July 2022 Pastor’s Blog

July 2022 Pastor’s Blog

Let us build a house where all are named, their songs and visions heard and loved and treasured, taught and claimed as words within the Word. Built of tears and cries and laughter, prayers of faith and songs of grace, let this house proclaim from floor to rafter: All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place. All Are Welcome
(Hymn #641 verse 4, Evangelical Lutheran Worship)

Dear Reformation,

One of the great things about our community of faith is our welcoming spirit! It is something that is lived out here in diverse and dynamic ways. Our welcome statement has helped us to articulate that spirit. Approved by Council in 2018, our first welcome statement which has served us well over these past few years and helped many to know about Reformation.

Part of having our welcome statement means being designated as a Reconciling in Christ Congregation through ReconcilingWorks (Learn more at reconcilingworks.org!). They made updates to their program and we updated our welcome statement to reflect that ongoing work. David Fontes, Patricia Donnelly, and Tyler Troutman met with me over the past few months to help craft a new  statement that represents our ministry in this time and place. We are grateful for their work and the way they captured our shared work of the gospel together!

The new statement was passed by Council at our June meeting. We are excited to share it with you and all who come to encounter Reformation. It is printed on the cover page of this newsletter, is in
our bulletins each week, on our website, and in the frame in the lobby. We will once again celebrate this statement as part of our worship on Reformation Sunday. (If you havent had a chance
to sign the matting of the frame, be sure to join us for worship on Reformation Sunday!)

Thank you for all the ways you live out the wide, welcoming love of God here and in this world!

Pastor Alina