Nov. 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Nov. 2023 Pastor’s Blog

Hello, Beloveds!

If you’ve been in worship lately – and especially at the late service – you may have noticed a wave of baptisms! Throughout 2023, we have had a total of 10 newly baptized members of the body of Christ, the Church! We have also confirmed 7 ninth grade students this fall, and welcomed a handful of new members through Affirmation of Baptism in recent months.

In baptism, promises are typically made by parents, caregivers, and sponsors on behalf of the newly baptized. We’ve heard these words in worship a lot recently, but there is never a bad time to be reminded of your baptism! These promises are to…

live among God’s faithful people,
hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper,
proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed,
serve all people, following the example of Jesus,
and strive for justice and peace in all the earth. 

Whew! These are no small tasks. That is exactly why this liturgy is communal. In baptism or affirmation, we ask the people – the assembly, sponsors and parents, mentors – to promise that we will help one another. Because living out our faith is communal work – Jesus had a whole community of followers alongside him in his ministry! We give thanks to God for the abundant community that walks alongside us, accompanying us and reminding us that we are never alone.

In Peace,

Pastor Eileen (she/her)