INDOOR Worship for BOTH services Starts in August

INDOOR Worship for BOTH services Starts in August

As you are aware, the Gathering Safely Task Force and Council have been carefully
monitoring the current, updated Covid guidelines. At our most recent meeting, Council
made the following decisions:

–  Beginning on Sunday, August 1, both the 8:30 and 10:00 am worships will be held in
the sanctuary with a maximum of 75 people per service. Both services will also be
livestreamed to our website.

–  The outdoor service will not continue after July 25, 2021.

–  Masks will be required for anyone who is not vaccinated. Masks are strongly
encouraged for all as a way to show our love and concern for the most vulnerable
among us (such as children and immunocompromised adults).

–  Live music (organ/piano at 8:30 and piano/band at 10:00) will be part of worship.
Worshipers are asked to sing only if they are masked.

–  The church nursery will be staffed during both services.

–  Preregistration for worship on our website is requested below.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are
new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:2223

Register for INDOOR Worship