Lent Small Group Book Discussion and Prayer Journal

Lent Small Group Book Discussion and Prayer Journal

Unbinding the Gospel: Real Life Evangelism

Join others from Reformation this Lent to read and discuss a book that will help you think a fresh about your faith and the good news that God adores us and everyone else.  A 40-day individual prayer journal is an integral part of the book. You will enjoy the adventure of delving into the book “written to provoke, to tease and to charm us back into telling our story.” (The Christian Century)

– All groups begin the week of March 9
– Group sessions will last 75-90 minutes
– Copies of the book will be available at Reformation beginning on Sunday, March 2
– Cost of the book is $15.00

Days and times available:

– Mondays at 7:15 pm in Wallingford
– Wednesdays at 10:30 am at Reformation
– Thursdays at 10:30 am at Reformation
– Thursdays at 7:30 pm at Reformation
– Saturdays at 9 am at Reformation

Sign up forms are in the weekly bulletin or you can send an email with your contact information and preference of day.