August Finance Smart

August Finance Smart

Did you know that there is a National Nonprofit Day? That’s right! And it happens to be this month! National Nonprofit Day was declared a national holiday on August 17, 2017. The founder of this special day, Sherita J. Herring, wanted to educate and empower others to make a difference and acknowledge those who have an impact on people’s lives.

Nonprofits need consistent support in order to thrive. Reformation Lutheran Church is a nonprofit organization who supports other nonprofits; therefore, it is vital to help any way you can!

There are many simple ways to celebrate National Nonprofit Day and help Reformation! For starters, you could set up a recurring donation. This is a great way to contribute regularly. If you need help setting this up, call the office and someone would be happy to assist you! Another big way to help is to give to Reformation’s Holiday Offering Fund. This fund is in constant need of donor support in order to assist our community and beyond. Volunteering is another great way to lend a hand. You can also help by spreading awareness online by telling your story using #NationalNonprofitDay. Lastly, pray for Reformation! That’s super easy and one of the most important things you can do to support your church!

If you would like to learn more about National Nonprofit Day, click here .

Thank you very much for your continued support and generosity to Reformation!

And remember…a prayerful giver is a happy giver! Always be sure to support your nonprofit within your means and you will be….
Finance Smart!

-Christine Corson