Breakfast Items Collection

Breakfast Items Collection

During January and February, the Breakfast Club (High School) Sunday School Class is collecting non-perishable breakfast items for Caring for Friends. What is needed:

• Juice box or shelf stable milk/chocolate milk
• Single oatmeal packets
• Cereal bars/ granola bars (high-protein bars are appreciated)
• Tea bags or instant coffee, instant hot cocoa packets
• Fruit cups (with plastic lids or all metal only), fruit/vegetable squeeze pouches (such as Motts or GoGoSqueeze) *
• Packs of peanut butter crackers / or another treat

*Please note: Do NOT include fresh food, muffins, TastyKakes (they get mushy), chips, apple sauce with thin aluminum foil tops (they break easily in transit – pouches are best.) If you would like to contribute, please put your donation in the box in the narthex. Thank you so much for your consideration!