June 2018 Music Blog

June 2018 Music Blog

Music at Reformation

Hello everyone, I am actively recruiting three new Choral Scholar positions – soprano, alto and tenor. If you know of any students in university or college music programs who would like to sing with the chancel choir and receive a stipend, please let me know! I will make sure they receive an application. Get in touch with me at varozek@gmail.com or by phone.

During summer worship at 8:30 am, we have traditionally had Special Music during the offering. There is such wonderful musical talent in our congregation. Please see me if you would be willing to share your musical talent during worship either individually or in a group. I am available for rehearsal if you would like for me to accompany you. See me after service or at the contact information above.

Watch for information about the Patriotic Concert Chorus in future bulletins and emails. If you are interested in singing with us this year, please let me know!

Have a great summer!

Soli Deo Gloria,