Amazing Race To Serve

Amazing Race To Serve

Dear Reformation Members and Friends,

This summer Reformation youth and adult leaders will be heading to Washington DC for a long weekend of learning and serving in the nation’s capital.

As we all know, it takes resources of time, talent and treasure to send our youth and adult leaders on these trips. This year the Youth Ministry Team is excited to announce Reformation’s AMAZINGrace to Serve!

Two teams will be in a friendly competition to see who will reach DC first! When you sponsor this trip, you will be able to support the “Yellow Team” or the “Orange Team.” Each sponsorship will move one team closer to the city. You will be able to watch the teams move closer to their goal on the board in the lobby outside the sanctuary.

We hope you will consider partnering with our youth to help to make this trip possible because, in the end, all our youth will be service champions and head off to serve others in DC.

Please use one of the forms at the display in the lobby – choose the yellow form for the “Yellow Team” or the orange form for the “Orange Team” – to make your contribution by May 31. You can mail it to the office or put it in the offering plate on Sunday.

Thank you for your support and encouragement of our youth!

Grateful for your support,
Pastor Wayne Matthias-Long                  
Pastor Alina Gayeuski
Debbie Conley, Chair, Youth Ministry Team