June 2024 Pastor’s Blog

June 2024 Pastor’s Blog

Let the whole creation cry, “Glory to the Lord on high!” Heav’n and earth awake and sing, “Praise to our almighty king!” Praise God, angel hosts above, ever bright and fair in love; sun and moon, lift up your voice; night and stars, in God rejoice. (ELW, Hymn 876)

Dear Reformation,

Reformation is part of the Creation Care Ministry Network of Lutherans Restoring Creation – a network of ELCA congregations across the country engaged in the intentional work of creation care and eco ministry.

Part of LRC is to encourage all ELCA congregations to pass a covenant committing to the ongoing care of creation in these areas and ways:

  • Worship – including celebration of creation and gratitude to God for all that has been made.
  • Education – learning about the biblical and theological connections to our call to care for creation.
  • Building and Grounds – intentional use and stewardship of resources in maintaining property.
  • Discipleship at Home and Work – equipping members and friends of the congregation to engage in the care for creation in their daily life.
  • Public ministry – engaging in public witness and advocacy for environmental issues.

Our congregational commitment in these areas is already vibrant and evident in many ways! With the guidance of our Eco Ministry, Reformation continues to be a model for the way we are called to care for creation.

At the May meeting, Council voted unanimously to affirm this work and sign this covenant. (The full text of the covenant is available on the counter in the lobby.) We invite you to continue celebrating the great gift of God’s creation and working with us to care for the world for generations to come!

For more information about Lutheran’s Restoring Creation, click here.

Pastor Alina Gayeuski