Electronics Recycling Event

Electronics Recycling Event

Reformation and our neighbors, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, are hosting an electronics recycling event for the community on Saturday, October 23, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.

PAR Recycle Works will be on site to receive the recyclable items. PAR works with formerly incarcerated individuals to provide work experience and tech skills.

For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please contact Pastor Alina.

Printers Mice Keyboards AV equipment Phones Speakers Motherboards Hard Drives Power Supply Wire – chargers, connectors, etc. Computer Batteries Laptops Gaming Equipment Routers Server Cabinets Floppy Disks Docking Stations Miscellaneous – computer-related materials

The following items include a cost to ensure they are properly recycled:

• Older CRT Monitors and TVs: $35 – $75/each (size varies)

• Flatscreen TVs: $20/each

• Computer Monitors: $5

• Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, & Air Purifiers: $20

• Microwaves: $10