ELCA Votes

ELCA Votes

As people of faith, we are called to use our voices for action on behalf of our neighbors, and an opportunity is coming up soon! The General Election is coming up on November 5!  Get prepared to vote at our voter resource station in the lobby or using the checklist below. Deadlines to register to vote are PA: October 21; NJ: October 15; DE: October 12.  Don’t forget to pick up an #ELCAvotes pin to encourage others to vote, too! For more resources, visit vote.org.

  1. Register to vote OR confirm registration
  2. Determine if you will vote absentee, early, or in person on election day
  3. Find your polling place and hours
  4. See what’s on your ballot
  5. Learn ID requirements
  6. Get an #ELCAVotes pin from church & encourage others to get prepared!