Register Now: February 21, 2015, 9:00-3:30
Mission 2017: Luther Bibles and the Visual Arts. In preparation for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in 2017, we examine Luther as translator and editor of the Bible, in particular his collaboration with Lukas Cranach to embed the message of the gospel in the illustrations of his editions.
The Rev. Dr. Karl Krueger
Director of the Krauth Memorial Library; Professor, History of Christianity
Education: BS, Cairn University, 1974; MDiv, The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, 1980; MA, Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan, 1987; PhD, History, University of Michigan 1992; MLS, Drexel University 1996; Theological Studies at the Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal, 1976-1977; Summer Session, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 1983.
Dr. Krueger has always been fascinated with books and the role of religion in the immigrant experience. He wrote his dissertation on the congregations of the Polish-speaking Lutheran Mazurians in East Prussia and the United States. At the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia (LTSP) he teaches an online graduate course that explores the religious history, piety, and migration experience of East Europeans to the United States, a seminar about the history of the Bible in print, and a course on the history of Lutherans in North America.
Prior to his work at LTSP, Dr. Krueger worked in the Rare Book Room of the University of Michigan and as Public Services Librarian at the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies. Dr. Krueger has attended the Rare Book School at the University of Virginia and in 2007 was selected to participate in the Reformation of the Book Seminar that was sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. He has been published in the Lutheran Quarterly, Church History, and the ATLA Proceedings, and presented a paper at the Sixteenth Century Society Conference in St. Louis, Missouri in 2008, and at the International Symposium on Henry Muhlenberg in Halle, Germany in 2011. He was the keynote speaker at the Bishop’s Convocation, SEPA Synod (2011), and at SEPA Synod Assembly in 2012.
Dr. Krueger is a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and has served congregations in Pennsylvania and Ontario, Canada.
Saturday’s agenda:
9:00 a.m. Registation/Coffee 12:15 p.m. Lunch
9:20 a.m. Worship 12:45 p.m. Study III
9:30 a.m. Study I 1:45 p.m. Discussion groups
10:30 a.m. Break 2:30 p.m. Study IV
10:45 a.m. Study II 3:30 p.m. Closing Prayer”
11:45 a.m. Plenary discussion
Registration fee is $35 (only $30 if postmarked by Feb. 12)
- Students/Seminarians – $20
- Groups of eight or more- $25 each
~Includes breakfast and lunch~
Registration fee:
Early bird- $30 IF postmarked by 2/12/2014
After 2/21/2014- $35
Students/Seminarians – $20
Groups of eight or more – $25 each
~Registration includes breakfast and lunch~
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Amount enclosed: $____________________
Please make checks payable to “Reformation Lutheran Church”, with a memo line “S.I.R. 2015″.
Mail to: Reformation Lutheran Church, 102 W. Rose Tree Road, Media, PA, 19063
OR drop it into the offering plate.