April 2023 Pastor’s Blog

April 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Alleluia, Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed. Alleluia! 

Dear Reformation,

Spring is upon us! We begin this season of new life with the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection in Easter. As we live into this hope of budding flowers, warmer weather, and the Easter season, we also look toward the end of the school year and the changes it will bring. Last month, Pastor Alina shared information about her upcoming sabbatical this summer. While we will miss her for the months she is gone, I am excited to keep our ministry going with all of you during this time! These months are sometimes slower, but we still need YOU in order to bring vibrancy to our worship and programs. This means continuing to serve in worship, volunteering for VBS and other summer opportunities, and helping us to live into where God is calling us in these months. I look forward to growing alongside you in this season, as Christ continues to call us to invite all people, serve our neighbors, and build a living faith.

In Peace,

Pastor Eileen