Taking Faith Home weekly flyers are a simple, yet effective, tool to help your family extend their faith formation practices in your home. Based on the worship scripture text for the week, each flyer contains faith-building scripture, activities and devotions designed to help your family share and live their faith together during the week. With a variety of activities to choose from, the flyers offer something for everyone. Here are some of its key features:
- Based on the Revised Common Lectionary used by many congregations
- Gives examples of each of the Four Key faith practices (caring conversations, devotions, service, and rituals and traditions)
- Includes a weekly prayer, Bible verse, mealtime prayer, and blessing.
- Offers suggested daily Bible readings
- Taking Faith Home is available in the worship bulletin each Sunday
- Taking Faith Home is included with the weekly Sunday morning email to members which invites them to worship that day
We will be glad to send a copy via mail or email to anyone upon request to the church office.