Palm Sunday service via Zoom.

The Three Days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil – provide many wonderful worship opportunities to gather virtually as a community and reflect on the passion of Christ. During the Three Days we hear the story of the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ as told in the gospel of John. These three worships can be seen as one continuous movement from the final night Jesus spent with his disciples, to the cross, to the burial and finally to the empty tomb!

Maundy Thursday Worship
April 9 at 7:30 pm

The Three Days begin on Maundy Thursday. Virtual worship begins with an order of confession and forgiveness. It is also the night that we hear the words of Jesus’ new commandment (the Latin mandatum from which Maundy comes), to love one another. Click here to join the Maundy Thursday service via Zoom.

Good Friday Worship
April 10 at 7:30 pm

Virtual worship will be a reflective service of readings and prayer. The passion recorded in John’s gospel will help us focus on the cross at the center of our worship. Click here to join the Good Friday service via Zoom.

Easter Day Festival Service
April 12 at 10:00 am

Celebrate Christ’s triumph over the grave! We will join together for a virtual festival worship on Easter to celebrate the resurrection and the promise of life’s triumph over death. Click here to join the Easter service via Zoom.