July 2021 Pastor’s Blog

July 2021 Pastor’s Blog

“Lord Jesus, you shall be my song as I journey; I’ll tell ev’rybody about you wherever I ago: you alone are our life and our peace and our love. Lord Jesus, you shall be my song as I journey.

Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song, Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #808

When I was a child long trips in the car were great opportunities for games to help pass the time. Perhaps this is something your family does too. One of my favorite activities was always trying to find license plates from as many states as possible. (In fact, I still try to find license plates that seem to be the farthest from home when I travel!)

One of the things I appreciate about these activities is the way that they help to make us more aware of the world around us. They invite us to actively seek out quickly fleeting images found along the road that we are traveling.

The same invitation comes to us as we look at the world to notice signs of God at work in this world. We are invited to be attentive to the things that we pass along the road.

Summer is often a time for adventures and discovery that we might not have during the rest of the year. During this season of travel and journey, I invite you to watch – to look and listen – for signs of God at work in this world. Write them down as you go, take photos to remember the moments of seeing God in creation, in relationships, in cars passing on the highway, in meals shared and memories made.

May your journeys be safe and joyful as God is your constant companion and guide and will always be our song as we journey.

Pastor Alina