2021-22 Program year theme

2021-22 Program year theme

Renewed in Christ

By God’s great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  1 Peter 1:3

These words from First Peter are spoken at the beginning of our baptismal liturgy in worship as we prepare to witness the pouring out of God’s promises. Each time we hear these words we are reminded of how, through baptism, we are all renewed in Christ.

According to tradition, Martin Luther once said, “When you wash your face, remember your baptism.” For Luther, the act of remembering that we are baptized and renewed in the promises of God’s love should be as frequent and daily as the simple act of washing our face. And each time we are reminded of the renewing of God’s promises for us each new day.

Throughout this year ahead, as we continue to navigate much that will be unknown and uncertain, we continue to hold to the promises of God that claimed us in baptism and continues to renew us every day. We invite you to discover those moments of renewal at Reformation through worship, fellowship, learning, and serving together as we live out our mission and celebrate our life in Christ.

Thanks to Kristen Ziegler for designing the logo for our theme.