Lent Wednesdays
Join us for worship! We begin our Lent journey on Ash Wednesday at 12 noon and 7:30 PM in-person (7:30 livestreamed.)
5:00-6:00 pm in the East Parking Lot on March 5, weather permitting, under the portico of the front main entrance. Stop by any time during this hour for a brief, 3-4 minute gathering for prayer and the imposition of ashes.
March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 we invite you to gather for a soup supper and fellowship at 6:30 p.m. in Creighton Hall. The soup supper will be followed by Holden Evening Prayer in the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m. You are welcome to join us for both – or come and join us at the start of worship. If you are able to bring soup or bread to the meal, please sign up in the lobby.
Lent Connection Groups
Click here to learn more about the groups being offered and to sign up!
All groups begin the week of March 2 and continue for 7 weeks.
Please register by February 24, 2025.
Contact Pastor Alina with any questions.
Lent Calendar
Find inspirational ideas for daily reflection and action and more with our ELCA devotional calendar.
Download a daily reflection-action calendar to cultivate creation justice.
Study Guide
Deepen your engagement throughout this season of Lent with our weekly study guide, where you can find impactful, motivational stories and information about how your gifts to ELCA World Hunger are at work in the world.
Lent Book
Read our 2025 Lent Book – A Faith of Many Rooms by Debie Thomas. Copies are available at the church, as a Kindle download, or from your favorite book seller. Contact the church office if you need assistance obtaining a copy of the book. Groups for discussion will be offered – see Connection Group page for more details. Print your own Lent Bookmark here.
Lent Art
Lent Art: Beloved Community. Being the Beloved Community means reflecting the love of God throughout the world. Look for the ways you see yourself reflected in that love!
Lent Prayer Path
Not happening this year due to construction in the field.
Lent Music
Building a Lenten Playlist
Expanding Our Vocabulary of Sacred
Lenten Playlist
Reconciling Works has put together a LGBTQIA+ Stations of the Cross Lenten Journey.
Click the button below to check it out!
Holy Week
Palm/Passion Sunday
We begin holy week on Sun., April 13 with worship at 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM. Palm Sunday Celebration at 9:45 AM including treats, games, a story, and an Easter Egg “Scramble” for all ages!
Maundy Thursday
Join us at Grace Lutheran, Broomall as we remember the Last Supper on Thursday, April 17. Wine & Cheese party starts at 6:30 PM & worship begins at 7:30 PM.
Good Friday
We will observe Good Friday on April 18 at Noon and 7:30 PM as we recount Jesus’ last days.
Noon service is at Grace Lutheran, Broomall.
7:30 PM service is at Reformation.
Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 19 at 7:30 PM with a guest preacher, Guest Preacher: Pastor Kayla Sadowy.
CHRIST IS RISEN! Sunday, April 20 at 6:15 AM (in the new pavilion!), 8:30 AM and 11 AM we will celebrate Resurrection Sunday.