
Cards4Chester is a new community interfaith initiative that seeks to bring encouragement to 1,000 incarcerated men in the State Correctional Institution at Chester. Cards4Chester has started a letter-writing/note card campaign to bring hope to those serving sentences in these challenging and lonely Covid-19 times. How might you help?

Follow the guidelines provided below. Write and return your letters or note cards to the Reformation Community Action Cards4Chester box located outside the main entrance to the church by February 28. Questions? Contact Anne Merz or Linda Bucher.

Guidelines For Prison Letter-Writing

Choose simple note cards, plain stationery, or even lined paper. Write a note of care and support. Include sentiments of encouragement such as, “During these times know there are people thinking of you and holding you in prayer.” Or, “We are with you in spirit and wish you peace, hope and love.” You might add a favorite poem, inspirational quote, or devotion. The idea is to inspire and encourage. Please no stickers or glitter. Sign your note with only your first name. It is very important that you do not include any personal information, such as your full name, information about your family, or even the name of your church.

All letters will be opened by the Cards4Chester coordinators and placed in a plain envelope so no return addresses will be sent.

Thank you for being part of bringing peace, comfort and hope in this new 2021 year!