Jan. 2022 Pastor’s Blog

Jan. 2022 Pastor’s Blog

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1:5

Living through a season marked by shorter days and longer nights, I find myself at this time of year eager, sometimes even impatient, for the reprieve of increased light each day.

I find myself experiencing similar feelings as we
continue to experience the pall of the ongoing pandemic encouraged by the periodic diminishment of the incidence of illness and
death only to be discouraged by the rapid rise again in the ravages of the disease.

How shall we live as faithful followers of Christ in
the midst of the darkness we often encounter in life? The season of Epiphany which we now enter as a church provides us a perspective which can be helpful.

Epiphany, which means
appearance or manifestation, focuses our attention on the ways in which Jesus was (and is) made known to be the Messiah, the light of the world. God in Christ comes to us, shining the light of healing in our brokenness, the radiance of joy in our sadness, illumination of hope in our despair.

Sometimes, the most powerful experience of the
light of Christ comes to us as we are channeling the light of Gods love and care to others. As we live hopefully into the future, may the light of
Christ renew us for our calling as beloved children of God.

Pastor Wayne Matthias

Christ, be our light!

Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness.

Christ, be our light!

Shine in your church gathered today.

Bernadette Farrell ELW 715