Council Liaison: OPEN
Chairperson: OPEN
The Marketing and Growth ministry strives to reach others who do not have a church home, that they might become members of Christ’s church; devoted to deepening spiritual life; promotes a welcoming climate for visitors; provides for public relations and media awareness; coordinates the incorporation of new members into the congregation.
We do this by focusing on 5 major areas in our ministry:
1. Climate: everything from the appearance of our buildings and grounds to the welcoming attitude of our members. It’s evident in our easy to-follow bulletins, and all of those aspects of church life that make people feel good about being here and happy they visited.
2. Awareness: This website, our posters, signs, press releases. This is the dimension of our ministry that gives us the “Marketing” part of our name. It is the variety of ways in which we promote our existence as a vital organization and institution in our community. It includes encouraging members to talk about Reformation to neighbors and friends, inviting them to special events and letting them know what a great congregation we are a part of. Individual inviting emphasis our Power of One Program.
3. Courting: When you visit we want you to know you are special to us and hope you will return. Our friendship pad coordinators, cookie angels, and our “evan-angels” help us in making everyone feel welcome here by offering a contact after you visit (if you indicate you want to be contacted).
4. Incorporation: Those who participate and get to know other members are much more likely to gain the full benefit of being a part of Reformation. We welcome everyone to share their time and talents, and interests with us so we can invite you to join in on an activity or event that matches those gifts and abilities. New members can attend a new member class and/or celebration dinner to help them get to know more areas of church life opportunities.
5. Nurture: The on-going care of our members is very important and that includes sending newsletters and having our website and the Reformation Lite (in our weekly bulletin) to keep members informed of events and activities. Our staff members pray for our members and send them cards. Our “CareSharers” have been trained as Eucharistic ministers to take communion to our home bound and ill members once a month and our Friendly Visitors take time to visit many of those same members. Our prayer shawls and the Sunday worship prayers are also a way we take care of each other. Every member can help in this part of our ministry by noticing when someone is absent and contacting them to see if they are ok.
Opportunites to serve include:
~ Greeters/Ambassadors who stand in the narthex before services and greet all people coming to worship and assist anyone who wants help or direction
~ We Care Committee; Care Sharers, Friendly Visitors
~ Church Website/Social Media, Publications, Publicity, Press Releases
~ Maintaining church bulletin boards, Newsletter, Reformation Lite
~ Cookie Angels (bake and deliver cookies to new visitors)
~ Friendship Pads, Time & Talent Forms, and New Member events.